In the 21st century the world is highly financialized, and income alone is not a sufficient support for millions of households. All people require access to safe financial products and services as well as sound financial knowledge. In addition, all families should be able to accumulate assets for their security and long-term development. Since its inception, CSD has served as a leading center for research on ways to enhance the financial security and development of families in the United States and around the world.


Research from 2013


Children & Youth as Economic Citizens: Review of Research on Financial Capability, Financial Inclusion, and Financial Education, Child & Youth Finance International


Conceptual Development of the CYFI Model of Children and Youth as Economic Citizens, Margaret S. Sherraden and David Ansong


Education Debt and Racial Disparity in College Success, Min Zhan


How Do Student and School Characteristics Influence Youth Academic Performance in Ghana? A Hierarchical Linear Modeling of Baseline Data From the YouthSave Ghana Experiment, Gina A. N. Chowa, Rainier D. Masa, Yalitza Ramos, and David Ansong


Is Student Debt Compromising Homeownership as a Wealth-Building Tool?, William Elliott, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, and Ilsung Nam


Parental Involvement and Academic Performance in Ghana, Gina Chowa, David Ansong, and Issac Osei-Akoto


Parental Involvement's Effects on Academic Performance: Evidence From the YouthSave Ghana Experiment, Gina A. N. Chowa, Rainier D. Masa, and Jenna Tucker


Perceived Impact of Individual Development Account Participation Among Native Hawaiians, David W. Rothwell, Rashida Bhaiji, and Anne Blumenthal


Reducing Student Loan Debt Through Parents’ College Savings, William Elliott and Ilsung Nam


Refund to Savings (R2S): Insight From the Field, 2012, Krista Holub, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Clinton Key, and Dan Ariely


Reimagining How Students and Families Pay for College: From Debt Dependency to Asset Empowerment, William Elliott III


Relationships Between College Savings and Enrollment, Graduation, and Student Loan Debt, William Elliott III, Hyun-a Song, and Ilsung Nam


Research Evidence on the CYFI Model of Children and Youth as Economic Citizens, Margaret S. Sherraden and David Ansong


Saving Behavior in Response to Motivational Prompts: Evidence From the Refund to Savings Experiment, Clinton Key, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Jenna Tucker, Krista Holub, and Dan Ariely


Savings Patterns and Performance in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal, Lissa Johnson, YungSoo Lee, Michael Sherraden, Gina A. N. Chowa, David Ansong, Fred Ssewamala, Margaret Sherraden, Li Zou, Moses Njenga, Joseph Kieyah, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Sharad Sharma, Jyoti Manandhar, Catherine Rodriguez, Frederico Merchán, and Juan Saavedra


SEED for Oklahoma Kids: Experimental Test of a Policy Innovation in a Full Population, Lisa Reyes Mason, Yunju Nam, Margaret Clancy, and Michael Sherraden


Small-Dollar Children's Savings Accounts and College Outcomes, William Elliott III


Small-Dollar Children's Savings Accounts, Income, and College Outcomes, William Elliott, Hyun-a Song, and Ilsung Nam


Student Debt and Declining Retirement Savings, William Elliott, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, and Ilsung Nam


The Impact of Asset Ownership on Future Orientation of Youth and Their Parents: Evidence From the YouthSave Ghana Experiment, Gina A. N. Chowa and Rainier D. Masa


The Impact of Family Assets and Debt on College Graduation, Min Zhan and Deidre Lanesskog


The Impact of Family Assets and Debt on College Graduation, Min Zhan and Deidre Lanesskog


Visual Demonstration of Academic Performance and Parental Involvement in Ghana, David Ansong and Gena A. N. Chowa


Youth and Their Health in Ghana, Gina Chowa, Rainier Masa, and Isaac Osei-Akoto


Youth Debt and College Graduation: Differences by Race/Ethnicity, Min Zhan


Youth Savings Patterns and Performance in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal, Lissa Johnson, YungSoo Lee, Michael Sherraden, Gina A. N. Chowa, David Ansong, Fred Ssewamala, Margaret S. Sherraden, Li Zhou, Moses Njenga, Joseph Kieyah, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Sharad Sharma, Jyoti Manandhar, Catherine Orgales Rodriguez, Frederico Merchán, and Juan Saavedra

Research from 2012


Are Child Development Accounts Inclusive? Early Evidence From a Statewide Experiment, Sondra G. Beverly, Youngmi Kim, Michael Sherraden, Yunju Nam, and MArgaret Clancy


Assets and Education Research Symposium Report–Linking Savings and Educational Outcomes: Charting a Course for Scholarship and Policy, William Elliott III


Assets, Economic Opportunity, and Toxic Stress: A Framework for Understanding Child and Educational Outcomes, Trina R. Williams Shanks and Christine Robinson


Assets for Independence: Asset Building for and by Young People, Sondra G. Beverly


Cash-Flow and Savings Practices of Low-Income Households: Evidence From a Follow-Up Study of IDA Participants, David W. Rothwell and Nahid Sultana


Challenges and Opportunities for Youth Saving, Center for Social Development; Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis; Institute for Statistical, Social, and Economic Research; and New ERA; Universidad de los Andes


Closing the Wealth Gap: Building Family & Community Economic Success, Jasmine Bass


Contributions of Qualitative Research to Understanding Saving Theory for Children and Youth, Margaret Sherraden, Clark Peters, Kristen Wagner, Margaret Clancy, and Baorong Guo


Does Structural Inequality Begin With a Bank Account?, William Elliott III


Early Program Enrollment in a Statewide Child Development Account Program, Jin Huang, Sondra Beverly, Margaret Clancy, Terry Lassar, and Michael Sherraden


Economic Socialization, Saving, and Assets in European Young Adults, Paul Webley and Ellen Nyhus


Effects of an Individual Development Account Program on Retirement Saving: Follow-Up Evidence From a Randomized Experiment, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Michael Sherraden, William Gale, William M. Rohe, Mark Schreiner, and Clinton Key


Financial Knowledge and Attitudes of Youth in Ghana, Gina A. N. Chowa, Mathieu R. Despard, and Isaac Osei-Akoto


Financial Knowledge and Child Development Account Policy: A Test of Financial Capability, Jin Huang, Yunju Nam, and Margaret Sherrard Sherraden


From Asset Building to Balance Sheets: A Reflection on the First and Next 20 Years of Federal Assets Policy, Ray Boshara


Household Assets, School Enrollment and Parental Aspirations for Children's Education in Rural China: Does Gender Matter?, Suo Deng, Jin Huang, Minchao Jin, and Michael Sherraden


Ideas for Refining Children's Savings Account Proposals, William Elliott III


Individual Development Accounts and Post-Secondary Education: Evidence From a Randomized Experiment, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Michael Sherraden, William Gale, William M. Rohe, Mark Schreiner, and Clinton Key


Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment, Jin Huang


Interviews With Mothers of Young Children in the SEED for Oklahoma Kids College Savings Experiment, Karen Gray, Margaret Clancy, Margaret S. Sherraden, Kristen Wagner, and Julie Miller-Cribbs


Long-Term Follow-Up of Individual Development Accounts: Evidence From the ADD Experiment, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Michael Sherraden, William M. Rohe, William Gale, Mark Schreiner, and Clinton Key


My Path: An Innovative Initiative to Increase Financial Capability Among Economically Vulnerable Youth, Vernon Loke, Margaret Libby, and Laura Choi


Parental Asset Accumulation Trajectories and Children's College Outcomes, Vernon Loke


Parental Educational Expectations by Race/Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status, Youngmi Kim, Michael Sherraden, and Margaret Clancy