Research from 2015
Impacts of Financial Inclusion on Youth Development: Findings From the Ghana YouthSave Experiment, Gina Chowa, Rainier Masa, David Ansong, Mat Despard, Shiyou Wu, Deborah Hughes, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Stephanie Afranie, Naa Adjorkor Mark-Sowah, Charles Ofori-Acquah, YungSoo Lee, Lissa Johnson, and Michael Sherraden
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Food Insufficiency: Evidence From a Statewide Probability Sample, Yunju Nam, Jin Huang, Colleen Heflin, and Michael Sherraden
Refund to Savings 2013: Comprehensive Report on a Large-Scale Tax-Time Saving Program, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Dana C. Perantie, Blair D. Russell, Krista Comer, Samuel H. Taylor, Lingzi Luo, Clinton Key, and Dan Ariely
Refund to Savings: Creating Contingency Savings at Tax Time, Michal Grinstein-Weiss
Starting Early for Financial Success: Capability Into Action [Special Issue], Michal Grinstein-Weiss and Margaret S. Sherraden
Statement Given in Bridging the Gap: How Prepared Are Americans for Retirement? Hearing Before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, Michal Grinstein-Weiss
"Taking the Bank to the Youth:" Impacts on Saving and Asset Building From the Ghana YouthSave Experiment, YungSoo Lee, Lissa Johnson, Michael Sherraden, David Ansong, Isaac Osei-Akoto, and Gina Chowa
Tax-Time Savings Among Low-Income Households in the $aveNYC Program, Clinton Key, Jenna N. Tucker, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, and Krista Comer
The Early Positive Impacts of Child Development Accounts, Sondra G. Beverly, Margaret M. Clancy, and Michael Sherraden
The SEED for Oklahoma Kids Child Development Account Experiment: Accounts, Assets, Earnings, and Savings, Sondra G. Beverly, Margaret M. Clancy, Jin Huang, and Michael Sherraden
The Volunteer Income Tax Preparer's Toolkit: Showing Clients Why Tax Time Is the Right Time to Save, Meredith Covington, Janie Oliphant, Dana Perantie, and Michael Grinstein-Weiss
Toward Productive Research Agendas in Financial Inclusion, Security, and Development, Michael Sherraden and Margaret S. Sherraden
Universal Accounts at Birth: Building Knowledge to Inform Policy, Michael Sherraden, Margaret M. Clancy, Yunju Nam, Jin Haung, Youngmi Kim, Sondra G. Beverly, Lisa Reyes Mason, Nora Ellen Wikoff, Mark Schreiner, and Jason Q. Purnell
Use of Alternative Financial Services Among Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Findings From a Large-Scale National Household Financial Survey, Mathieu R. Despard, Dana C. Perantie, Lingzi Luo, Jane Oliphant, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss
Voices of Youth, Parents, and Stakeholders: Findings From Case Studies in the YouthSave Project, Li Zou, Sarah Myers Tlapek, Margaret S. Sherraden, John W. Gabbert, Amy Ritterbusch, Ernest Appiah, Dorcas Opai-Tetteh, Githinji Njenga, Joseph Kieyah, Sharad K. Sharma, Jyoti Manandhar, and Manik Maharjan
Youth Saving Patterns and Performance in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal: Key Findings, Lissa Johnson, YungSoo Lee, David Ansong, Margaret S. Sherraden, Gina A. N. Chowa, Fred Ssewamala, Li Zou, Moses Njenga, Joseph Kieyah, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Sharad Sharma, Jyoti Manandhar, Catherine Rodriguez, Frederico Merchán, Juan Saavedra, and Michael Sherraden
Youth Savings Patterns and Performance in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal, Lissa Johnson, YungSoo Lee, David Ansong, Margaret Sherraden, Gina Chowa, Fred Ssewamala, Li Zou, Michael Sherraden, Moses Njenga, Joseph Kieyah, Issac Osei-Akoto, Sharad Sharma, Jyoti Manandhar, Catherine Rodriguez, Frederico Merchán, and Juan Saavedra
Youth Savings Patterns and Performance in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal: Executive Summary, Lissa Johnson, YungSoo Lee, David Ansong, Margaret S. Sherraden, Gina Chowa, Fred Ssewamala, Li Zou, Michael Sherraden, Mose Njenga, Joseph Kieyah, Issac Osei-Akoto, Sharad Sharma, Jyoti Manandhar, Catherine Rodriguez, Frederico Merchán, and Juan Saavedra
Youth Savings Patterns and Performance in Ghana: A Supplementary Report, Lissa Johnson, YungSoo Lee, David Ansong, Gina Chowa, Michael Sherraden, and Isaac Osei-Akoto
Research from 2014
Asset-Building Policies and Innovations in Asia, Michael Sherraden, Li Zou, Hok-bun Ku, Suo Deng, and Sibin Wang
Automatic Deposits for All at Birth: Maine's Harold Alfond College Challenge, Margaret M. Clancy and Michael Sherraden
Baseline Survey of the Third Cohort: A Supplemental Report From the YouthSave Ghana Experiment, Gina Chowa, David Ansong, Rainier Masa, Shiyou Wu, Yalitza Ramos, and Meli Blake Kimathi
Building a Lifetime of Economic Security: Mobilizing for Change, Center for Social Development
Does Outstanding Student Debt Reduce Asset Accumulation?, William Elliott, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, and Ilsung Nam
Economic Intervention and Parenting: A Randomized Experiment of Statewide Child Development Accounts, Yunju Nam, Nora Wikoff, and Michael Sherraden
Education Loans and Wealth Building Among Young Adults, Min Zhan and Xiaoling Xiang
Effects of Child Development Accounts on Early Social-Emotional Development: An Experimental Test, Jin Huang
Financial Capability and Asset Accumulation for Children's Education: Evidence From an Experiment of Child Development Accounts, Jin Huang, Yunju Nam, Michael Sherraden, and Margaret M. Clancy
Financial Education and Savings Outcomes for Low-Income IDA Participants: Does Age Make a Difference?, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Shenyang Guo, Vanessa Reinertson, and Blair Russell
Heterogeneous Effects of Child Development Accounts on Savings for Children's Education, Jin Huang, Youngmi Kim, Michael Sherraden, and Margaret Clancy
Impacts of Child Development Accounts on Maternal Depressive Symptoms: Evidence From a Randomized Statewide Policy Experiment, Jin Huang, Michael Sherraden, and Jason Q. Purnell
Innovations in Asset Building, Michael Sherraden
Lack of Emergency Savings Puts American Households at Risk, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Blair Russell, Brad Tucker, and Krista Comer
Material Hardship and 529 College Savings Plan Participation: The Mitigating Effects of Child Development Accounts, Nora Wikoff, Jin Huang, Youngmi Kim, and Michael Sherraden
Program Knowledge and Savings in a Child Development Account Experiment, Yunju Nam, Elizabeth Hole, Michael Sherraden, and Margaret Clancy
Rediscovering Social Investment in Developmental Welfare State Policies (DWSP): Back to the Future, Karl Johnson
Refund to Savings: 2013 Evidence of Tax-Time Saving in a National Randomized Control Trial, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Krista Comer, Blair Russell, Clinton Key, Dana C. Perantie, and Dan Ariely
Refund to Savings: 2013 Results From a National Experiment to Build Financial Stability at Tax Time, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Krista Comer, Blair Russell, Clinton Key, Dana C. Perantie, and Dan Ariely
Research Summary: Testing Universal College Savings Accounts at Birth: Early Research From SEED for Oklahoma Kids, Sondra G. Beverly, Margaret M. Clancy, and Michael Sherraden
Testing a Measurement Model of Financial Capability Among Youth in Ghana, Mathieu R. Despard and Gina A. N. Chowa
The Early Good News About Child Development Accounts, Sondra G. Beverly, Margaret Clancy, and Michael Sherraden
The Influence of Parental Financial Socialization on Youth's Financial Behavior: Evidence From Ghana, Gina A. N. Chowa and Mathieu R. Despard
What Shapes Assessment of Ability to Pay for Children's College Education?, Youngmi Kim, Jin Huang, and Michael Sherraden
Research from 2013
Account Use and Demand for Tax-Refund Savings Vehicles: Evidence From the Refund to Savings Experiment, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Jenna Tucker, Clinton Key, Krista Holub, and Dan Ariely
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Tulsa's IDA Program: Findings From a Long-Term Follow-Up of a Random Assignment Social Experiment, David Greenberg
An Event History Analysis of Educational Loans and College Graduation: A Focus on Differences by Race and Ethnicity, Min Zhan and Xiaoling Xiang
Asset Ownership and Academic Achievement Among Youth in Ghana: Examining Associations Based on Asset Type and Academic Subject, Gina Chowa and Rainier Masa
Can a College-Saver Identity Help Resolve the College Expectation-Attainment Paradox?, William Elliott III
Child Development Accounts and College Success: Accounts, Assets, Expectations, and Achievements, Sondra G. Beverly, William Elliott, and Michael Sherraden
Children & Youth as Economic Citizens: Review of Research on Financial Capability, Financial Inclusion, and Financial Education, Child & Youth Finance International