In the 21st century the world is highly financialized, and income alone is not a sufficient support for millions of households. All people require access to safe financial products and services as well as sound financial knowledge. In addition, all families should be able to accumulate assets for their security and long-term development. Since its inception, CSD has served as a leading center for research on ways to enhance the financial security and development of families in the United States and around the world.


Research from 2018


Financial Capability as Social Investment, Mary Caplan, Margaret S. Sherraden, and Junghee Bae


How Do Changes to 529 Rules Affect Children’s Savings Account Programs?, Margaret Clancy, Shira Markoff, and Justin King


Next Steps: Whither Social Work Education and Financial Capability and Asset Building?, Darla Spence Coffey


Program Knowledge and Racial Disparities in Savings Outcomes in a Child Development Account Experiment, Yunju Nam, Elizabeth Hole, Michael Sherraden, and Margaret M. Clancy


Promoting Savings at Tax Time: Insights from Online and In-Person Tax Preparation Services, Genevieve Davison, Ellen Frank-Miller, Stephen P. Roll, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


Refund to Savings 2015-2016: Field Experiments to Promote Tax-Time Saving in Low- and Moderate-Income Households, Stephen P. Roll, Genevieve Davison, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Mathieu R. Despard, and Sam Bufe


Responses to and Repercussions From Income Volatility in Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Results From a National Survey, Stephen P. Roll, David S. Mitchell, Krista Holub, Sam Bufe, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


School Banking as a Strategy for Strengthening Youth Economic Participation in Developing Countries: Lessons From YouthSave, Lissa Johnson, YungSoo Lee, Githinji Njenga, Joseph Kieyah, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Catherine Rodriguez Orgales, Sharad Sharma, Gina Agnes Chowa, David Ansong, Fred Ssewamala, Margaret S. Sherraden, Michael Sherraden, and Li Zou


Taking Child Development Accounts to Scale: Ten Key Policy Design Elements, Michael Sherraden, Margaret M. Clancy, and Sondra G. Beverly


The Experience of Volatility in Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Results From a National Survey, Stephen P. Roll, David S. Mitchell, Sam Bufe, Gracie Lynne, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


The Pivotal Role of Human Service Practitioners in Building Financial Capability, Mae Watson Grote


The Role of Choice Architecture in Promoting Saving at Tax Time: Evidence From a Large-Scale Field Experiment, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Cynthia Cryder, Mathieu R. Despard, Dana C. Perantie, Jane E. Oliphant, and Dan Ariely


The State of State EITCs: An Overview and Their Implications for Low- and Moderate-Income Households, Genevieve Davison, Stephen P. Roll, Samuel H. Taylor, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss

Research from 2017


529 Plan Investment Growth and a Quasi-Default Investment for Child Development Accounts, Margaret Clancy


Annual Report on the Head Start Family Financial Capability Program: 2015–2016, Jami Curley and Anne S. Robertson


Assessing Retirement Needs and Interest in myRa: Findings From the Refund to Savings Initiative, Stephen P. Roll, Jane E. Oliphant, Dana C. Perantie, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, and Genevieve Davison


Asset Limits for Means-Tested Public Assistance: Considerations for Child Development Account Proponents, Sondra G. Beverly and Margaret M. Clancy


Child Development Accounts, Parental Savings, and Parental Educational Expectations: A Path Model, Youngmi Kim, Jin Huang, Michael Sherraden, and Margaret M. Clancy


Coping With a Crisis: Financial Resources Available to Low- and Moderate-Income Households in Emergencies, Dana C. Perantie, Stephen P. Roll, Jane E. Oliphant, Shenyang Guo, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


Do Savings and Assets Reduce Need-Based Aid for Dependent Students?, Margaret M. Clancy and Sondra G. Beverly


Effects of a Tax-Time Savings Experiment on Material and Health Care Hardship Among Low-Income Filers, Mathieu R. Despard, Samuel Taylor, Chunhui Ren, Blair Russell, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, and Ramesh Raghavan


Effects of a Tax-Time Savings Intervention on Use of Alternative Financial Services Among Lower-Income Households, Mathieu R. Despard, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Chinhui Ren, Shenyang Guo, and Ramesh Raghavan


Employee Financial Wellness Programs: A Review of the Literature and Directions for Future Research, Geraldine Hannon, Meredith Covington, Mat Despard, Ellen Frank-Miller, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


Employee Financial Wellness Programs Project: Comprehensive Report of Findings, Ellen Frank-Miller, Meredith Covington, Mathieu R. Despard, Geraldine Hannon, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


Financial Capability, Margaret S. Sherraden


Financial Capability and Asset Building in Social Work Education, Jodi Jacobson Frey, Margaret S. Sherraden, Julie Birkenmaier, and Christine Callahan


Financial Inclusion in China: Use of Credit, Zibei Chen and Minchao Jin


Financial Literacy in China: Priorities and a Direction, Yiqing Yuan and Minchao Jin


For Their Financial Benefit: Determination of Financial Capability for Adult Beneficiaries of Social Security Disability, Julie Birkenmaier, María Aranda, Paul S. Appelbaum, and Mark A. Norman

Qiong Ren Neng Zan Qian Ma, Mark Schreiner, Michael Sherraden, and Y. Sun


Statewide Child Development Account Policies: Key Design Elements, Margaret M. Clancy and Sondra G. Beverly


"Taking the Bank to the Youth:" Impacts on Saving and Asset Building From the Ghana YouthSave Experiment, YungSoo Lee, Lissa Johnson, David Ansong, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Rainier Masa, Gina Chowa, and Michael Sherraden


The Role of Child and Parent Savings in Promoting Expectations for University Education Among Middle School Students in Ghana: A Propensity Score Analysis, David Ansong, Shiyou Wu, and Gina A.N. Chowa


The Role of Parents in Introducing Children to Financial Services: Evidence From Ghana-YouthSave, Shiyou Wu, Mathieu R. Despard, and Gina Chowa


Universal and Progressive Child Development Accounts: A Policy Innovation to Reduce Educational Disparity, Michael Sherraden, Margaret M. Clancy, Yunju Nam, Jin Huang, Youngmi Kim, Sondra G. Beverly, Lisa Reyes Mason, Trina R. Williams Shanks, Nora Ellen Wikoff, Mark Schreiner, and Jason Q. Purnell


Workplace Financial Wellness Services: A Primer for Employers, Center for Social Development

Research from 2016


A Multi-University Economic Capability-Building Collaboration, Shelley Horwitz and Katharine Briar-Lawson


Annual Report on the ASSET Project's Head Start Family Financial Capability Pilot: 2014–2015, Anne S. Robertson and Jami Curley


A Savings Account for Every Child Born in Israel: Recommendations for Program Implementation, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Meredith Covington, Margaret M. Clancy, and Michael Sherraden


Asset Building: Toward Inclusive Policy, Michael Sherraden, Lissa Johnson, Margaret Clancy, Sondra G. Beverly, Margaret S. Sherraden, Mark Schreiner, William Elliott III, Trina Shanks William, Deborah Adams, Jami C. Curley, Jin Huang, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Yunju Nam, Min Zhan, and Chang-Kuen Han


Behavioral Interventions to Increase Tax-Time Saving: Evidence From a National Randomized Trial, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Blair D. Russell, William G. Gale, Clinton Key, and Dan Ariely


Building Financial Knowledge Is Not Enough: Financial Self-Efficacy as a Mediator in the Financial Capability of Low-Income Families, David W. Rothwell, Mohammad N. Khan, and Katrina Cherney


Case to Cause: Back to the Future, Mimi Abramovitz and Margaret S. Sherraden


Celebrating Six Decades of Social Work and Advancing Financial Capability and Asset Development, Tricia B. Bent-Goodley, Margaret S. Sherraden, Jodi Jacobson Frey, Julie Birkenmaier, Christine Callahan, and Gena G. McClendon


Characteristics and Hardships Associated With Bank Account Ownership Among Refund to Savings Participants, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Dana C. Perantie, Jane E. Oliphant, Anna deRuyter, and Mathieu R. Despard


Coming of Age on a Shoestring Budget: Financial Capability and Financial Behaviors of Lower-Income Millennials, Stacia West and Terri Friedline


Do Tax-Time Savings Deposits Reduce Hardship Among Low-Income Filers? A Propensity Score Analysis, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Mathieu R. Despard, Shenyang Guo, Blair Russell, Clinton Key, and Ramesh Raghavan


Ethnic Differences in Financial Outcomes Among Low-Income Older Asian Immigrants: A Financial Capability Perspective, Yunju Nam, Jin Huang, and Eun Jeong Lee


Financial Anxiety in Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Findings From the Household Financial Survey, Stephen P. Roll, Samuel H. Taylor, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


Financial Capability and Asset Building: Building Evidence for Community Practice, Julie Birkenmaier, Margaret S. Sherraden, Jodi Jacobson Frey, Christine Callahan, and Anna Maria Santiago