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Using rural household data from the China Household Income Project (CHIP) 2002, this paper provides an analysis of different effects of household assets independent of family income on children’s school enrollment and parental aspirations for education, examining both outcomes by child’s gender. The study first compares the responsiveness of boys’ and girls’ enrollment to the improvement of household assets, measured as liquid assets and net worth, relative to family income. The multivariate regression analysis further detects the effects of household assets on both boys’ and girls’ school enrollment and parental aspirations for children’s future education by child’s gender. Statistical results show that, compared to family income, household assets matter more for girls’ schooling than for boys’. In addition, household net worth is significantly associated with parental aspirations for children’s education regardless of gender. This study, albeit exploratory, sheds light on child welfare and education policies in rural China.

Document Type

Working Paper


Financial Inclusion


Global Asset Building

Original Citation

Boshara, R. (2012, June). From asset building to balance sheets: A reflection on the first and next 20 years of federal assets policy (CSD Perspective No. 12-24). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.


China: Inclusive Asset-Based Policy


China, gender, household
