Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Redox Homeostasis in Cyanobacteria, Jeffrey Cameron
The Role of Apolipoprotein E Concentration and Isoform in Amyloid-beta Metabolism In Vivo, Joseph Castellano
MHC Class I-Dependent Acquisition and Maintenance of Natural Killer Cell Function, Julie Chase
Protein-DNA Recognition Models for the Homeodomain and C2H2 Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Families, Ryan Christensen
Delineating the Steps of BAX Pore Activation, Eric Christenson
Cortical Cartography: Mapping Functional Areas Across the Human Brain with Resting State Functional Connectivity MRI, Alexander Cohen
Apobec-1 Complementation Factor (ACF) Binds and Regulates Multiple RNAs, Kimberly Delaney
The Functions of Human Dna2 in Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Maintenance, Julien Duxin
Regulation Of Neutrophil Homeostasis By Chemokines Signaling Through The Cxcr2 And Cxcr4 Receptors, Kyle Eash
The Role of Viral Protein pUL21a in Human Cytomegalovirus Infection, Anthony Fehr
Real-Time Bioluminescence Imaging Of Salmonella-Neoplastic Cell Interactions, Kelly Flentie
Homoglutathione Synthetase And The Plant Thiol-Redox Proteome, Ashley Galant
Regulation of DNA Repair by Atm and DNA-PKcs during V9D)J Recombination, Eric Jonas Gapud
MSX2 Provides Competence to Matrix Cells to Respond to FGF Signaling During Hair Differentation, Zhenhua He
Discovering Conserved cis-Regulatory Elements That Regulate Expression in Caenorhabditis elegans, Nnamdi Ihuegbu
Enzymology of DHHC-mediated Protein S-Acylation, Benjamin Jennings
Systematic Identification of Independent Functional Non-coding RNA Genes in Oxytricha trifallax, Seolkyoung Jung
Molecular Mechanisms of Itch Sensations, Seungil Kim
Single chain MHC trimer-based DNA vaccines for pathogen protection, Sojung Kim
The Evolution And Reproductive Ecology Of Oenothera (Onagraceae), Kyra Krakos
Effects of the aquatic to terrestrial habitat ratio on an amphibian predator and its prey, Amber Kramer
Structural Basis of Type-I Interferon Sequestration by a Poxvirus Decoy Receptor, Chung Albert Lee
New methods for discovering common and rare genetic variants in human disease, Peng Lin
Cellular and Molecular Characterization of Thymic Regulatory T cell Development, Chan-Wang Joaquim Lio
Identification of Genetic and Epigenetic Risk Factors for Psoriasis and Psoratic Arthritis, Ying Liu
The Structural Basis of Flaviviridae Interaction with Antibodies and Receptors, Vincent Luca
Characterization of Genomic Targets of Chromosomal Aberrations and an In Vivo Model of Disrupted Nonsense Mediated Decay, Grace Kao Mahowald
Leishmania persistence and host cell interactions, Michael Mandell
Neural substrates of vestibular behavior in birds: multisensory integration and state-dependent processing, Kimberly Louise McArthur
Regulation of VPS4 Activity during Endosomal Maturation by CHMPs and LIP5, Samuel Andrew Merrill
A DLK And JNK Dependent Axon Self-Destruction Program Promotes Wallerian Degeneration, Bradley Miller
The Functions of Autophagy Genes in Lymphocytes and Osteoclasts, Brian Miller
Causes of rarity in glade-endemic plants: Implications for responses to climate change, Nicole Miller-Struttmann
Dynamic Characterization of the IKK:κBα:NFκB Negative Feedback Loop Using Real-Time Bioluminescence Imaging, Britney Moss
The Role of dsRNA in Nuclear Differentiation and Remodeling in the Ciliate, Tetrahymena thermophila, Jason Motl
The Role of the Complement System in Mousepox Infection, Elizabeth Moulton
EGFR signaling regulates synaptic connectivity via Gurken, Sarah Naylor
The Role of IKKβ in Osteoclastogenesis and Inflammatory Osteolysis, Jesse Otero
The Expression Pattern and Localization of Linc Complex Components During Mouse Retina Development, Gregory Peebles
Identification of the Molecular Basis of Morphological Variation in Avian Beaks, Kara Powder
Dominant Suppression of Early Innate Immune Mechanisms by Yersinia pestis, Paul Price
Acute and Anamnestic B cell Responses to West Nile Virus Infection, Whitney Elayne Purtha
Perceptual and Neural Correlates of Expectation, Vinod Rao
The Role Of Inflammation In Pathogenesis And Treatment Of Globoid-Cell Leukodystrophy, Adarsh Reddy
Analysis of Zinc Transporters in C. elegans, Hyun Cheol Roh
Genetic and Chemical Genetic Approaches to Shiga Toxin Inhibition, Jose Saenz
Interactions between BMP and Canonical Wnt Signaling Regulate Critical Stages of the Osteoblast Lifecycle, Valerie Salazar
Dynamic Measurement Of Soluble Human Aβ In A Combined Microdialysis-Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury Mouse Model, Katherine Schwetye
Using visual feedback to guide movement: Properties of adaptation in changing environments and Parkinson's disease, Jennifer Semrau
A Molecular Basis for Divergent, Unstable Actin Filaments in Toxoplasma gondii, Kristen Skillman
The Role Of The Membrane Proximal Region Of The M2 Cytoplasmic Tail In Virus Replication, Shaun Stewart
Molecular Genetic Analysis of Non-Catalytic Pol IV and V Subunits, Ek Han Tan
Digital Protein Analysis: Technologies for Protein Diagnostics and Proteomics through Single-Molecule Detection, Lee Tessler
Investigating the Role of the Prion Protein Polybasic Domain in PrPSc Formation and Neuroprotection, Jessie Aleksandra Turnbaugh
Establishment, Growth and Regeneration of Zebrafish Fins, Shu Tu
Targeting and activity of the AAA+ ATPase torsinA within the endoplasmic reticulum, Abigail Vander Heyden
Suprachiasmatic nuclei development: A characterization of transcription factors and the influence of retinal innervation and VIP signaling, Cassandra VanDunk
Development Of Thymic Natural Killer Cells From Double Negative 1 Thymocyte Precursors, Claudia Vargas
The Role of Schwann Cell Mitochondrial Metabolism in Schwann Cell Biology and Axonal Survival, Andreu Viader
Opposing Crosstalk between Rho1 and Cdc42 in Epithelial Morphogenesis, Steve Warner
Role of the ARF Tumor Suppressor in Osteoclasts, Crystal Winkeler
The Gut Microbiome In Healthy And Severely Malnourished Humans, Tanya Yatsunenko
Specific Roles Of Macaque Parietal Regions In Making Saccades And Reaches, Eric Yttri
The Role of Fas with Fas Ligand Interaction in Herpetci Stromal Keratitis (HSK), Hamideh Zakeri
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Regulation of peripheral nerve regeneration by the mTOR pathway, Namiko Abe
Elucidating the Trafficking and Function of the Class III Glucose Transporters GLUT8 and GLUT12, Lauren Blair Vlaich Aerni-Flessner
Entry, Capture and Presentation of Blood-Borne Antigens and Effects of TCR Ligand Density on Negative Selection and Treg Induction of CD4SP Thymocytes, Danielle Françoise Atibalentja
Impact of Second Messenger Modulation on Activity-Dependent and Basal Properties of Excitatory Synapses, Chun Yun Chang
Regulation of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Infection and Replication, Gunjan Choudhary
The Hematopoietic Compartment Regulates Osteoblast Differentiation And Apoptosis During Cytokine Treatment, Matthew Christopher
Role of the Ajuba LIM Proteins in Epithelial Growth Regulation, Meghna Das Thakur
P38 Phoshporylates RB On SER567 By A Novel, Cell Cycle-Independent Mechanism That Triggers RB-HDM2 Interaction And Apoptosis, Rachel Delston
Local and Systemic Consequences of Reducing Notch Signaling in Skin Keratinocytes, Shadmehr Demehri
Distinct Functions for Type I and Type II Interferon in Cancer Immunoediting, Mark Diamond
Brain Insulin Action Regulates Hypothalamic Glucose Sensing and the Counterregulatory Response to Hypoglycemia, Kelly Diggs-Andrews
Use-Dependent Plasticity Regulates Sleep Need in Drosophila Melanogaster, Jeffrey Donlea
The Role of the ERK-MAPK Pathway and Stathmin in T Cell Development and Activation, Erin Lindsay Filbert
Dact Family Molecules In Wnt Signaling In Mouse Development, Daniel Fisher
Mitotic cell cycle progression and differentiation of germline stem cells in Caenorhabditis elegans, Paul Fox
Mechanism of Cytochrome c Biogenesis by the Integral Membrane System II Synthetase CcsBA, Elaine Roseanne Frawley
Structural And Functional Studies On Thrombin Allostery, Prafull Gandhi
Mechanisms of Copper-Dependent Notochord Formation in Zebrafish, John Gansner
Discovery and Characterization of Wu Polyomavirus, A Novel Virus Detected in Pediatric Respiratory Tract Infections, Anne Margaret Gaynor
Regulation of the Lytic Switch Gene 50 in Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68, Megan Marie Goodwin
Inbreeding Depression and Competition in the square-stemmed monkey-flower (Mimulus ringens), Nicholas Griffin
Roles Of Inhibitory Interneurons In Cerebellar Cortical Processing For Oculomotor Control, Shane Heiney
Lateral Inhibition Shapes Neuronal Selectivity for Natural Stimuli in Mouse Accessory Olfactory Bulb, Rebecca Hendrickson
Destruction of Cdc25A Phosphatase during Interphase and in Response to Genotoxic Stress, Yuchi Honaker
A Search For Genetic Modifiers Responsible For Congenital Heart Disease Variability In The Presence Of Nkx2-5 Haploinsufficiency, Julia Brandeis Winston Honold
Analysis of DNA-binding Proteins in Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Su-Wen Ho
The Role of Pax6 in Lens Placode Formation, Jie Huang
Transcriptional Regulation of Zymogenic (Chief) Cell Differentiation and Maintenance in Adult Mouse Stomach, Won Jae Huh
Genetic Analysis of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway, Janna Hutz
Genetic and Phenotypic Differentiation between Winemaking and Wild Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Katie Hyma
The convergence of PDF signaling and CRYPTOCHROME in the neuronal network underlying Drosophila circadian behavior, Seol Hee Im