Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Role of Notch Signaling in the Pathogenesis of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, Nicole Grieselhuber
Characterization of Normal Development and Injury in the Premature Baboon Brain, Jennifer Griffith
A New Pathway Responsible For 53BP1 Loss in Breast Cancer and Laminopathies, David Alan Grotsky
Molecular Insights into the Uropathogenesis of Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli in the Context of Urinary Catheterization, Pascale Guiton
Activation of sodium-activated potassium channels by sodium-influx, Travis Allen Hage
Comparative and Functional Genomic Analysis of the Methanobrevibacter smithii Pan Genome, Elizabeth Hansen
Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy: Investigations into Pathogenesis and Therapy, Jacqueline Ane Hawkins
ATM Deficiency -- A Multifaceted Defect in Lymphocyte Development, Beth Helmink
Regulation of CHK1 Stability by the Ubiquitin Proteasome System, Jiwon Huh
Modulation of Ly49A+ Natural Killer Cell Licensing by Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Alleles, Anna Jonsson
Expression and function of small RNAs in normal and psoriatic skin, Cailin Joyce
Regional Rarity: Consequences of Dispersal Limitation and Strategies for Reintroduction, Steven James Kroiss
The Cis-Regulatory Architecture of Mammalian Photoreceptors, Karen A. Lawrence
The Unconventional Amino Acid Starvation Response of the Malaria Parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, Shalon Ledbetter
A Role of T Cell Receptor Specificity in the Thymic Regulatory T Cell Development, Hyang-Mi Lee
Role of Batf2 in Host Defense and CD8α+ Dendritic Cell Development, Wan-Ling Lee
Characterization of the Yersinia Autotransporter Proteins (Yaps) and Their Roles in the Pathogenesis of Y. pestis, Jonathan David Lenz
Role of SRF-dependent Transcription in Neurite Outgrowth, Cong Li
Regulation of Toxoplasma Motility by Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinases, Sebastian Lourido
Serum Response Factor Regulates Multiple Aspects of Central Nervous System Development, Puo Yuan Lu
The dependence of CD4 T cell development and activation on the kinetics of the TCR:pMHC interaction, Jennifer Nicole Lynch
Locomotor Control In Parkinson Disease, Marie E. McNeely
Exploring the Role of Wolbachia Endobacteria in the Biology of Filarial Nematode Parasites, Samantha McNulty
Key Factors in Drosophila Melanogaster HP1a Partner Binding, Deanna Lynn Mendez
Characterization of the ARF Tumor Suppressor's Checkpoint Response to Hyper-Growth Stimuli, Alexander Philip Miceli
Characterization of Complement C3 Dysregulation Predisposing to Two Human Disease States, Elizabeth Miller
Mitofusin 2 Regulated Transport of Mitochondria is Necessary for Axonal Integrity, Albert Misko
Properties of Pathogenic Insulin Reactive T Cells That Escape Selection in Autoimmune Diabetes, James F. Mohan
Allosteric Modulation of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 as a Treatment for Pain, Michael Montana
Electrophysiologically Distinct Subpopulations of Murine Nociceptive Neurons as Revealed by a Genetic RET Reporter, Maria Elena Patricia Morales
Molecular Dissection of IA Channels in Cortical Pyramidal Neurons, Aaron Norris
The Establishment and Regulation of Melanocyte Stem Cells in Zebrafish, Thomas O'Reilly-Pol
The Physiological Effects of Phycobilisome Antenna Modification on the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Lawrence Edward Page
Natural Killer Cell Recruitment and Activation Following Orthopoxviral Infection, Melissa Anne Pak-Wittel
Phylogeny and Evolution of Phemeranthus (Montiaceae) in North American Xeric Habitats, Taina Price
Arabidopsis thaliana Adenosine 5'-Phosphosulfate Kinase: Structure, Function and Regulation, Geoffrey Ravilious
Novel Roles for A-Type Lamins in Maintaining Genomic Stability, Abena Redwood
Novel Sequence-Based Method for Identifying Transcription Factor Binding Sites in Prokaryotic Genomes, Gurmukh Sahota
Regulation of Metabolic Stress-Induced snoRNAs, Benjamin Steel Scruggs
Targets of Heterochromatin Assembly in Drosophila melanogaster, Monica F. Sentmanat
Analysis of DIE5 and LIA5 reveals the importance of DNA repair in programmed DNA rearrangement of Tetrahymena thermophila, Wan-Yi: Annie) Shieh
The Roles of PHR and DLK in Axon Development and Post-Injury Responses, Jung Eun Shin
Investigation of Combinatorial Gene Regulation in Saccharomyces Species, Aaron Taras Spivak
CD2AP Regulates The Migration of Plasmacytoid and Conventional Dendritic Cells and CD2AP Involvement in Amyloid Precursor Protein Trafficking is Linked to Neuronal Toxicity, Subhashini Srivatsan
Type B Presentation from HEL Protein in the Context of Inflammation, Beverly Strong
Identification of Viral Determinants of Murine Norovirus Pathogenesis, David Strong
Genetic and Molecular Analyses of Laminin-521 in the Kidney Glomerular Basement Membrane, Jung Hee Suh
Fast Neuronal Imaging using Objective Coupled Planar Illumination Microscopy, Diwakar Turaga
The Role of ERK in Sleep and Synaptic Plasticity in Drosophila Melanogaster, William Martin Vanderheyden
Functional Interactions Between Par-1b Protein Kinase and RNF41 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase, Katherine Terese Vega
Organization of the Streptococcal ExPortal and its Interaction with Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides, Luis Alberto Vega
Silencing Through Heterochromatin Formation: The Role of Piwi in Transposon Targeting, Hsiming Wang
Calcium-Stimulated Adenylyl Cyclases are Critical Modulators of Fear Learning and Experience-Dependent Plasticity, Lindsay Wieczorek
Neutrophils Influence the Magnitude and Spread of Immune Responses to Protein Antigens by a Prostaglandin Mediated Process, ChiaoWen Yang
Cardiac PI3Kα Signaling and K+ Channel Regulation in Cardiac Hypertrophy and Heart Failure, Kai-Chien Yang
The Function of MHC-Related Protein 1 and Mucosal-Associated Invariant T cells in the Immune System, WeiJen Chua Yankelevich
The Pathophysiological Importance of Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase as a Key NAD Biosynthesis Enzyme in Metabolic Homeostasis, Myeong Jin Yoon
Improving Thermodynamic Models of Transcription by Combining ChIP and Expression Measurements of Synthetic Promoters, Robert D. Zeigler
Intrinsic Brain Activity: Concept, Techniques, Application, Dongyang Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The roles of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in circadian entrainment of suprachiasmatic nucleus, Sungwon An
Mechanisms of Observed Neuroprotection of Dopaminergic Neurons in Wallerian Degeneration Slow (WldS) Mice, Jo Ann Antenor-Dorsey
Mechanisms of Brain Region-Specific Amyloid-beta Deposition, Adam Bero
Granzyme Expression and Function in Effector and Regulatory T cells, Sheng Feng Cai
Redox Homeostasis in Cyanobacteria, Jeffrey Cameron
The Role of Apolipoprotein E Concentration and Isoform in Amyloid-beta Metabolism In Vivo, Joseph Castellano
MHC Class I-Dependent Acquisition and Maintenance of Natural Killer Cell Function, Julie Chase
Protein-DNA Recognition Models for the Homeodomain and C2H2 Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Families, Ryan Christensen
Delineating the Steps of BAX Pore Activation, Eric Christenson
Cortical Cartography: Mapping Functional Areas Across the Human Brain with Resting State Functional Connectivity MRI, Alexander Cohen
Apobec-1 Complementation Factor (ACF) Binds and Regulates Multiple RNAs, Kimberly Delaney
The Functions of Human Dna2 in Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Maintenance, Julien Duxin
Regulation Of Neutrophil Homeostasis By Chemokines Signaling Through The Cxcr2 And Cxcr4 Receptors, Kyle Eash
The Role of Viral Protein pUL21a in Human Cytomegalovirus Infection, Anthony Fehr
Real-Time Bioluminescence Imaging Of Salmonella-Neoplastic Cell Interactions, Kelly Flentie
Homoglutathione Synthetase And The Plant Thiol-Redox Proteome, Ashley Galant
Regulation of DNA Repair by Atm and DNA-PKcs during V9D)J Recombination, Eric Jonas Gapud
MSX2 Provides Competence to Matrix Cells to Respond to FGF Signaling During Hair Differentation, Zhenhua He
Discovering Conserved cis-Regulatory Elements That Regulate Expression in Caenorhabditis elegans, Nnamdi Ihuegbu
Enzymology of DHHC-mediated Protein S-Acylation, Benjamin Jennings
Systematic Identification of Independent Functional Non-coding RNA Genes in Oxytricha trifallax, Seolkyoung Jung
Molecular Mechanisms of Itch Sensations, Seungil Kim
Single chain MHC trimer-based DNA vaccines for pathogen protection, Sojung Kim
The Evolution And Reproductive Ecology Of Oenothera (Onagraceae), Kyra Krakos
Effects of the aquatic to terrestrial habitat ratio on an amphibian predator and its prey, Amber Kramer
Structural Basis of Type-I Interferon Sequestration by a Poxvirus Decoy Receptor, Chung Albert Lee
New methods for discovering common and rare genetic variants in human disease, Peng Lin
Cellular and Molecular Characterization of Thymic Regulatory T cell Development, Chan-Wang Joaquim Lio
Identification of Genetic and Epigenetic Risk Factors for Psoriasis and Psoratic Arthritis, Ying Liu
The Structural Basis of Flaviviridae Interaction with Antibodies and Receptors, Vincent Luca
Characterization of Genomic Targets of Chromosomal Aberrations and an In Vivo Model of Disrupted Nonsense Mediated Decay, Grace Kao Mahowald
Leishmania persistence and host cell interactions, Michael Mandell
Neural substrates of vestibular behavior in birds: multisensory integration and state-dependent processing, Kimberly Louise McArthur
Regulation of VPS4 Activity during Endosomal Maturation by CHMPs and LIP5, Samuel Andrew Merrill