Research from 2007
SEED for Oklahoma Kids: Summary of Project, Research, and Policy Implications, Michael Sherraden and Margaret M. Clancy
SEED Participant Characteristics and Financial Accumulation, Lisa Reyes Mason, Vernon Loke, Margaret Clancy, Yunju Nam, Youngmi Kim, and Soda Lo
Specifying Children's Educational Expectations: The Potential Impact of Institutions, William Elliott III
The Achievement Gap From a Capabilities and Asset Perspective, William Elliott III and Margaret Sherrard Sherraden
The Balance Sheets of Low-Income Households: What We Know About Their Assets and Liabilities., Adam Carasso and Signe-Mary McKernan
The Effects of Welfare and IDA Program Rules on the Asset Holding of Low-Income Families, Signe-Mary McKernan, Caroline Ratcliff, and Yunju Nam
Under-Utilized Contributions by International Students: Case Study for Education and Research, Gina Chowa, Kofi Danso, and Michael Sherraden
VITA Sites: Linking Tax Returns and Asset Building Strategies in Indian Country, Kristen Wagner, Karen Edwards, Amy Locklear Hertel, Miriam Jorgensen, and Dana Klar
Welfare Reform and Asset Accumulation: Asset Limit Changes, Financial Assets, and Vehicle Ownership, Yunju Nam
中国农村资产社会政策: 社会养老保险制度的变革 [Asset-based policy in rural China: An innovation in the Retirement Social Insurance Program], Baorong Guo, Jin Huang, Li Zou, and Michael Sherraden
中国呼图壁养老保险质押贷款项目双重激: 励和双重资产积累 [Dual incentives and dual asset building: The Hutubi Rural Social Security Loan Program in China], Baorong Guo, Jin Huang, Michael Sherraden, and Li Zou
Research from 2006
Academic Capabilities and Disadvantaged Students: The Role of Institutions, William Elliott III and Margaret Sherrard Sherraden
Account Monitoring Report at December 31, 2005, Lisa Reyes Mason, Vernon Loke, and Margaret Clancy
Asset-Based Policy in Indonesia: Pilot Study and Emerging Opportunities, Michael Sherraden and Li Zou
Asset-Building Initiatives in Peru and Colombia: Pilot Study and Directions, Yves Moury
Attitudes Towards the Child Trust Fund: What Do Parents Think?, Rajiv Prabhakar
Barriers to Asset Accumulation for Families in the SEED Pre-School Demonstration and Impact Assessment, Sondra G. Beverly and Jared Barton
Building Assets From Birth: A Comparison of the Policies and Proposals on Children Savings Accounts in Singapore, the United Kingdom, Canada, Korea, and the United States, Vernon Loke and Michael Sherraden
Contributions of the Earned Income Tax Credit to Community Development in Indian Country, Kristen Wagner, Karen Edwards, Miriam Jorgensen, and Dana Klar
Coordinating Individual Development Accounts and the Workforce Investment Act to Increase Access to Postsecondary Education and Training, Mark Greenberg and Nisha Patel
Differences Between SEED Account Openers and Non-Openers: Demographic and Economic Characteristics, Sondra G. Beverly
Do Assets Affect Well-Being? Perceptions of Youth in a Matched Savings Program, Edward Scanlon and Deborah Adams
Economic Empowerment as a Health Care Intervention Among Orphaned Children in Rural Uganda, Fred M. Ssewamala, Stacey Alicea, William M. Bannon Jr., and Leyla Ismayilova
Financial Knowledge, Attitudes, Ownership, and Practices Among Families in the SEED Pre-School Demonstration and Impact Assessment, Sondra G. Beverly
From Financial Literacy to Financial Capability Among Youth, Elizabeth Johnson and Margaret S. Sherraden
Homeownership Across the American Life Course: Estimating the Racial Divide, Thomas A. Hirschl and Mark R. Rank
How Young People Save Money: Findings From Interviews With SEED Participants, Edward Scanlon, Jennifer Wheeler Brooks, and Deborah Adams
Inclusion in College Savings Plans: Participation and Saving in Maine's Matching Grant Program, Margaret Clancy, Chang-Keun Han, Lisa Reyes Mason, and Michael Sherraden
MIS IDA Operations Manual: Management Information System for Individual Development Accounts, Center for Social Development
Reforming 529 College Savings Plans to Better Reach Low-Income Families, Margaret Clancy and Leslie Parrish
Saving for College in Maine's Matching Grant Program: Account Owner Experiences, Lisa Reyes Mason, Margaret Clancy, Margaret Sherraden, and Chang-Keun Han
Saving in Individual Development Accounts: Latent Growth Curve Modeling, Chang-Keun Han
SEED Account Monitoring Research at June 30, 2006, Lisa Reyes Mason, Vernon Loke, and Margaret Clancy
State-Level Individual Development Account (IDA) Policy: Opportunities and Challenges for Rural Areas, Karen Edwards and Jon Bailey
State Policy Options for Building Assets, Leslie Parrish, Heather McCulloch, and Karen Edwards
The I Can Save Program: School-Based Children's Saving Accounts for College, Margaret Sherraden, Lissa Johnson, William Elliott, Shirley Porterfield, and William Rainford
Using Individual Development Accounts for Microenterprise Development, Fred M. Ssewamala, Margaret Lombe, and Jami C. Curley
Using Individual Development Accounts to Save for a Home: Are There Differences by Race?, Michal Grinstein-Weiss and Kristen Wagner
Wealth Building in Rural America: Perspective, Knowledge, Outlook, Jami C. Curley, Brian Dabson, Elisabeth Howard, E. G. Nadeau, and Michael Sherraden
Wealth Building in Rural America: Potential in Human Diversity, Jami C. Curley, Brian Dabson, Anna Lee, Kathleen K. Miller, Luxman Nathan, Trina R. Shanks, and Michael Sherraden
Wealth Building in Rural America: Programs, Policies, Research, Jon Bailey, Jami Curley, Karen Edwards, Gena Gunn, Eric Henson, Njeri Kagotho, Anna Lee, Kathleen K. Miller, Luxman Nathan, Trina R. Shanks, Michael Sherraden, Margaret S. Sherraden, Jean Schumacher, Bill Schweke, and Ann Ulmer
Research from 2005
Account Monitoring Report 2004, Margaret Clancy
Account Monitoring Report at June 30, 2005, Richard LaRock and Margaret Clancy
Achieving the American Dream? a Longitudinal Analysis of the Homeownership Experiences of Low-Income Households, Carolina Katz Reid
ADD: Lessons From the Uk, Dominic Maxwell and Will Paxton
African-American: Building the Country, Losing the Land, Trina Williams Shanks
Age as Asset: The Contribution of Youth and Retirees to Rural Well-Being, Kathleen K. Miller and Brian Dabson
Asset-Building in Rural Areas, Mark Schreiner