Research from 2002
Friends, Family, and Neighborhood: Understanding Academic Outcomes of African American Youth, Trina Williams, Larry Davis, Julie Miller-Cribbs, Jeanne Saunders, and James Herbert Williams
Gender Differences in Self-Perceptions and Academic Outcomes: A Study of African American High School Students, Jeanne Saunders, Larry Davis, Trina Williams, and Julie Miller Cribbs
Income, Institutions, and Saving Performance in Individual Development Accounts, Michael Sherraden, Mark Schreiner, and Sondra Beverly
Increasing Access to Housing for Low-Income Families, Courtney Smith
Individual Development Accounts: Summary of Research, Michael Sherraden
Predicting Positive Academic Intentions Among African American Males and Females, Larry Davis
Saving Performance in the American Dream Demonstration: A National Demonstration of Individual Development Accounts, Mark Schreiner, Margaret Clancy, and Michael Sherraden
School-Based Savings Programs, 1930-2002, Ashley Cruce
State of Delaware: Governor's Task Force for Financial Independence, State of Delaware
The Decision of African American Students to Complete High School: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior, Larry Davis, Icek Ajzen, Jeanne Saunders, and Trina Williams
The United Way of Greater St. Louis Individual Development Account Pilot Program, Margaret Clancy, Mark Schreiner, and Mark Sherraden
Violence in the Lives of Rural, Southern & Poor White Women, Naomi Farber and Julie Miller-Cribbs
Welfare Recipiency and Savings Outcomes in Individual Development Accounts, Min Zhan, Michael Sherraden, and Mark Schreiner
What Do Individual Development Accounts Cost? the First Three Years at CAPTC, Mark Schreiner
Research from 2001
Advancing Community Development and Public Policy Through an MIS-Enhanced Network, Elizabeth Johnson, James Hinterlong, Michael Sherraden, and Amanda Moore
A Framework of Asset-Accumulation Stages and Strategies, Sondra Beverly, Amanda Moore, and Mark Schreiner
A History of Progressive-Era School Savings Banking, 1870-1930, Ashley Cruce
Assets and the Poor: Implications for Individual Accounts and Social Security, Michael Sherraden
Assets, Health, and Well Being: Neighborhoods, Families, Children and Youth, Deborah Page-Adams, Edward Scanlon, Sondra Beverly, and Tom McDonald
College Savings Plans: Implications for Policy and for a Children and Youth Savings Account Policy Demonstration, Margaret Clancy
Costs of IDAs and Other Capital-Development Programs, GuatTin Ng
Creating Community in a United States City: Bangladeshi Women Share Their Immigrant Experiences, Lisa Young Larance and Rubena Malik
Depression and Poverty Among African-American Women at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes, Mary de Groot, Wendy Auslander, James Herbert Williams, Michael Sherraden, and Debra Haire-Joshu
Experience in the American Dream Demonstration: Lessons for Monitoring in a Children and Youth Savings Account Policy Demonstration, Margaret Clancy, Lissa Johnson, and Mark Schreiner
Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Mark Schreiner, Margaret Clancy, and Michael Sherraden
Family Structure and Behavior: Implications for Research on a CYSAPD, Trina Williams Shanks
Financial Education and Savings Outcomes in Individual Development Accounts, Margaret Clancy, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, and Mark Schreiner
Financial Education in a Children and Youth Savings Account Policy Demonstration: Issues and Options, Sondra G. Beverly and Margaret Clancy
IDA State Policy Guide: Advancing Public Policies in Support of Individual Development Accounts, Karen Edwards
Inequality and Child Well-Being: Implications for Research, Trina Williams Shanks
Management Information System for Individual Development Accounts: a Feasibility Study, Lissa Johnson
Maximizing Internal and External Validity: Recommendations for a Children and Youth Savings Account Policy Demonstration, Sondra Beverly and Michael Sherraden
Measuring Savings, Mark Schreiner
Philanthropy in the 21st Century, Susan Berresford
Rapid Assets: Individual Development Accounts, Good Faith Fund
Saving, IDA Programs, and Effects of IDAs: A Survey of Participants, Amanda Moore, Sondra Beverly, Mark Schreiner, Michael Sherraden, Margaret Lombe, Esther Y. N. Cho, Lissa Johnson, and Rebecca Vonderlack
Saving in IDA Programs, Michael Sherraden
Savings and Asset Accumulation in Individual Development Accounts, Mark Schreiner, Michael Sherraden, Margaret Clancy, Lissa Johnson, Jami Curley, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Min Zhan, and Sondra Beverly
Savings Deposits, Incentive Structure, and Management Information Systems: Implications for Research on a Children and Youth Savings Account Policy Demonstration, Margaret Clancy, Lissa Johnson, and Mark Schreiner
Strategies for Creating MIS Technology to Improve Social Work Practice and Research, Elizabeth Johnson, James Hinterlong, and Michael Sherraden
The Impact of Microenterprise Assistance Programs: A Comparative Study of Program Participants, Non-Participants and Other Low Wage Workers, Cynthia Sanders
Toward a Universal and Progressive Asset-Based Domestic Policy, Michael Sherraden
Women and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Problems and Prospects for Heifer Projects, Fred Ssewamala
Women, Microfinance, and Savings: Lessons and Proposals, Rebecca Vonderlack and Mark Schreiner
Research from 2000
A Framework for Financial Benefit-Cost Analysis of Individual Development Accounts at the Experimental Site of the American Dream Demonstration, Mark Schreiner
Asking Questions Well: The Role Of Theory in Applied Social Research, Michael Sherraden
Asset Accumulation for the Poor? A View From the Right, Richard Nadler
Asset Based Policies for the Poor: A View From the Left, Jared Bernstein