Research from 2005
Asset-Building in Rural Communities: The Experience of Individual Asset Accounts, Michal Grinstein-Weiss and Jami Curley
Asset-Building in Tribal Communities: Generating Native Discussion and Practical Approaches, Sarah Hicks, Karen Edwards, Mary Kate Dennis, and Christy Finsel
Asset-Building Programs for People With Disabilities in Rural Areas: Including Independent Living and Long-Term Care Planning Education, Michelle Putnam and Fengyan Tang
Building Financial Bridges to Economic Development and Community Integration: Recommendations for a Research Agenda on Asset Development for People With Disabilities, Michelle Putnam, Michael Sherraden, Karen Edwards, Shirley Porterfield, David Wittenburg, Karen Holder, and Patricia Welch Saleeby
Building Tribal Economies: Linking Asset Building Strategies, Jordan Lewis
Children Development Accounts in Africa: A Pilot Study, Fred Ssewamala
Diffusion of Policy Innovation: The Case of Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) as an Asset-Building Policy, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Kristen Wagner, and Karen Edwards
Educational Status and Savings Performance in Individual Development Accounts, Min Zhan and Michal Grinstein-Weiss
Enhancing the Value of the Rural Experience Through Improved Connectivity, Brian Dabson
Evaluation of the American Dream Demonstration: Impacts of IDAs on Participant Savings and Asset Ownership, Gregory Mills
Examples of Successful Wealth Building in Rural Areas, Jean Schumacher and Ann Ulmer
Exploration and Use of Individual Development Accounts by Three American Indian Tribes in Oregon, Christina Finsel and Jennifer Russ
Financial Services and Savings: Theory and Evidence From the American Dream Demonstration, Michael S. Barr
Hope in Concrete Form: The Downpayments on the American Dream Demonstration: Conception, Contributions, Challenges, and Consequences, Robert Friedman
Immigrants in Rural America: Finding a Foothold, Creating a Home, Kathleen Miller
Impact of Asset Ownership on Social Inclusion, Margaret Lombe and Michael Sherraden
Inclusion in Asset Building: Testimony for Hearing on "Building Assets for Low-Income Families” Subcommittee on Social Security and Family Policy Senate Finance Committee, Michael Sherraden
Inclusion in the American Dream, Michael Sherraden
Increasing Life Chances for Orphaned Children in Africa: Testing an Asset-Based Development Strategy, Fred Ssewamala and Jami Curley
In-Depth Interviews With SEED Youth: Profiles of Participants in a Pilot Study, Edward Scanlon and Deborah Adams
Institutions and Savings in Low-Income Households, Jami Curley, Fred Ssewamala, and Michael Sherraden
Mutual Wealth in Rural America, E. G. Nadeau and Elisabeth Howard
Overview of Federal Wealth-Building Policies Relevant to Rural America, Jon Bailey
Participants in SEED: A Report From Account Monitoring Research, Vernon Loke and Margaret Clancy
Rural America: Historical Overview, Jami C. Curley
Rural Wealth Building: Native Americans, Eric Henson, Anna Lee, and Luxman Nathan
Saving and Asset Accumulation Among Low-Income Families With Children in IDAs, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Kristen Wagner, and Fred M. Ssewamala
Saving in Add: Measures From MIS IDA, Mark Schreiner and Michael Sherraden
Saving in Low-Income Households: Evidence From Interviews With Participants in the American Dream Demonstration, Michael Sherraden, Amanda Moore McBride, Elizabeth Johnson, Stacie Hanson, Fred M. Ssewamala, and Trina R. Shanks
Section 529 Savings Plans, Access to Post-Secondary Education, and Universal Asset Building, Margaret Clancy, Reid Cramer, and Leslie Parrish
SEED Universal Policy Model and Research, Michael Sherraden
SEED Universal Policy Model and Research Request for Proposal, Michael Sherraden and Margaret M. Clancy
Status of State Supported IDA Programs in 2005, Naomi Warren and Karen Edwards
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Individual Development Accounts (IDAs): A Good Match?, Karen Edwards
The Effect of Health Insurance on Savings Outcomes in Individual Development Accounts, Rachel Banov
The Homestead Act of the Nineteenth Century and Its Influence on Rural Lands, Trina Williams Shanks
The Impacts of the American Dream Demonstration on Savings and Asset-Building in Canada, Peter Nares
The Missouri-Kansas Asset-Building Coalition and Policy Project: An Initiative in Cross-State Policy Making for Wealth Building, Njeri Kagotho and Gena Gunn
The Universal Model in SEED, Michael Sherraden and Margaret M. Clancy
Way to Give: A Guide to Connecting, Giving and Asset Building, Stephanie C. Boddie and Prema Thirupathy
Way to Give: Tithing Practices That Benefit Families, Congregations, and Communities, Stephanie Boddie
Wealth Building Strategies in Rural States: Are They Doing Enough?, William Schweke
What Does an IDA Cost? Some Measures From ADD, Mark Schreiner
Whose Ownership? Which Society?, Robert Hockett
Research from 2004
Asset Building: Increasing Capacity for Performance Measurement and Effects+B200, Amanda Moore McBride, Stacie Lintvedt Hanson, Sondra Beverly, Mark Schreiner, Michael Sherraden, and Lissa Johnson
Asset Building Through Community Participation: Re-Stocking Pastoralists Following Drought in Northern Kenya, Carolyn Lesorogol
College Savings Plans: A Platform for Inclusive Saving Policy?, Margaret M. Clancy, Peter Orszag, and Michael Sherraden
Cost-Effectiveness in Individual Development Accounts, Mark Schreiner, Guat Tin Ng, and Michael Sherraden
Evaluation of the American Dream Demonstration: Final Evaluation Report, Gregory Mills, Rhiannon Patterson, Larry Orr, and Donna DeMarco