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Restocking has conventionally been viewed as a short-term relief or recovery intervention initiated by development agencies for the benefit of destitute pastoralists. In contrast, this case study illustrates how restocking became a community initiated and organized strategy to alleviate poverty in specific communities with support from a development agency. The case study outlines the process that occurred in Samburu district of northern Kenya through which a number of communities designed restocking programs to meet their perceived needs. It presents results of the program, constraints and contrasts with more conventional restocking approaches. This study shows the potential for asset building approaches in the African context and the synergistic effects of linking local cultural traditions with participatory development approaches.

Document Type

Working Paper


Financial Inclusion


Asset Building

Original Citation

Lesorogol, C. K. (2004). Asset building through community participation: Re-stocking pastoralists following drought in northern Kenya (CSD Working Paper No. 04-09). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.


Global Assets Project


anti-poverty, community development, Africa, GAP, asset accumulation, Rural
