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Notwithstanding the far reaching intellectual and practical contributions of Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy, researchers have suggested that it may not adequately address the role of institutions. This paper suggests that traditional measures of self-efficacy underemphasize institutional factors. This may have important implications, especially for considering the circumstances of disadvantaged groups. It may be productive to think of self-efficacy as a multidimensional construct that includes personal and institutional dimensions. Using an interdisciplinary approach, we examine how self-efficacy theory can be expanded to account for the social and economic realities of disadvantaged groups and lead to empirical work that can inform policy and programs.

Document Type

Working Paper


Financial Inclusion


Financial Capability

Original Citation

Elliott, W., III, & Sherraden, M. S. (2006). Academic capabilities and disadvantaged students: The role of institutions (CSD Working Paper No. 06-13). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.


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low income, education, race, institutional theory, institutional support, children, economic empowerment, policy, academic achievement
