Research from 1988
CTIX Message System User's Manual Version 1.0
H. Conrad Cunningham, Michael E. Ehlers, and Kenneth C. Cox
Performance Evaluation of Hierarchical Simulation Systems
Mark N. Edelman and Mark A. Franklin
The formation and function of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the process of gene activation
Sarah C.R. Elgin
A Survey of Three Applications of Parallelism in AI
Rosanne M. Fulcomer and William E. Ball
BEMAS: User's Manual, 2nd Edition
Rosanne M. Fulcomer, J. Andrew Fingerhut, and William E. Ball
Memory Capacity of a Neural Network
Takayuki Dan Kimura
Relational Completeness of Show and Tell Visual Programming Language
Takayuki Dan Kimura
A Parallel Distributed Approach to Parsing Natural Language Deterministically
Stan C. Kwasny
Design of a Clock Generator Chip
Tony Y. Mazraani
Nonblocking Multirate Networks
Riccardo Melen and Jonathan S. Turner
Performance Models for NOAHNET
Gurudatta M. Parulkar, Adarshpal S. Sethi, and David J. Farber
Towards a Framework for High Speed Communication in a Heterogeneous Networking Environment
Gurudatta M. Parulkar and Jonathan S. Turner
DNA Restriction Mapping from Random-Clone Data
Gwangsoo Rhee
Declarative Visualization in the Shared Dataspace Paradigm
Gruia-Catalin Roman and Kenneth C. Cox
Implementing a Shared Dataspace Language on a Message-Based Multiprocessor
Gruia-Catalin Roman and Kenneth C. Cox
A Shared Dataspace Model of Concurrency -- Language and Programming Implications
Gruia-Catalin Roman and H. Conrad Cunningham
A Shared Dataspace Language Supporting Larger-Scale Concurrency
Gruia-Catalin Roman, H. Conrad Cunningham, and Michael E. Ehlers
Evaluation of 3D Voxel Rendering Algorithms for Real-Time Interaction on a SIMD Graphics Processor
Don Schreiter and John B. Zimmerman
Design of VLSI Packet Switch Element
James Sternbenz
Advanced Communications Systems
Jonathan S. Turner
Advanced Communications Systems
Jonathan S. Turner
Buffer Management System
Jonathan S. Turner
Practical Wide-Sense Nonblocking Generalized Connectors
Jonathan S. Turner
The Mathematics of Directed Specifications
Jan Tijmen Udding and Tom Verhoeff
Using a Partial Order and a Metric to Analyze a Recursive Trace Set Equation
Jan Tijmen Udding and Tom Verhoeff
Design of an 8-BIT VLSI Packet Switch Element
Einir Valdimarsson
Drosophila has a single copy of the gene encoding a highly conserved histone H2A variant of the H2A.F/Z type
Angela van Daal, E White, M Gorovsky, and Sarah C.R. Elgin
Probable Performance of Steiner Tree Algorithms
Bernard M. Waxman
Worst Case Performance of Rayward-Smith's Steiner Tree Heuristic
Bernard M. Waxman and Makoto Imase
Research from 1987
The QR Decomposition of Toeplitz Matrices
Adam W. Bojanczyk
A Note on Downdating the Cholesky Factorization
Adam W. Bojanczyk, R. P. Brent, P. van Dooren, and F. R. de Hoog
A Novel MVDR Beamforming Algorithm
Adam W. Bojanczyk and Franklin T. Luk
A Unified Systolic Array for Adaptive Beamforming
Adam W. Bojanczyk and Franklin T. Luk
Towards a Generalized Database System with Multiple Interfaces
Steve B. Cousins and Guillermo R. Simari
Graph Separation and Search Number
J. A. Ellis, H. Sudborough, and Jonathan S. Turner
Isolation and distribution of a Drosophila protein preferentially associated with inactive regions of the genome
G Fleischmann, R Filipski, and Sarah C.R. Elgin
Belief Maintenance Systems: Initial Prototype Specification
Roseanne M. Fulcomer, William E. Ball, and John P. Tadlock
BEMAS: A Belief Maintenance System Prototype User's Manual
Roseanne M. Fulcomer, S. Melody Shief, and William E. Ball
The SMGJ Segmentation System: Users' Manual
Will D. Gillett
An Evaluation of Two Texture Classification Methods
Will D. Gillett
Image Classification Using Laws' Texture Energy Measures
Will D. Gillett
An Architecture for Connection Management in a Broadcast Packet Network
Kurt Haserodt and Jonathan S. Turner
System Testing of a Broadcast Packet Switch
Shabbir Khakoo and Jonathan S. Turner
Transaction Network: A Parallel Computation Model based on Consume/Produce Paradigm
Takayuki Dan Kimura
The WUDMA Image Processing System
Andrew Laine, Steve Reichenbach, and Seymour Pollack
Distributed Protocols for Access Arbitration in Tree-Structured Communication Channels
Riccardo Melen and Jonathan S. Turner
Software for the Standard Linear Format for Digital Cartographic Feature Data
Stephen E. Reichenbach
Design of a Broadcast Translation Chip
George H. Robbert
Language and Visualization Support for Large-Scale Concurrency
Gruia-Catalin Roman
System Specifications and Flow Control
Gruia-Catalin Roman and Michael E. Ehlers