Research from 2024
Optimization of a Quantum Subset Sum Oracle
Angelo G. Benoit, Sam Schwartz, and Ron K. Cytron
Single-Molecule Orientation Imaging Reveals the Nano-Architecture of Amyloid Fibrils Undergoing Growth and Decay
Brian Sun, Tianben Ding, Weiyan Zhou, Tara S. Porter, and Matthew D. Lew
6D single-fluorogen orientation-localization microscopy for elucidating the architecture of beta-sheet assemblies and biomolecular condensates
Tingting Wu, Weiyan Zhou, Jai S. Rudra, Rohit V. Pappu, and Matthew D. Lew
Resolving the Nanoscale Structure of β-Sheet Peptide Self-Assemblies Using Single-Molecule Orientation–Localization Microscopy
Weiyan Zhou, Conor L. O'Neill, Tianben Ding, Oumeng Zhang, Jai S. Rudra, and Matthew D. Lew
Fundamental Limits in Measuring the Anisotropic Rotational Diffusion of Single Molecules
Weiyan Zhou, Tingting Wu, and Matthew D. Lew
Submissions from 2022
Six-dimensional single-molecule imaging with isotropic resolution using a multi-view reflector microscope
Oumeng Zhang, Zijian Guo, Yuanyuan He, Tingting Wu, Michael D. Vahey, and Matthew D. Lew
Resolving the Three-Dimensional Rotational and Translational Dynamics of Single Molecules Using Radially and Azimuthally Polarized Fluorescence
Oumeng Zhang, Weiyan Zhou, Jin Lu, Tingting Wu, and Matthew D. Lew
Submissions from 2021
Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy of 3D Orientation and Anisotropic Wobble Using a Polarized Vortex Point Spread Function
Tianben Ding and Matthew D. Lew
Computational Modelling Enables Robust Multidimensional Nanoscopy
Matthew D. Lew
Submissions from 2020
The Mechanosensitive Ion Channel MSL10 Potentiates Responses to Cell Swelling in Arabidopsis Seedlings
Debarati Basu and Elizabeth S. Haswell
Structural mechanism for gating of a eukaryoticmechanosensitive channel of small conductance
Zengqin Deng, Grigory Maksaev, Angela M. Schlegel, Jingying Zhang, Michael Rau, James A.J. Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth S. Haswell, and Peng Yuan
Single‐Molecule 3D Orientation Imaging Reveals Nanoscale Compositional Heterogeneity in Lipid Membranes
Jin Lu, Hesam Mazidi, Tianben Ding, Oumeng Zhang, and Matthew D. Lew
Measuring localization confidence for quantifying accuracy and heterogeneity in single-molecule super-resolution microscopy
Hesam Mazidi, Tianben Ding, Arye Nehorai, and Matthew D. Lew
The Effects of Mixed-Initiative Visualization Systems on Exploratory Data Analysis
Alvitta Ottley and Adam Kern
Plant Biomechanics: No Pain, No Gain for Birch Tree Stems
A. M. Schlegel and E. S. Haswell
Charged pore-lining residues are required for normal channel kinetics in the eukaryotic mechanosensitive ion channel MSL1
Angela M. Schlegel and Elizabeth S. Haswell
Nanoscale Colocalization of Fluorogenic Probes Reveals the Role of Oxygen Vacancies in the Photocatalytic Activity of Tungsten Oxide Nanowires
Meikun Shen, Tianben Ding, Steven T. Hartman, Fudong Wang, Christina Krucylak, Zheyu Wang, Che Tan, Bo Yin, Rohan Mishra, Matthew D. Lew, and Bryce Sadtler
A computationally-efficient bound for the variance of measuring the orientation of single molecules
Tingting Wu, Tianben Ding, Hesam Mazidi, Oumeng Zhang, and Matthew D. Lew
Submissions from 2019
Long-term, super-resolution imaging of amyloid structures using transient amyloid binding microscopy
Tianben Ding, Kevin Spehar, Jan Bieschke, and Matthew D. Lew
The impact of genetic background and cell lineage on the level and pattern of gene expression in position effect variegation
Sarah C.R. Elgin and SH Wang
Genetic and physical interactions between the organellar mechanosensitive ion channel homologs MSL1, MSL2, and MSL3 reveal a role for inter-organellar communication in plant development
Josephine S. Lee, Margaret E. Wilson, Ryan A. Richardson, and Elizabeth S. Haswell
OnRamp: a Galaxy-based platform for collaborative annotation of eukaryotic genomes
Yating Liu, Luke Sargent, Wilson Leung, Sarah C.R. Elgin, and Jeremy Goecks
Generating genome browsers to facilitate undergraduate-driven collaborative genome annotation
Luke Sargent, Yating Liu, Wilson Leung, Nathan Mortimer, David Lopatto, Jeremy Goecks, and Sarah C.R. Elgin
Anolis Newsletter VII
James T. Stroud, Anthony J. Geneva, and Jonathan B. Losos
Fundamental limits of measuring single-molecule rotational mobility
Oumeng Zhang and Matthew D. Lew
Erratum: "Imaging the three‐dimensional orientation and rotational mobility of fluorescent emitters using the Tri‐spot point spread function"
Oumeng Zhang, Jin Lu, Tianben Ding, and Matthew D. Lew
Submissions from 2018
The life of a microtubule
Ram Dixit and Sabine Petry
Commutators, Little BMO and Weak Factorization
Xuan Thinh Duong, Ji Li, Brett D. Wick, and Dongyong Yang
Bioinformatics core competencies for undergraduate life sciences education
Sarah C.R. Elgin, Melissa Wilson - Sayers, Charles Hauser, Michael Sierk, Srebrenka Robic, Anne Rosenwald, Todd Smith, Eric W. Triplett, Jason Williams, Elizabeth Dinsdale, William Morgan, James Burnette, Samuel Donovan, Jennifer Drew, Edison Fowlks, Sebastian Galindo-Gonzales, Anya Goodman, Nealy Grandgenett, Carlos Goller, John Jungck, Jeffrey Newman, William Pearson, Elizabeth Ryder, Rafael Tosado-Acevedo, William Tapprich, Tammy Tobin, Arlin Toro-Martínez, Lonnie Welch, Robin Wright, Lindsay Barone, David Ebenbach, Mindy McWilliams, Kimberly Olney, and Mark A. Pauley
Short-Time Expansions for Call Options on Leveraged ETFs Under Exponential Lévy Models with Local Volatility
José E. Figueroa-López, Ruoting Gong, and Matthew Lorig
Elucidating a role for the cytoplasmic domain in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis mechanosensitive channel of large conductance
Nadia Herrera, Grigory Maksaev, Elizabeth S. Haswell, and Douglas Rees
Elucidating a role for the cytoplasmic domain in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis mechanosensitive channel of large conductance
Nadia Herrera, Grigory Maksaev, Elizabeth S. Haswell, and Douglas C. Rees
Overdispersed Spatial Patterning of Dominant Bunchgrasses in Southeastern Pine Savannas
Katherines A. Hovanes, Kyle E. Harms, Paul R. Gagnon, Jonathan A. Myers, and Bret D. Elderd
Localization and compactness of operators on Fock spaces
Zhangjian HU, Xiaofen Lv, and Brett D. Wick
Predator-by-Environment Interactions Mediate Bacterial Competition in the Dictyostelium discoideum Microbiome
R Fredrik Inglis, Odion Asikhia, Erica Ryu, David C. Queller, and Joan E. Strassmann
KELCH F-BOX protein positively influences Arabidopsis seed germination by targeting PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR1
Manoj Majee, Santosh Kumar, Praveen Kumar Kathare, Shuiqin Wu, Derek Gingerich, Nihar R. Nayak, Louai Salaita, Randy Dinkins, Kathleen Martin, Michael Goodin, Lynnette M A Dirk, Taylor D. Lloyd, Ling Zhu, Joseph Chappell, Arthur G. Hunt, Richard D. Vierstra, Enamul Huq, and A Bruce Downie
Nonpolar residues in the presumptive pore‐lining helix of mechanosensitive channel MSL10 influence channel behavior and establish a nonconducting function
Grigory Maksaev, Jennette K. Shoots, Simran Ohri, and Elizabeth S. Haswell
Proteasome storage granules protect proteasomes from autophagic degradation upon carbon starvation
Richard S. Marshall and Richard D. Vierstra
A robust statistical estimation (RoSE) algorithm jointly recovers the 3D location and intensity of single molecules accurately and precisely
Hesam Mazidi, Arye Nehorai, and Matthew D. Lew
A non-commutative Julia inequality
John E. McCarthy and James E. Pascoe
Black males, trauma, and mental health service Use: A systematic review.
Robert Motley and Andrae Banks
Public Health
Draft Genome Sequence of Streptomyces sp. Strain JV178, a Producer of Clifednamide-Type Polycyclic Tetramate Macrolactams
Yunci Qi, John M. D’Alessandro, and Joshua A.V Blodgett
An insoluble iron complex coated cathode enhances direct electron uptake by Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1
Karthikeyan Rengasamy, Tahina Ranaivoarisoa, Rajesh Singh, and Arpita Bose
New Classification of the Dictyostelids
Sanea Sheikh, Mats Thulin, James C. Cavender, Ricardo Escalante, Shin-ichi Kawakami, Carlos Lado, John C. Landolt, Vidyanand Nanjundiah, David C. Queller, Joan E. Strassmann, Frederick W. Spiegel, Steven L. Stephenson, Eduardo M. Vadell, and Sandra L. Baldauf
Integrating species traits into species pools
Marko J. Spasojevic, Christopher P. Catano, and Joseph A. LaManna
Super‐Resolution Imaging of Amyloid Structures over Extended Times by Using Transient Binding of Single Thioflavin T Molecules
Kevin Spehar, Tianben Ding, Yuanzi Sun, Niraja Kedia, Jin Lu, George R. Nahass, Matthew D. Lew, and Jan Bieschke
Measuring 3D molecular orientation and rotational mobility using a Tri-spot point spread function
Oumeng Zhang, Tianben Ding, Jin Lu, Hesam Mazidi, and Matthew D. Lew
Imaging the Three-Dimensional Orientation and Rotational Mobility of Fluorescent Emitters using the Tri-Spot Point Spread Function
Oumeng Zhang, Jin Lu, Tianben Ding, and Matthew D. Lew
Submissions from 2017
Smirnov class for spaces with the complete Pick property
Alexandru Aleman, Michael Hartz, John E. McCarthy, and Stefan Richter
Education of children with disabilities in New Delhi: When does exclusion occur?
Parul Bakhshi, Ganesh M. Babulal, and Jean Francois Trani
Social Work