Publications from 2014
Refining the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS): An Alternative Confirmatory Factor Analysis
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) PhD, Catherine N. Dulmus PhD, Eugene Maguin PhD, and Nicole Fava
Social Work
Organizational leaders’ and staff members’ appraisals of their work environment within a children’s social service system
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) PhD, Catherine N. Dulmus PhD, Eugene Maguin PhD, John Keesler, and Byron James Powell
Social Work
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention as Standard Practice in Indian Country
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) PhD, Bonnie Duran, Catherine N. Dulmus PhD, and Amy R. Manning
Social Work
Implementing outside the box: Community-based social service provider experiences with using an alcohol screening and intervention
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) PhD, Alex T. Ramsey, and Carissa van den Berk-Clark
Social Work
Joint phenotypes, evolutionary conflict and the fundamental theorem of natural selection
David C. Queller
A course-based research experience: how benefits change with increased investment in instructional time
Christopher Shaffer, Consuleo Alvarez, April Bednarski, David Dunbar, Anya Goodman, Catherine Reinke, Anne Rosenwald, Michael Wolyniak, Cheryl Bailey, Daron Barnard, Christopher Bazinet, Dale Beach, James Bedard, Satish Bhalla, John Braverman, Martin Burg, Vidya Chandrasekaran, Hui-Min Chung, Kari Clase, Randall Dejong, Justin Diangelo, Chunguang Du, Todd Echdahl, Heather Eisler, Julia Emerson, Amy Frary, Donald Frohlich, Yuying Gosser, Shubha Govind, Adam Haberman, Amy Hark, Charles Hauser, Arlene Hoogewerf, Laura Hoopes, Carina Howell, Diana Johnson, Christopher Jones, Lisa Kadlec, Marian Kaehler, Catherine Silver-Key, Adam Kleinschmit, Nighat Kokan, Olga Kopp, Gary Kuleck, Judith Leatherman, Jane Lopilato, Christy Mackinnon, Juan Carlos Martinez-Cruzado, Gerard McNeil, Stephanie Mel, Hemlata Mistry, Alexis Nagengast, Paul Overvoorde, Don Paetkau, Susan Parrish, Celeste Peterson, Mary Preuss, Laura Reed, Dennis Revie, Srebrenka Robic, Jennifer Roecklein-Canfield, Michael Rubin, Kenneth Saville, Stephanie Schroeder, Karim Sharif, Mary Shaw, Gary Skuse, Christopher Smith, Mary Smith, Sheryl Smith, Eric Spana, Mary Spratt, Aparna Sreenivasan, Joyce Stamm, Paul Szauter, Jeffrey Thompson, Matthew Wawersik, James Youngblom, Leming Zhou, Elaine Mardis, Jeremy Buhler, Wilson Leung, David Lopatto, and Sarah C.R. Elgin
An Active Role for the Ribosome in Determining the Fate of Oxidized mRNA
Carrie L. Simms, Benjamin H. Hudson, John W. Mosior, Ali S. Rangwala, and Hani S. Zaher
Fruiting bodies of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum increase spore transport by Drosophila
jeff smith, David C. Queller, and Joan E. Strassmann
Ontogenetic trait variation influences tree community assembly across environmental gradients
Marko J. Spasojevic, Elizabeth A. Yablon, Brad Oberle, and Jonathan A. Myers
Tribute to Tinbergen: The Place of Animal Behavior in Biology
Joan E. Strassmann
Privatization and Property in Biology
Joan E. Strassmann and David C. Queller
Arabidopsis MSL10 Has a Regulated Cell Death Signaling Activity That Is Separable from Its Mechanosensitive Ion Channel Activity
Kira M. Veley, Grigory Maksaev, Elizabeth M. Frick, Emma January, Sarah C. Kloepper, and Elizabeth S. Haswell
The effectiveness of community-based rehabilitation programmes: an impact evaluation of quasi-randomised trial
Mauro Vincnzo, Mario Biggeri, Sunil Deepak, and Jean-Francois Trani
Social Work
RT-OpenStack: a Real-Time Cloud Management System
Sisu Xi, Chong Li, Chenyang Lu, Christopher D. Gill, Meng Xu, Linh T.X. Phan, Insup Lee, and Oleg Sokolsky
Computer Science and Engineering
Submissions from 2013
Aaron Gillette , Eugenics and the Nature Nurture Debate in the Twentieth Century
Garland E. Allen
“Culling the Herd”: Eugenics and the Conservation Movement in the United States, 1900–1940
Garland E. Allen
Simple Analytic Performance Models for Streaming Data Applications Deployed on Diverse Architectures
Jonathan C. Beard, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Mark A. Franklin
Computer Science and Engineering
Plant-pollinator interactions over 120 years: loss of species, co-occurrence, and function
Laura A. Burkle, John C. Marlin, and Tiffany M. Knight
Greater sexual reproduction contributes to differences in demography of invasive plants and their noninvasive relatives
Jean H. Burns, Eleanor A. Pardini, Michele R. Schutzenhofer, Y Anny Chung, Katie J. Seidler, and Tiffany M. Knight
Plant Cytoskeleton: DELLA Connects Gibberellins to Microtubules
Ram Dixit
Role of nucleation in cortical microtubule array organization: variations on a theme
Erica A. Fishel and Ram Dixit
Mechanisms for regulation of plant kinesins
Anindya Ganguly and Ram Dixit
Maternal depletion of Piwi, a component of the RNAi system, impacts heterochromatin formation in Drosophila
TingTing Gu and Sarah C.R. Elgin
The Rate and Effects of Spontaneous Mutation on Fitness Traits in the Social Amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum
David W. Hall, Sara Fox, Jennie J. Kuzdzal-Fick, Joan E. Strassmann, and David C. Queller
Kernel Density Metric Learning
Yujie He, Wenlin Chen, and Yixin Chen
Computer Science and Engineering
Physical activity surveillance and emerging technologies
J. Aaron Hipp
Social Work
Emerging Technologies: Webcams and Crowd-Sourcing to Identify Active Transportation
J. Aaron Hipp, Deepti Adlakha, Bill Chang, Amy A. Eyler, and Robert B. Pless
Social Work
Social Ecological Constraints to Park Use in Communities with Proximate Park Access
J. Aaron Hipp, Deepti Adlakha, and Ravikumar Chockalingam
Social Work
Joint entropy of continuously differentiable ultrasonic waveforms
M S. Hughes, John E. McCarthy, J N. Marsh, and S A. Wickline
On the Isomorphism Question for Complete Pick Multiplier Algebras
Matt Kerr, John E. McCarthy, and Orr Moshe Shalit
Mathematical modelling of internal heat recovery in flash tank heat exchanger cascades
Andrei Korobeinikov, John E. McCarthy, Emma Mooney, Krum Semkov, and James Varghese
Open streets initiatives in the U.S. : Closed to traffic, open to physical activity
Jill A. Kuhlberg, J. Aaron Hipp, Amy A. Eyler, and Genevieve Cheng
Social Work
Adding Data Parallelism to Streaming Pipelines for Throughput Optimization
Peng Li, Kunal Agrawal, Jeremy Buhler, and Roger D. Chamberlain
Computer Science and Engineering
Does Corporate Social Responsibility Contribute to Human Development in Developing Countries? Evidence from Nigeria
Kevin Lompo and Jean-Francois Trani
Social Work
Recent characterizations of MscS and its homologs provide insight into the basis of ion selectivity in mechanosensitive channels
Grigory Maksaev and Elizabeth S. Haswell
Unitary N-dilations for tuples of commuting matrices
John E. McCarthy and Orr Moshe Shalit
Heterochromatin Protein 1a (HP1a) partner specificity is determined by critical amino acids in the chromo shadow domain and C-terminal extension
Deanna Lynn Mendez, Rebecca Mandt, and Sarah C.R. Elgin
A force of nature: molecular mechanisms of mechanoperception in plants
Gabriele B. Monshausen and Elizabeth S. Haswell
Objects of Desire: Toward an Ethics of Sameness
Amber Jamilla Musser
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Is Openness to Using Empirically Supported Treatments Related to Organizational Culture and Climate?
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) PhD, Catherine N. Dulmus PhD, and Eugene Maguin PhD
Social Work
Do Organizational Culture and Climate Matter for Successful Client Outcomes?
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) PhD, Catherine N. Dulmus PhD, Eugene Maguin PhD, and Maria Cristalli
Social Work
Factors Influencing Worker Morale: Evaluating Provider Demographics, Workplace Environment and Using ESTs
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) PhD, Catherine N. Dulmus PhD, Eugene Maguin PhD, and Maria Cristalli
Social Work
Individual Worker level Attitudes Toward Empirically Supported Treatments
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) PhD, Eugene Maguin PhD, Catherine N. Dulmus PhD, and Bruce C. Nisbet
Social Work
Efficient Parallel Real-Time Upsampling of Ultrasound Vectors
William D. Richard Ph.D.
Computer Science and Engineering
Parallel Real-Time Scheduling of DAGs
Abusayeed Saifullah, David Ferry, Jing Li, Kunal Agrawal, Chenyang Lu, and Christopher Gill
Computer Science and Engineering
A new social gene in Dictyostelium discoideum, chtB
Lorenzo A. Santorelli, Adam Kuspa, Gad Shaulsky, David C. Queller, and Joan E. Strassmann
Targeting heterochromatin formation to transposable elements in Drosophila: potential roles of the piRNA system
Monica F. Sentmanat, SH Wang, and Sarah C.R. Elgin
Self-Adapting MAC Layer for Wireless Sensor Networks
Mo Sha, Meng Xu, Chenyang Lu, Linh T.X. Phan, Tae-Suk Kim, and Taerim Park
Computer Science and Engineering
Automated Color Calibration of Display Devices
Andrew Shulman
Computer Science and Engineering
A seasonal, density-dependent model for the management of an invasive weed
Esther Shyu, Eleanor A. Pardini, Tiffany M. Knight, and Hal Caswell