Research from 1989
An Inexpensive Electronic Viewbox
J. R. Cox Jr., R. G. Jost, T. Monsees, S. Ramamurthy, and M. Karlsson
Visualization of Concurrent Computations: Doctor of Science Dissertation Proposal
Kenneth C. Cox
A UNITY-Style Programming Logic for a Shared Dataspace Language
H. Conrad Cunningham and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Toward Formal Verification of Rule-Based Systems: A Shared Dataspace Perspective
H. Conrad Cunningham and Gruia-Catalin Roman
CDP: A Connectionist Deterministic Parser A Dissertation Proposal
Kanaan A. Faisal
Information Retrieval from Hypertext: Update on the Dynamic Medical Handbook Project
Mark E. Frisse and Steve B. Cousins Washington University in St. Louis
Correct Parallel Status Assignments for the Reason Maintenance System
Rosanne M. Fulcomer and William E. Ball
Towards a Fully Parallel Reason Maintenance System
Rosanne M. Fulcomer and William E. Ball
A Methodology for Developing Correct Rule-Based Programs for Parallel Implementation
Rosanne Fulcomer Gamble
Design of a VLSI Broadcast Translation Circuit
Gaurav Garg
Drosophila nuclear proteins bind to regions of alternating C and T residues in gene promoters
D Gilmour, G Thomas, and Sarah C.R. Elgin
Parallel Iterative-Deepening Search
David J. Harker
U.S. Tax Law as an Expert System
Karin M. Hartzell and Susan T. Miles
Dynamic Steiner Tree Problem
Makoto Imase and Bernard M. Waxman
Distribution patterns of HP1, a heterochromatin-associated nonhistone chromosomal protein of Drosophila
T James, J Eissenberg, C Craig, V Dietrich, A Hobson, and Sarah C.R. Elgin
Model-Based Interpretation of Time-Varying Medical Data
Michael G. Kahn, Lawrence M. Fagan Washington University in St. Louis, and Lewis B. Sheiner Washington University in St. Louis
A Learning Algorithm for Acyclic Neural Networks
Takayuki Dan Kimura
Back Propagation with Integer Arithmetic
Takayuki Dan Kimura
A New Transform for Time-Frequency Analysis
Arun Kumar, Daniel R. Fuhrmann, Michael Frazier, and Bjorn Jawerth
Determinism and Connectionism in a Rule-Based Natural Language System
Stan C. Kwasny and Kanaan A. Faisal
A Parallel Algorithm for High-Speed Stereo Matching
Andrew F. Laine and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Ampliative Inference, Computation, and Dialectic
R. P. Loui
Analogical Reasoning, Defeasible Reasoning, and the Reference Class
R. P. Loui
Defeasible Decisions: What the Proposal Is and Isn't
R. P. Loui
Defeat Among Arguments II
R. P. Loui
Two Heuristic Functions for Decision
R. P. Loui
Specification of a Multipoint Congram-Oriented High Performance Internet Protocol
Tony Y. Mazraani and Gurudatta M. Parulkar
Nonblocking Multirate Distribution Networks
Riccardo Melen and Jonathan S. Turner
The Next Generation of Internetworking
Gurudatta M. Parulkar
The Video Link Design Study
William D. Richard
A Declarative Approach to Visualizing Concurrent Computations
Gruia-Catalin Roman and Kenneth C. Cox
The Synchronic Group: A Concurrent Programming Concept and its Proof Logic
Gruia-Catalin Roman and H. Conrad Cunningham
A Justification Finder
Guillermo R. Simari
A Mathematical Treatment of Defeasible Reasoning and its Implementation
Guillermo R. Simari and R. P. Loui
Host-Network Interface Architecture for Gigabit Communications
James P. G. Sterbenz
Axon: A High Speed Communication Architecture for Distributed Applications
James P.G. Sterbenz and Gurudatta M. Parulkar
Axon: Application-Oriented Lightweight Transport Protocol Design
James P.G. Sterbenz and Gurudatta M. Parulkar
Axon: Network Virtual Storage Design
James P.G. Sterbenz and Gurudatta M. Parulkar
Siliconpaint User Manual
Jerry Stewart
New Approximation Algorithms for the Steiner Tree Problem
Bernard M. Waxman
A Psychophysical Comparison of Two Methods for Adaptive Histogram Equalization
John B. Zimmerman, Steve B. Cousins, Mark E. Frisse, Karin M. Hartzell, and Michael C. Kahn
Research from 1988
Design of a VLSI Packet Buffer
Neil Barrett
Comments on Proposed Transport Protocols
Anil Bhatia, James Sterbenz, and Gurudatta M. Parulkar
LSIM2 User's Manual
Roger D. Chamberlain and Mark N. Edelman
Parallel Simulated Annealing
Roger D. Chamberlain, Mark N. Edelman, Mark A. Franklin, and Ellen E. Witte
Hierarchical Discrete-Event Simulation on Hypercube Architecture
Roger D. Chamberlain and Mark A. Franklin
Automatic Interface Generations From Grammar Specifications
Steve B. Cousins
A Graph Browser with Zoom and Roam for Allegro Common Lisp
Steve B. Cousins and J. Andrew Fingerhut
A Transaction System for the NCUBE
Kenneth C. Cox and Gruia-Catalin Roman