The Center for Social Development is broadly engaged in designing and testing social innovations that promote full inclusion, fair treatment, and achievement of one’s full potential. Our research is transdisciplinary and encompasses seven primary areas.


Research from 2020


Financial Capability and Asset Building in Social and Economic Development: Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals, David Ansong, Moses Okumu, Jin Huang`, Margaret S. Sherraden, Lissa Johnson, and Li Zou


Insights From State Treasurers: Developing and Implementing Statewide Child Development Account Policies, Chris Leiker, Margaret M. Clancy, and Michael Sherraden


Social Work and the Future of Policing: Key Points for Changes in Policy and Practice, Michael Sherraden


The Financial Capability and Financial Well-Being of Low-Income Entrepreneurs, Jin Huang and Baorong Guo

Research from 2019


A Bill to Create the Bright Futures Plan Task Force: Testimony on H.B. 2389 Before the House Education Committee, Oregon State Legislature, Michael Sherraden


A Time of Opportunity, Angela Glover Blackwell


Child Development Accounts at Scale: Sample State Legislation, Margaret M. Clancy, Michael Sherraden, and Sondra G. Beverly


Essential Policy Design Elements for Statewide Child Development Accounts, Margaret M. Clancy, Michael Sherraden, and Sondra G. Beverly


Financially Vulnerable Families Reap Multiple Benefits From Child Development Accounts, Jin Huang, Sondra G. Beverly, Youngmi Kim, Margaret M. Clancy, and Michael Sherraden


Healing Policies for Black Boys and Young Men in St. Louis: Priorities in 2019, Sean Joe, Robert Motley, Alexandra Ivory, Alyssa Finner, and Janet Frederick


Lessons and Policy Implications from the Flint Water Crisis, Amy Krings, Dana Kornberg, and Shawna Lee


Race, Income, and Voting Access on Election Day, Aura Aguilar, Gena Gunn McClendon, Michael Sherraden, and Kyle A. Pitzer


SEED for Oklahoma Kids Wave 3: Extending Rigorous Research and a Successful Policy Model, Margaret M. Clancy, Michael Sherraden, and Sondra G. Beverly


Segregation and a Path Forward to Inclusion in St. Louis, Henry S. Webber


Social Mobility: The Necessary Focus of St. Louis Investment in Black Males, Sean Joe and Robert Motley


Statewide Child Development Accounts and Local Partnerships: A Scalable Model that Can Include All Families, Margaret M. Clancy, Michael Sherraden, Jim Huang, Sondra G. Beverly, and Youngmi Kim


The Meadowlark Scholarship Act: Testimony on L.B. 544 Before the Education Committee 106th Nebraska Legislature, Margaret Clancy


Volunteering and Measures of Human Development, Benjamin J. Lough PhD


Who Will Help Children? Building Brain Regimes, William F. Tate IV


Will I Be Able to Cast My Ballot? Race, Income, and Voting Access on Election Day, Gena Gunn McClendon, Kyle A. Pitzer, Michael Sherraden, and Aura Aguilar

Research from 2018


Asset Building as Social Investment, Michael Sherraden


A Toolkit for Expanding Financial Capability at Tax Time, Genevieve Davison, Merideth Covington, Olga Kondratjeva, Stephen P. Roll, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


Build the Village That Raises the Child, HomeGrown STL


Child Development Accounts and Saving for College: Mediated by Parental Educational Expectations?, Youngmi Kim, Jin Huang, Michael Sherraden, and Margaret M. Clancy


Community Violence Exposure and Risk Taking Behaviors Among Black Emerging Adults: A Systematic Review, Robert O. Motley, Whitney Sewell, and Yu-Chih Chen


Estimating the Economic Cost of Childhood Poverty in the United States, Michael McLaughlin and Mark R. Rank


Faculty Perspectives on Financial Capability and Asset Building in Social Work Education: A Research Report, Margaret S. Sherraden, Jin Huang, Lissa Johnson, Peter Dore, Julie Birkenmaier, Vernon Loke, and Sally Hageman


Family Assets, Parental Expectations, and Children Educational Performance: An Empirical Examination From China, Shu Fang, Jin Haung, Jami Curley, and Julie Birkenmaier


Financial Capability as Social Investment, Mary Caplan, Margaret S. Sherraden, and Junghee Bae


How Do Changes to 529 Rules Affect Children’s Savings Account Programs?, Margaret Clancy, Shira Markoff, and Justin King


Hypermobility and Educational Outcomes: The Case of St. Louis, Molly W. Metzger, Patrick J. Fowler, and Todd Swanstom


Incomplete Democracy: The Relationship of Race, Income, and Education to Voter Participation, Gena Gunn McClendon PhD, Kyle A. Pitzer, and Austin T. Tolani


Next Steps: Whither Social Work Education and Financial Capability and Asset Building?, Darla Spence Coffey


Police Use of Force by Ethnicity, Sex, and Socioeconomic Class, Robert O. Motley Jr. and Sean Joe


Policy Recommendations for Expanding Access to Banking and Financial Services, Terri Friedline, Mathieu R. Despard, and Julie Birkenmaier


Policy Recommendations for Financial Capability and Asset Building by Increasing Access to Safe, Affordable Credit, Julie Birkenmaier, Mathieu R. Despard, and Terri Friedline


Policy Recommendations for Helping U.S. Households Build Emergency Savings, Mathieu R. Despard, Terri Friedline, and Julie Birkenmaier


Program Knowledge and Racial Disparities in Savings Outcomes in a Child Development Account Experiment, Yunju Nam, Elizabeth Hole, Michael Sherraden, and Margaret M. Clancy


Promoting Savings at Tax Time: Insights from Online and In-Person Tax Preparation Services, Genevieve Davison, Ellen Frank-Miller, Stephen P. Roll, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


Refund to Savings 2015-2016: Field Experiments to Promote Tax-Time Saving in Low- and Moderate-Income Households, Stephen P. Roll, Genevieve Davison, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Mathieu R. Despard, and Sam Bufe


Responses to and Repercussions From Income Volatility in Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Results From a National Survey, Stephen P. Roll, David S. Mitchell, Krista Holub, Sam Bufe, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


School Banking as a Strategy for Strengthening Youth Economic Participation in Developing Countries: Lessons From YouthSave, Lissa Johnson, YungSoo Lee, Githinji Njenga, Joseph Kieyah, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Catherine Rodriguez Orgales, Sharad Sharma, Gina Agnes Chowa, David Ansong, Fred Ssewamala, Margaret S. Sherraden, Michael Sherraden, and Li Zou


Smart Decarceration: Achieving Criminal Justice Transformation in the 21st Century, Matthew W. Epperson and Carrie Pettus-Davis


St. Louis's “Team TIF”: A Community–Academic Partnership for Tax Incentive Reform, Nay'Chelle Harris and Molly W. Metzger


Taking Child Development Accounts to Scale: Ten Key Policy Design Elements, Michael Sherraden, Margaret M. Clancy, and Sondra G. Beverly


The Experience of Volatility in Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Results From a National Survey, Stephen P. Roll, David S. Mitchell, Sam Bufe, Gracie Lynne, and Michal Grinstein-Weiss


The Global Research Agenda on Volunteering for Peace and Development, Benjamin J. Lough PhD, Cliff Allum, Peter Devereux, and Rebecca Tiessen


The Pivotal Role of Human Service Practitioners in Building Financial Capability, Mae Watson Grote


The Relationship Between Cigarette Taxes and Child Maltreatment, Michael McLaughlin


The Role of Choice Architecture in Promoting Saving at Tax Time: Evidence From a Large-Scale Field Experiment, Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Cynthia Cryder, Mathieu R. Despard, Dana C. Perantie, Jane E. Oliphant, and Dan Ariely