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This report is based on a study conducted in collaboration with the Council on Social Work Education. The report presents findings from a national online survey of social work faculty. Results identify financial and economic (F&E) content taught in the current curriculum, gaps in coverage, and strategies for improving the academic preparation of social workers in these areas. Findings will inform financial capability and asset-building curriculum and improve the academic preparation of social workers.

Document Type

Research Report


Financial Inclusion


Financial Capability

Original Citation

Sherraden, M. S., Huang, J., Johnson, L., Dore, P. Birkenmaier, J., Loke, V., & Hageman, S. (2018). Faculty perspectives on financial capability and asset building in social work education: A research report (CSD Research Report No. 18-14). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.


Financial Capability and Asset Building


housing, social work education, social work, bank accounts, budget, Council on Social Work Education, credit, debt, economic empowerment, education, savings, financial capability, financial capability practice, financial education, financial knowledge, financial literacy, financial services, financial social work, Food Stamp Program, Grand Challenges for Social Work, Medicaid, measurement, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of, policy, race, saving, savings, contingency, social policy, survey, tax credit, United States
