Publications, research, and other scholarship by faculty across all schools, departments, and centers at Washington University in St. Louis


Research from 2010

Real-Time Scheduling for WirelessHART Networks
Abusayeed Saifullah, Chenyang Lu, You Xu, and Yixin Chen
Computer Science and Engineering


End-to-End Delay Analysis for Fixed Priority Scheduling in WirelessHART Networks
Abusayeed Saifullah, You Xu, Chenyang Lu, and Yixin Chen
Computer Science and Engineering


The genomics education partnership: successful integration of research into laboratory classes at a diverse group of undergraduate institutions
Christopher Shaffer, Wilson Leung, Jeremy Buhler, Elaine Mardis, Sarah C.R. Elgin, David Lopatto, Consuelo Alvarez, Cheryl Bailey, Daron Barnard, Satish Bhalla, Chitra Chandrasekaran, Vidya Chandrasekaran, Hui-Min Chung, Douglas Dorer, Chunguang Du, Todd Eckdahl, Jeff Poet, Donald Frohlich, Anya Goodman, Yuying Gosser, Charles Hauser, Laura Hoopes, Diana Johnson, Christopher Jones, Marian Kaehler, Nighat Kokan, Olga Kopp, Gary Kuleck, Gerard McNeil, Robert Moss, Jennifer Myka, Alexis Nagengast, Robert Morris, Paul Overvoorde, Elizabeth Shoop, Susan Parrish, Kelynne Reed, Gloria Regisford, Dennis Revie, Anne Rosenwald, Kenneth Saville, Stephanie Schroeder, Mary Shaw, Gary Skuse, Christopher Smith, Mary Smith, Eric Spana, Mary Spratt, Joyce Stamm, Jeff Thompson, Matthew Wawersik, Barbara Wilson, and James Youngblom


ARCH: Practical Channel Hopping for Reliable Home-Area Sensor Networks
Mo Sha, Gregory Hackmann, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


Multi-Channel Reliability and Spectrum Usage in Real Homes: Empirical Studies for Home-Area Sensor Networks
Mo Sha, Gregory Hackmann, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


What do Collaborations with the Arts Have to Say About Human-Robot Interaction?
William D. Smart, Annamaria Pileggi, and Leila Takayama
Computer Science and Engineering


Optimal Time Utility Based Scheduling Policy Design for Cyber-Physical Systems
Terry Tidwell, Robert Glaubius, Christopher D. Gill, and William D. Smart
Computer Science and Engineering


Poverty, vulnerability, and provision of healthcare in Afghanistan
Jean-Francois Trani, Parul Bakhshi, Ayan A. Noor, Dominque Lopez, and Ashraf Mashkoor
Social Work


Proms and Other Racial Ephemera: The Positive Social Construction of African Americans in the “Post”-Civil Rights Era
Rebecca A. Wanzo
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

RT-Xen: Real-Time Virtualization Based on Fixed-Priority Hierarchical Scheduling
Sisu Xi, Justin Wilson, Chenyang Lu, and Christopher Gill
Computer Science and Engineering

Submissions from 2009


Unlocking the secrets of the genome
Susan Celniker, Laura Dillon, Mark Gerstein, Kristin Gunsalus, Steven Henikoff, Gary Karpen, Manolis Kellis, Eric Lai, Jason Lieb, David MacAlpine, Gos Micklem, Fabio Piano, Michael Snyder, Lincoln Stein, Kevin White, Robert Waterston, and Sarah C.R. Elgin


Radio Mapping for Indoor Environments
Octav Chipara, Gregory Hackmann, Chenyang Lu, and William D. Smart
Computer Science and Engineering


Reliable Patient Monitoring: A Clinical Study in a Step-down Hospital Unit
Octav Chipara, Chenyang Lu, Thomas C. Bailey, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Computer Science and Engineering


Regulating Polygamy: Intimacy, Default Rules, and Bargaining for Equality
Adrienne D. Davis
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies


Extending the capability paradigm to address the complexity of disability
Jean-Luc Dubois and Jean-Francois Trani
Social Work


Women Scholars, Social Science Expertise, and the State
Mary Ann Dzuback
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies


Adaptive Service Provisioning for Wireless Sensor Networks
Chien-Liang Fok, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


Enhanced Coordination in Sensor Networks through Flexible Service Provisioning
Chien-Liang Fok, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


Feedback Thermal Control for Real-time Systems
Yong Fu, Nicholas Kottenstette, Yingming Chen, Chenyang Lu, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos, and Hongan Wang
Computer Science and Engineering


Scalable Scheduling Policy Design for Open Soft Real-Time Systems
Robert Glaubius, Terry Tidewell, Braden Sidoti, David Pilla, Justin Meden, Christopher Gill, and William D. Smart
Computer Science and Engineering


Scheduling Design with Unknown Execution Time Distributions or Modes
Robert Glaubius, Terry Tidwell, Christopher Gill, and William D. Smart
Computer Science and Engineering


Drosophila RISC component VIG and its homolog Vig2 impact heterochromatin formation
Elena Gracheva, Monica Dus, and Sarah C.R. Elgin


Non-programmers Identifying Functionality in Unfamiliar Code: Strategies and Barriers
Paul Gross and Caitlin Kelleher
Computer Science and Engineering


Performance-Engineered Network Overlays for High Quality Interaction in Virtual Worlds
Mart Haitjema, Ritun Patney, Jon Turner, Charlie Wiseman, and John DeHart
Computer Science and Engineering


Globally Clocked Magnetic Logic Circuits
Michael Hall, Albrecht Jander, Roger D. Chamberlain, and Pallavi Dhagat
Computer Science and Engineering


The Design and Performance of Cyber-Physical Middleware for Real-Time Hybrid Structural Testing
Huang-Ming Huang, Xiuyu Gao, Terry Tidewell, and Christopher Gill
Computer Science and Engineering


Small RNA-directed heterochromatin formation in the context of development: what flies might learn from fission yeast
Kathryn Huisinga and Sarah C.R. Elgin


Throughput-optimal systolic arrays from recurrence equations
Arpith C. Jacob, Jeremy D. Buhler, and Roger D. Chamberlain
Computer Science and Engineering


Efficient Tracking of Many Objects in Structured Environments
Nathan Jacobs, Michael Dixon, Scott Satkin, and Robert Pless
Computer Science and Engineering


On Unusual Pixel Shapes and Image Motion
Nathan Jacobs, Stephen Schuh, and Robert Pless
Computer Science and Engineering


Geodesic grassfire for computing mixed-dimensional skeletons
Lu Liu and Tao Ju
Computer Science and Engineering


Coiled-coil-mediated dimerization is not required for myosin VI to stabilize actin during spermatid individualization in Drosophila melanogaster
Tatsuhiko Nogushi, Deborah J. Frank, Mamiko Isaji, and Kathryn G. Miller


Beliefs and Behaviors Regarding Substance Use and HIV Risk among Men Who have Sex with Men (MSM) in a Mid-Sized U.S. Community
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) PhD, Martin Hall MSSW, and Seana Golder PhD
Social Work


Architectures for the Future Networks and the Next Generation Internet: A Survey
Subharthi Paul, Jianli Pan, and Raj Jain
Computer Science and Engineering


Enabling a Low-delay Internet Service via Built-in Performance Incentives
Maxim Podlesny and Sergey Gorinsky
Computer Science and Engineering


A lot about a little dot - lessons learned from Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 4
Nicole Riddle, Christopher Shaffer, and Sarah C.R. Elgin


Defending Against Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks With Weight-Fair Router Throttling
Abusayeed Saifullah
Computer Science and Engineering


Self-Stabilizing Computation of 3-Edge-Connected Components
Abusayeed Saifullah and Yung Tsin
Computer Science and Engineering


A Simple Algorithm For Triconnectivity of a Multigraph
Abusayeed Saifullah and Alper Ungor
Computer Science and Engineering


Robust Sensor Networks in Homes via Reactive Channel Hopping
Mo Sha, Greg Hackmann, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


VolumeViewer: An Interactive Tool for Fitting Surfaces to Volume Data
Ross Sowell, Lu Liu, Tao Ju, Cindy Grimm, Christopher Abraham, Garima Gokhroo, and D Low
Computer Science and Engineering


Achieving Coordination Through Dynamic Construction of Open Workflows ** PLEASE SEE WUCSE-2009-14 **
Louis Thomas, Justin Luner, Grui-Catalin Roman, and Christopher Gill
Computer Science and Engineering


Achieving Coordination Through Dynamic Construction of Open Workflows
Louis Thomas, Justin Wilson, Grui-Catalin Roman, and Christopher Gill
Computer Science and Engineering


Open Workflows: Context-Dependent Construction and Execution in Mobile Wireless Settings
Louis Thomas, Justin Wilson, Grui-Catalin Roman, and Christopher Gill
Computer Science and Engineering


Lack of a Will or of a Way? Taking a Capability Approach for Analysing Disability Policy Shortcomings and Ensuring Programme Impact in Afghanistan
Jean-Francois Trani, Parul Bakhshi, Ayan A. Noor, and Ashraf Mashkoor
Social Work


Design and Evaluation of a Practical, High Performance Crossbar Scheduler
Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering


Supercharged PlanetLab Platform Architecture
Jonathan Turner, Patrick Crowley, John DeHart, Mart Haitjema, Fred Kuhns Kuhns, Ritun Patney, Michael Wilson, Charlie Wiseman, and David Zar
Computer Science and Engineering


Partial Program Admission
Michael Wilson, Ron Cytron, and Jon Turner
Computer Science and Engineering


Design of an Extensible Network Testbed with Heterogeneous Components
Charlie Wisemen, Jyoti Parwatikar, Ken Wong, John Dehart, and Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering


The Virtual Network Scheduling Problem for Heterogeneous Network Emulation Testbeds
Charlie Wisemen and Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering