Publications, research, and other scholarship by faculty across all schools, departments, and centers at Washington University in St. Louis


Research from 2006


The Adventure(S) of Blackness in Western Culture: An Epistolary Exchange on Old and New Identity Wars
Adrienne D. Davis and Robert S. Chang
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies


Algorithms and Architectures for Network Search Processors
Sarang Dharmapurikar


Fast Packet Classification Using Bloom Filters
Sarang Dharmapurikar, Haoyu Song, Jonathan Turner, and John Lockwood
Computer Science and Engineering


Establishment of Polarity during Organization of the Acentrosomal Plant Cortical Microtubule Array
Ram Dixit, Eric Chang, and Richard Cyr


Berkeley Women Economists, Public Policy, and Civic Sensibility
Mary Ann Dzuback
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies


Agilla: A Mobile Agent Middleware for Sensor Networks
Chien-Liang Fok, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


Distributed Utilization Control for Real-time Clusters with Load Balancing
Yong Fu, Hongan Wang, Chenyang Lu, and Ramu S. Chandra
Computer Science and Engineering


Control of Decoherence in Open Quantum Systems
Narayan Ganesan
Computer Science and Engineering


Feature Detection Using Curvature Maps and the Min-Cut/Max-Flow Graph Cut Algorithm
Timothy Gatzke and Cindy Grimm
Computer Science and Engineering


A Theory of Load Adjustments and its Implications for Congestion Control
Sergey Gorinsky, Manfred Georg, Maxim Podlesny, and Christoph Jechlitschek
Computer Science and Engineering


Smooth Surface Reconstruction using Charts for Medical Data
Cindy Grimm and Tao Ju
Computer Science and Engineering


Sliver: A BPEL Workflow Process Execution Engine for Mobile Devices
Gregory Hackmann, Mart Haitjema, Christopher Gill, and Catalin-Gruia Roman
Computer Science and Engineering


MobiWork: Mobile Workflow for MANETs
Gregory Hackmann, Rohan Sen, Mart Haitjema, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Gill
Computer Science and Engineering


Acceleration of Gapped Alignment in BLASTP Using the Mercury System
Brandon B. Harris
Computer Science and Engineering


Virtualization for a Network Processor Runtime System
Brandon Heller, Jonathan Turner, John DeHart, and Patrick Crowley
Computer Science and Engineering


The contradictory definitions of heterochromatin: transcription and silencing
Kathryn Huisinga, Brent Brower-Toland, and Sarah C.R. Elgin


Design and analysis of an accelerated seed generation stage for BLASTP on the Mercury system - Master's Thesis, August 2006
Arpith Jacob
Computer Science and Engineering


Fair Efficiency, or Low Average Delay without Starvation
Christoph Jechlitschek and Sergey Gorinksky
Computer Science and Engineering


Dynamic Resource Management in a Static Network Operating System
Kevin Klues, Vlado Handziski, David Culler, David Gay, Phillip Levis Levis, Chenyang Lu, and Adam Wolisz
Computer Science and Engineering


A Unified Architecture for Flexible Radio Power Management in Wireless Sensor Networks
Kevin Klues, Guoliang Xing, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


Link Layer Support for Unified Radio Power Management In Wireless Sensor Networks
Kevin Klues, Guoliang Xing, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


Towards a Unified Radio Power Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks
Kevin Klues, Guoliang Xing, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


Efficient Mapping of Virtual Networks onto a Shared Substrate
Jing Lu and Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering


Acceleration of Profile-HMM Search for Protein Sequences in Reconfigurable Hardware - Master's Thesis, May 2006
Rahul Pratap Maddimsetty
Computer Science and Engineering


Automatic Application-Specific Customization of Softcore Processor Microarchitecture, Masters Thesis, May 2006
Shobana Padmanabhan
Computer Science and Engineering


Preserving Performance of Byzantine Fault Tolerant Replica Groups in the Presence of Malicious Clients
Sajeeva L. Pallemulle, Haraldur D. Thorvaldsson, and Kenneth J. Goldman
Computer Science and Engineering


Multimodal Congestion Control for Low Stable-State Queuing
Maxim Podlesny and Sergey Gorinsky
Computer Science and Engineering


Design Issues of Reserved Delivery Subnetworks, Doctoral Dissertation, May 2006
Ruibiao Qiu
Computer Science and Engineering


Three Dimensional Panoramic Fast Flourescence Imaging of Cardiac Arryhtymias in the Rabbit Heart
Fujian Qu, Vladimir P. Nikolski, Cindy Grimm, and Igor R. Efimov
Computer Science and Engineering


Use of gene expression profiling and machine learning to understand and predict primary graft dysfunction
Monika Ray, Sekhar Dharmarajan, Johannes Freudenberg, Weixiong Zhang, and Alexander G. Patterson
Computer Science and Engineering


A comprehensive analysis of the effect of microarray data
Monika Ray, Johannes Freudenberg, and Weixiong Zhang
Computer Science and Engineering


The dot chromosome of Drosophila: insights into chromatin states and their change over evolutionary time
Nicole Riddle and Sarah C.R. Elgin


Tuple Space Coordination Across Space & Time
Gruia-Catalin Roman, Radu Handorean, and Chenyang Lu
Computer Science and Engineering


Discovering Functional Modules by Clustering Gene Co-expression Networks
Jianhua Ruan and Weixiong Zhang
Computer Science and Engineering


Discovering weak community structures in large biological networks
Jianhua Ruan and Weixiong Zhang
Computer Science and Engineering


Supporting Collaborative Behavior in MANETs using Workflows
Rohan Sen, Gregory Hackmann, Mart Haitjema, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Gill
Computer Science and Engineering


CiAN: A Language and Middleware for Collaboration in Ad hoc Networks
Rohan Sen, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Andrew Frank
Computer Science and Engineering


Comparison of dot chromosome sequences from D. melanogaster and D. virilis reveals an enrichment of DNA transposon sequences in heterochromatic domains
Elizabeth Slawson, Christopher Shaffer, Colin Malone, Wilson Leung, Elmer Kellmann, Rachel Shevchek, Carolyn Craig, Seth Bloom, James Bogenpohl 2nd, James Dee, Emiko Morimoto, Jenny Myoung, Andrew Nett, Fatih Ozsolak, Mindy Tittiger, Andrea Zeug, Mary-Lou Pardue, Jeremy Buhler, Elaine Mardis, and Sarah C.R. Elgin


Manifold Learning for Natural Image Sets, Doctoral Dissertation August 2006
Richard Souvenir
Computer Science and Engineering


Timed Automata Models for Principled Composition of Middleware
Venkita Subramonian


Reusable Models for Timing and Liveness Analysis of Middleware for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Venkita Subramonian, Christopher Gill, Cesar Sanchez, and Henny Sipma
Computer Science and Engineering


A view-based deformation tool-kit, Master's Thesis, August 2006
Nisha Sudarsanam
Computer Science and Engineering


The Meta-Theory of Q_0 in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, Master's Thesis, May 2006
Li-Yang Tan
Computer Science and Engineering


The Design, Modeling, and Implementation of Group Scheduling for Isolation of Computations from Adversarial Interference
Terry Tidwell, Noah Watkins, Venkita Subramonian, Douglas Niehaus, Armando Gill, and Migliaccio
Computer Science and Engineering


Understanding the Challenge Ahead Executive Summary Report National Disability Survey in Afghanistan 2005
Jean-Francois Trani and Parul Bakhshi
Social Work


A Proposed Architecture for the GENI Backbone Platform
Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering


Design of a Diversified Network Substrate
Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering


Design of Routers for Diversified Networks
Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering


Auto-Pipe and the X Language: A Toolset and Language for the Simulation, Analysis, and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Pipelined Architectures, Master's Thesis, August 2006
Eric J. Tyson
Computer Science and Engineering


Adaptive Quality of Service Control in Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems
Xiaorui Wang