Research from 2005
Design of an Interlock Module for Use in a Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous Design Methodology
U. G. Swamy, J. R. Cox, G. L. Engel, and D. M. Zar
On using content addressable memory for packet classification
David E. Taylor and Edward W. Spitznagel
Architecture and Execution Model for a Survivable Workflow Transaction Infrastructure
Haraldur D. Thorvaldsson and Kenneth J. Goldman
When is a Work-Conserving Switch Not?
Jonathan S. Turner
X Language Specification
Eric Tyson
An Iterative Learning Algorithm for Deciphering Stegoscripts: a Grammatical Approach for Motif Discovery
Guandong Wang and Weixiong Zhang
Decentralized Utilization Control in Distributed Real-Time Systems
Xiaorui Wang, Dong Jia, Chenyang Lu, and Xenofon Koutsoukos
Enhancing the Robustness of Distributed Real-Time Middleware via End-to-End Utilization Control
Xiaorui Wang, Chenyang Lu, and Xenofon Koutsoukos
Apocalyptic Empathy: A Parable of Postmodern Sentimentality
Rebecca A. Wanzo
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Interactive Manipulation of 3D Scene Projections
Department of Computer Science Engineering Washington University in St. Louis
A Language-based Approach to Functionally Correct Imperative Programming
Edwin Westbrook, Aaron Stump, and Ian Wehrman
The Jacobian conjecture: ideal membership questions and recent advances
David Wright
MobiQuery: A Spatiotemporal Query Service for Mobile Users in Sensor Networks
Guoliang Xing, Sangeeta Bhattacharya, Chenyang Lu, Octav Chipara, Chien-Liang Fok, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Localized and Configurable Topology Control in Lossy Wireless Sensor Networks
Guoliang Xing, Chenyang Lu, and Robert Pless
Minimum Power Configuration for Wireless Communication in Sensor Networks
Guoliang Xing, Chenyang Lu, Ying Zhang, Qingfeng Huang, and Robert Pless
End-to-End Scheduling Strategies for Aperiodic Tasks in Middleware
Yuanfang Zhang, Chenyang Lu, Christopher Gill, Patrick Lardieri, and Gautum Thaker
Research from 2004
Automated Motion Synthesis for Virtual Choreography
Gazihan Alankus, A. Alphan Bayazit, and O. Burchan Bayazit
Design and Performance of Configurable Endsystem Scheduling Mechanisms
Tejasvi Aswathanarayana, Douglas Niehaus, Venkita Subranmonian, and Christopher Gill
Towards a Perception Based Image Editing System
Reynold Bailey, Raquel Bujans, and Cindy Grimm
Run-time Modification of the Class Hierachy in a Live Java Development Environment
Joel R. Brandt
Run-time Modification of the Class Hierarchy in a Live Java Development Environment
Joel R. Brandt and Kenneth J. Goldman
Learning Curve Management in Educational Programming Environments
Benjamin H. Brinckerhof and Kenneth J. Goldman
Efficient Power Management based on Application Timing Semantics for Wireless Sensor Networks
Octav Chipara, Chenyang Lu, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Heap Defragmentation in Bounded Time
Sharath R. Cholleti, Delvin Defoe, and Ron K. Cytron
Techniques and Patterns for Safe and Efficient Real-Time Middleware
Angelo Corsaro
Pipeline Task Scheduling with Appication to Network Processors
Seema Datar
Design and Implementation of a String Matching System for Network Intrusion Detection using FPGA-based Bloom Filters
Sarang Dharmapurikar, Michael Attig, and John Lockwood
Encounters between Dynamic Cortical Microtubules Promote Ordering of the Cortical Array through Angle-Dependent Modifications of Microtubule Behavior
Ram Dixit and Richard Cyr
The Cortical Microtubule Array: From Dynamics to Organization
Ram Dixit and Richard Cyr
Mobile Agent Middleware for Sensor Networks: An Application Case Study
Chien-Liang Fok, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Chenyang Lu
Rapid Development and Flexible Deployment of Adaptive Wireless Sensor Network Applications
Chien-Liang Fok, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Chenyang Lu
Modeling Local Video Statistics for Anomaly Detection
Roman Garnett
Improved Curvature Estimation on Triangular Meshes
Tim Gatzke and Cindy Grimm
Live Software Development with Dynamic Classes
Kenneth G. Goldman
Capsules and Semantic Regions for Code Visualization and Direct Manipulation of Live Programs
Kenneth J. Goldman
Link Buffer Sizing: a New Look at the Old Problem
Sergey Gorinsky, Anshul Kantawala, and Jonathan Turner
Selecting the Buffer Size for an IP Network Link
Sergey Gorinsky, Anshul Kantawala, and Jonathan S. Turner
The IBar: A Perspective-based Camera Widget
Cindy Grimm, Karan Singh, and Nisha Sudarsanan
Supporting Generalized Context Interactions
Gregory Hackmann, Christine Julien, Jamie Payton, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Accommodating Transient Connectivity in Ad Hoc and Mobile Settings
Radu Handorean, Christopher Gill, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
A Component Deployment Mechanism Supporting Service Oriented Computing in Ad Hoc Networks
Radu Handorean, Rohan Sen, Gregory Hackmann, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Automated Code Management for Service Oriented Computing in Ad Hoc Networks
Radu Handorean, Rohan Sen, Gregory Hackmann, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Context Aware Session Management for Services in Ad Hoc Networks
Radu Handorean, Rohan Sen, Gregory Hackmann, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Static Analysis of Memory-Accessing Gestures in Java
Christopher R. Hill
FAR: Face-Aware Routing for Mobicast in Large-Scale Sensor Networks
Qingfeng Huang, Sangeeta Bhattacharya, Chenyang Lu, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Context-Sensitive Access Control for Open Mobile Agent Systems
Christine Julien, Jamie Payton, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Supporting Context-Aware Application Development in Ad Hoc Mobile Networks
Christine Julien and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Network Abstractions for Simplifying Mobile Application Development
Christine Julien, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Qingfeng Huang
Bringing Context-Awareness to Applications in Ad Hoc Mobile Networks
Christine Julien, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and Jamie Payton
Road Extraction From Aerial Video Using Active Contours and Motion Cues
David A. Jurgens