Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Discovery and Characterization of Novel Polyomaviruses in Humans, Erica Anne Siebrasse
Shape and Structure of Neutron-Rich from Cf-252 Fission Fragments, Jason Benjamin Snyder
Functional Roles of Nucleases in DNA Metabolism and Genome Stability, Justin Lee Sparks
Yeast Prion Variants as Models of the Phenotypic and Pathological Consequences of Amyloid Polymorphism, Kevin Stein
The Role of Nampt-Mediated NAD+ Biosynthesis in Hippocampal Neural Stem Cells and Excitatory Neurons, Liana Leigh Roberts Stein
On the Analysis of DNA Methylation, Michael Stevens
The Burden of Western History: Kansas, Collective Memory, and the Reunification of the American Empire, 1854-1913, Matthew Gordon Stewart
Waldlektüren. Zur Figuration und Funktionalisierung des Waldes bei Ludwig Tieck und Adalbert Stifter, Florian Stocker
Video Science: Cinema as Sense Organ, Rosalynn Stovall
The Ischemic Heart: Novel Research, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Techniques, Matthew Sulkin
The Roles of miR-155 and miR-15/16 in Natural Killer Cell Function and Maturation, Ryan Patrick Sullivan
Joint Representation of Translational and Rotational Components of Self-Motion in the Parietal Cortex, Adhira Sunkara
Ultrasound-mediated Optical Imaging and Focusing in Scattering Media, Yuta Suzuki
Ligand Manipulation and Reactivity Studies of Organometallic High Valent Palladium Complexes, Fengzhi Tang
Exploring Strange, New Worlds: Travellers and Foreigners in Medieval Iberian Literature, Lauren Taranu
Exodus HD, Christopher J. Thompson
Plasmonic Paper as a Novel Chem/Bio Detection Platform, Limei Tian
Characterization of Fasting-Induced p21 Expression and Protection of Intestinal Stem Cells, Kelsey Lynn Tinkum
TACIT MATTER, Gillian Tobin
Robust Sex and Strain Discrimination in the Mouse Vomeronasal Organ and Accessory Olfactory Bulb, Illya Tolokh
Painting and Stuff, LOL, Sopearb Touch
Making Healthy Minds and Bodies in Syria and Lebanon, 1899 - 1961, Beverly A. Tsacoyianis
Repair of DNA Double-strand Breaks in G1-phase Cells, Anthony Thomas Tubbs
RBPjk-Independent, NICD-Dependent Signals in Rbpj-/- Hair Follicle Keratinocytes Cause a Milder Phenotype in RBPjcKO Animals, Mustafa Turkoz
Approximation and Relaxation Approaches for Parallel and Distributed Machine Learning, Stephen Tyree
Power to Appoint: A Model of Appointments to the United States Federal Judiciary, Alicia Bernice Uribe
The Role of Cytoskeletal Stability in Regulating Synapse Development and Axonal Regeneration through the DLK Pathway, Vera Valakh
Ebner's Ethical Creatures: Animals and Humanity in the Work of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Sarah Hillenbrand Varela
Fantasy and Franchising: A Match Made in Heaven, Alina Volobuyeva
Effect of Retrieval Practice on Applied Knowledge: Evidence From A Professional Training Program, Jenna Voss
Thinking Geospatially: How Variable Relationships with Reaching Achievement Test Scores in the State of Missouri Vary*by Geospatial Location, Elizabeth Jane Wallington
Molecular Mechanisms of Programmed Necrotic Death Initiated by Intrinsic Death Signals, Gary Xiaoshi Wang
Novel Mobile Computation Offloading Framework for Android Devices, Meng Wang
Estimating the Risk of Getting Alzheimer’s Disease by A Two-Stage Model, Tian Wang
Fine Particle and Mercury Formation and Control during Coal Combustion, Xiaofei Wang
Non-conventional Regulation of Itk and Akt Kinases in T Cells and Dendritic Cells, Xinxin Wang
Study of II-VI Colloidal Semiconductor Magic-size Nanoclusters and Crystalline Quantum Platelets, Yuanyuan Wang
Women in the Context of Industrialization and Labor in Nineteenth-Century German Literature by Women, Petra Anni Watzke
Defining the Role of TDP-43 in Neurodegenerative Disease Pathways, Iga Natalia Wegorzewska
Innovative Revenue Management for Fashion Goods: Demand Learning, Strategic Consumers, and Advance Selling, Mingcheng Wei
Predicting Short-Term Positive Affect Trajectory in Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder: The Role of Selected Personality Traits and Emotion Regulation Strategies, Jaclyn Sara Weisman
Investigation and Optimization of Extraordinary Electroconductance (EEC) Sensors & The Role of Magnetic Disorder in the Formation of Spin Glasses, Fletcher M. Werner
The Structure of Language: Relations to Narrative Coding, Personality, and Well-Being, Sara Jo Weston
Measurement and Modeling of OPNMR Phenomena in GaAs Semiconductors, Dustin D. Wheeler
Anger and Punishment: Natural History and Normative Significance, Isaac Thane Wiegman
Reading Stories Old and New: The Poetics of Paratext in Gujin xiaoshuo, Alexander Wille