Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Reading Stories Old and New: The Poetics of Paratext in Gujin xiaoshuo, Alexander Wille
Evolution of Ecological Dominance of Yeast Species in High-Sugar Environments, Kathryn Marie Williams
Witness, Phillip Brian Williams
The Rhetorical Assault: American Reportage and Propaganda in the Wars of Yugoalv Secession, Sarah Elizabeth Wion
The Afar Caravan Route: Insights into Aksumite (50 BCE-CE 900) Trade and Exchange from the Low Deserts to the North Ethiopian Plateau, Helina Woldekiros
The Influence of Metacommunity Size on Species Diversity across Spatial Scales, Lauren Woods
Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Routing for Industrial Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks, Chengjie Wu
Single CuO Nanowires Electrical Properties and Application on Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, Junnan Wu
Characterizing the fitness landscapes of gut symbionts in defined community and diet contexts, Meng Wu
Commentary, Illustration, and Cross-Generic Writing in Paired Editions of Xixiang ji and Pipa ji, Yinghui Wu
Studies in Advanced Oxy-combustion Technologies, Fei Xia
A Study of Drug Distribution in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain, Yixuan Xiao
Engineering Biosensors for Short-chain Alcohols, Yu Xia
Applications of Nonlinear Optimization, Yao Xie
Real-Time Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Sisu Xi
Modeling and Development of Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms in Emerging X-ray Imaging Technologies, Jiaofeng Xu
Becoming a Moral Child: Morality, Culture, and Mind in Contemporary China, Jing Xu
Large-scale Cellular Imaging of Neuronal Activity: a Study of Neural Individuality and a Method for Imaging Mouse Cortex, Pei Sabrina Xu
Phosphorylation Regulation of T-Lymphocyte Migration, Xiaolu Xu
Design and Implementation of Position-Encoded Microfluidic Microsphere-Trap Arrays, Xiaoxiao Xu
Accelerating Heuristic Search for AI Planning, You Xu
Essays on the Microeconomic Theory of Behavioral Heterogeneity and Information Aggregation, Youzong Xu
Seeking Redemption and Sanctity: Seventeenth-Century Chinese Christian Literati and their Self-Writing, Yunjing Xu
Supervised Machine Learning Under Test-Time Resource Constraints: A Trade-off Between Accuracy and Cost, Zhixiang Xu
Intracellular Water Preexchange Lifetime in Neurons and Astrocytes, Donghan Yang
Power System State Estimation and Renewable Energy Optimization in Smart Grids, Peng Yang
Spatially Distinct Functions of Rho1 during Adherens Junction Maintenance in Remodeling Epithelia, Hanako Yashiro
Leadership Vacillation as a Pattern of CEO Succession: Existence, Antecedents, Boundary Conditions, and Performance Implications, Chieh-Chung James Yen
Optical Resonators and Fiber Tapers as Transducers for Detection of Nanoparticles and Bio-Molecules, Huzeyfe Yilmaz
Molecular Simulations of Diffusion-Tensor MRI, Xiaoxian Sherry Yin
A Study of Upgrading in Capacity Management, Yueshan Yu
Tunisian Theater at the Turn of the Century: "Hammering the Same Nail" in Jalila Baccar and Fadhel Jaïbi's Theater, Rafika Zahrouni
Ästhetische Grenzgänge. Das weiblich Erhabene in Schillers 'Jungfrau von Orleans' und Kleists 'Penthesilea', Miriam Zeh
Restoring Upper Extremity Mobility through Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation using Macro Sieve Electrodes, Erik R. Zellmer
Submicron-resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy of Endogenous Light-absorbing Biomolecules, Chi Zhang
What Do Children Know Before Spelling Phonologically? Prephonological Spellers’ Knowledge of Writing, Lan Zhang
Real-time Image Processing on an FPGA for an Intraoperative Goggle Device, Yiyi Zhang
Using the Wavelet Transformation to Analyze Cross-Sectional MRI Data, Yuyang Zhang
Cross-sectional MRI Data Analysis Based on Shearlet Transformation, Hao Zhao
Real-time Temperature Imaging Using Ultrasonic Change in Backscattered Energy, Weiyuan Zhao
Neuronal Functions of the Drosophila DEG/ENaC Channel ppk29, Xingguo Zheng
Principles of Epigenome Evolution, Jia Zhou
Mechanisms for the Function and Regulation of the Arabidopsis FRA1 Kinesin during Cell Wall Formation, Chuanmei Zhu
Optimal Control and Synchronization of Dynamic Ensemble Systems, Anatoly Zlotnik
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Art, Ideology, and Politics at El Achiotal: A Late Preclassic Frontier Site in Northwestern Petén, Guatemala, Mary Jane Acuña
Representación de Raza y Género en la Poesía de las Poetas Negras y Mulatas Cubanas (1960s-1980s), Lídice Alemán
Essays in Empirical Corporate Finance, Shashwat Alok
Coloring Catastrophe: De/Coding Color in Representations of the Holocaust, Russell Alt-Hakker