Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Capturing Charis: Semantics and Structure in the Iliad, Bryan Y. Norton
Die Raumsemantik in Ferdinand von Saars Schloß Kostenitz und Adalbert Stifters Brigitta - Ein Vergleich, Anna-Rebecca Nowicki
The Role of ERK1/2 Signaling in the Peripheral Nociceptive Circuit, Daniel Edward O'Brien
Spontaneous and Leaderless: The Anarchist Impulse in Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Fiction, Michael O'Bryan
Measuring and Predicting Total Energy Expenditure Among Highly Active Humans in Natural Environments, Cara Ocobock
Identifying Humans by the Shape of Their Heartbeats and Materials by Their X-Ray Scattering Profiles, Ikenna C. Odinaka
Landscape Genetics of Western Black Crested Gibbons (Nomascus concolor) in China, Joseph Daniel Orkin
Regulation and inhibition of pro-tumorigenic microenvironments, Elise Oster Alspach
The Effects of Cigarette Smoking During Acute Alcohol Intoxication, Kevin Packingham
Next Generation Internet Architecture and Cyber-assisted Energy Efficiency in Smart Grids of Buildings, Jianli Pan
Mechanisms of Autophagy Protein Mediated Goblet Cell Secretion in the Intestinal Epithelium, Khushbu K. Patel
Software Defined Application Delivery Networking, Subharthi Paul
Neural Correlates of Reach Planning and Execution, Thomas Pearce
Archipelago, Maura Rachel Pellettieri
Motivational Strategies, Conditional Welfare and Distributive Justice, Cristian Perez
The Role of Novel Gene UL79 Encoded by Human Cytomegalovirus in Viral Replication, Yi-Chieh Perng
Coping with Intimate Partners' Substance Use and Gambling Problems: The Role of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), Megan Petra
In Pursuit of Distant Horizons, Whitney Polich
Engineered Plasmonic Nanostructures for Nanomedicine, Christopher Matthew Portz
A Mixed Methods Multiple Case Study of Implementation as Usual in Children's Social Service Organizations, Byron James Powell
Defining and Describing the Functional Network Organization of the Healthy Human Brain, with Observations on Development and Disease, Jonathan David Power
Characterization of a Novel NPC1I1061T Knock-in Mouse Model of Niemann-Pick Type C1 Disease, Maria A. Praggastis
Control of Deterministic and Stochastic Linear Ensemble Systems, Ji Qi
High Valent Palladium Complexes and Their Role in C-C and C-X Bond Formation Chemistry., Fengrui Qu
Regulation of Nutrient Sensing and Utilization by Symbiotic Gut Bacteria, Varsha Raghavan
In Vivo Functions of Inhibitory Immunoreceptors During Viral Infection, Aaron Rapaport
N-Cadherin Regulation of Bone Anabolic Responses via PTH and Wnt/Beta-Catenin Signaling, Leila Denise Revollo
The Role of Prolactin Receptor Signaling in the Development of Mammary Adenocarcinoma, Charles Gerard Rickert
An Essential Role for Self-pMHC throughout the Life of a CD4 T Cell: Contributions in the Thymus and Periphery, Stephanie Rodriguez
When Life Happens: Theatres of HIV and Complexity in South Africa, Jessica S. Ruthven
Cultivating Their Own in Kenya: A Social History of Maragoli Farmers and Development, 1955-1978, Muey Ching Saeteurn
International Organizations as Information Providers: How Investors and Governments Utilize Optimistic IMF Forecasts, Abdulhadi Sahin
Real-Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Cyber-Physical Systems, Abusayeed Saifullah
Effect of Reading and Discussing a Storybook about Alzheimer's Disease on Children and Parents, Erin Sakai
Development and Function of Classical Dendritic Cell Lineages, Ansuman T. Satpathy
Methods and Mechanisms of DNA Methylation in Development and Disease, Maximiliaan Schillebeeckx
Communication in Collective Choice Environments, Keith Evan Schnakenberg
Beyond the Stadhouder-King: Political Economy and Regulation in the Economic Development of England and the Dutch Republic in the 1690s, Steven Schrum
Polyol Synthesis of Silver Nanowires by Heterogeneous Nucleation and Mechanistic Aspects Influencing its Length and Diameter, Waynie M. Schuette
Cardiomyocyte-Specific Deficiency of Ketone Body Metabolism Promotes Accelerated Pathological Remodeling, Rebecca Schugar
Origin of Maternal Age Effect in Congenital Heart Disease Risk for Offspring, Claire Elaine Schulkey
Ihh Signaling and Muscle Forces are Required for Enthesis Development, Andrea Gitomer Schwartz
Pathways from Caregiver Problematic Substance Use to Child Harm: A Secondary Data Analysis of the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being II, Kristen D. Seay
The Automatic and Controlled Influence of Environmental Cues During Recognition Judgments, Diana Selmeczy
Development of Optically-Pumped and Optically-Detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field and Studies of GaAs Quantum Wells, Erika Lynn Sesti
Diabetes Mellitus and Limited Joint Mobility in the Upper Extremity, Kshamata Mukul Shah
Aerosol Techniques for Deposition and Characterization of Biological and Biomimetic Sensitizers for Solar Devices, Vivek B. Shah
Wireless Sensor Networking in Challenging Environments, Mo Sha
Fronto-Parietal and Cingulo-Opercular Network Integrity and Global Cognition in Health and Schizophrenia, Julia May Sheffield
The Thing You Are Looking For, Jessie Shinn