Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Four Generated Rank 2 Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay Vector Bundles on General Sextic Surfaces, Wei Deng
Active Flow Control of Subsonic Flow in an Adverse Pressure Gradient Using Synthetic Jets and Passive Micro Flow Control Devices, Michael E. Denn
The Design, Construction, and Implementation of an Electrostatic Levitation Facility for Neutron Scattering Studies of Liquids, Kevin Sebastian Derendorf
Inconstant Stoics: Heroic Selfhood in the Eighteenth-Century Moral Imagination, Anna Deters
The Effect of Age-related Declines in Inhibitory Control on Audiovisual Speech Intelligibility, Avanti Dey
The Processing of Amyloid Precursor Protein in the Central Nervous System of Humans and Rhesus Macaques, Justyna Anna Dobrowolska
Engineering poly(ethylene glycol) nanogel coatings: Developments in achieving ultralow protein adsorption and applications as substrates for stem cell culture, Casey Douglas Donahoe
Task Properties Affecting the Cingulo-Opercular Network, Joseph Dubis
Mutations in the Chaperone Hsp104 Differentially Propagate Yeast Prions, Jennifer Elizabeth Dulle
Towards a Greater Understanding of the Antecedents of Dehumanization: A Contempt-Dehumanization Framework, Fade Rimon Eadeh
The Function of CARMIL1 in Migrating Cells, Marc Edwards
Essays in Applied Microeconomics, Hassan Faghani Dermi
Novel Women at Novels' Ends: The Architecture of Singleness in American Fiction, 1880-1929, Katherine Alice Fama
Intermediate Level Mechanisms Supporting Face Perception, Eric J. Feczko
A Rigorous Solution for Finite-State Inflow throughout the Flowfield, Zhongyang Fei
Moving Targets: Meanings of Mobility in Metropolitan Nairobi, Meghan Elizabeth Ference
Optimization of Induced-Power from Dynamic Inflow Theory with Realistic Constraints, Chad File
Development of Optimization Models for the Set Behavior and Compressive Strength of Sodium Activated Geopolymer Pastes, Brian Albert Fillenwarth
The Monumental Province: Asia and the Temples of the Roman Empire, Andrew Findley
Numerical Simulation of Separated and Secondary Flows in Diffusing S-Ducts for Air Breathing Propulsion, Colin James Fiola
Spatiotemporal Regulation Of Microtubule Initiation And The Role Of End-Binding 1 On Organization Of The Cortical Microtubule Cytoskeleton In Arabidopsis Thaliana, Erica Ann Fishel
Rural Modernity in Twentieth-Century Poetry, Matthew Fluharty
Multiple Mechanisms Underlie Accessory Subunit-Mediated Regulation of Functional Kv4-Encoded Cardiac Fast Transient Outward (Ito,f) K+ Channels, Nicholas Christian Foeger
Cooperative Tumor Suppression by ARF and p53, Jason Thomas Forys
The Spatial and Temporal Ecology of Seed Dispersal by Gorillas in Lopé National Park, Gabon: Linking Patterns of Disperser Behavior and Recruitment in an Afrotropical Forest, Marc Steven Fourrier
Functional Connectivity Analysis of the Mammalian Circadian Pacemaker, George Mark Freeman, Jr.
Early Pregnancy Loss: A Role For Glucose Utilization In The Endometrial Stroma, Antonina I. Frolova
Dynamic Thermal and Power Management: From Computers to Buildings, Yong Fu
From Unity to Wholeness, John Gabriel
An Examination on Un-Retirement: Retirees Returning to Work, Guillermo Ernest Gonzales
Tests, Tests, and More Tests: A New Era for Dementia Diagnosis, Jonathan Gooblar
Insulin, Central Dopamine D2 Receptors, and Monetary Reward Discounting in Obesity, Danuta M. Gredysa
Regulation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells by Bone Marrow Stromal Cells, Adam Greenbaum
The Long-Term Costs of Caring: How Caring for an Aging Parent Impacts Wealth Trajectories of Caregivers, Jennifer Crane Greenfield
The Man of the People: National Politics and the Origins of the Presidential Republic, 1787-1809, Nathaniel Green
Control of Neuroendocrine Cell Physiology by a Single Transcription Factor, Drosophila Basic Helix Loop Helix Regulator DIMMED, Tarik Hadzic
Delivering Consistent Network Performance in Multi-tenant Data Centers, Mart Albert Haitjema
Identification and Characterization of Rare Variants in Cholinergic Nicotinic Receptor Genes and their Contribution to Substance Dependence, Gabriel Emanuel Haller
Adolescent Development and Acculturation of Latina Suicide Attempters, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile
Rational Catalyst Design for Direct Conversion of CH4 and CO2, Vesna Havran Mueller
A Diasporic Politics of Belonging: Punjabis in Postwar Britain, Rajbir Purewal Hazelwood
Iranian Democracy: A Century of Struggle, Setback, and Progress, Bridget Marie Heing
Modeling the Production of Microalgal Biodiesel, Mark Henson
High Pressure Studies of Superconductivity, Narelle Jayne Hillier
The Relationship Between Size, Growth Rate, and the Cell Cycle in Bacteria, Norbert Seabrook Hill
The Role of the U.S. Courts of Appeals in Legal Development: An Empirical Analysis, Rachael K. Hinkle
A Study on the Structure and Photodetachment Dynamics of Copper Based Molecular Anions Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Nicholas Stephen Holtgrewe
Krieg der Zeichen. Schrift, Akustik und Poetologie in Wilhelm Raabes "Odfeld", Vanessa Elisabeth Höving