Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Self-Affirmation and Coping with Rejection, Alexandra Noelle Lord
The Diversity of Quantitative Trait Loci in Yeast Sporulation Efficiency, Kimberly Lorenz
The Roles of a Positively Selecting Self-peptide in the Thymus and in the Periphery, Wan-Lin Lo
Microdevices for Isolating Single Axons for the Study of Axonal Transport in Dopaminergic Neurons, Xi Lu
Quantification of Conformational Heterogeneity and its Role in Protein Aggregation and Unfolding, Nicholas J. Lyle
“I’ll Be Your Mirror” : The Appropriation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the Philosophy of Self-Construction in Seneca’s Oedipus, Theodore MacDonald
The Efficiency of Retrieval Practice as a Function of Spacing and Intrinsic Value in Young and Older Adults, Geoffrey B. Maddox
Characterization of the Placenta-Specific 8.1 Gene Function during Zebrafish Embryogenesis, Haiting Ma
Reading, Travel, and the Pedagogy of Growing Up in Late Nineteenth-Century Germany, M. Stanley Majors
The Biomechanics of Spear Throwing: An Analysis of the Effects of Anatomical Variation on Throwing Performance, with Implications for the Fossil Record, Julia Marie Maki
The Functions of Autophagy Genes and Interferon Regulatory Factor 1 in Interferon Gamma Mediated Control of Murine Norovirus Infection, Nicole Maloney
Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Flexor Tendon Healing, Cionne Nirit Manning
High-Resolution Low-Noise Polarization Imaging Sensor for Astronomical Applications, Radoslav Marinov
On the Orientation Dependence of the Casimir Force, Christopher David Markle
Quantifying extent based haptic control in human motor adaptation, Ellisha Natalie Marongelli
Batf3-Deficient Mice: Susceptibility to Toxoplasma gondii and Responses to IL-12 Treatment in vivo, Mona Mashayekhi
Seasonal Water Insecurity in Urban Philippines: Examining the Role of Gender, Resources, and Context, Lisa Reyes Mason
Essays on Price Dynamics and Market Selection, Filippo Massari
The Role of Melanocyte Differentiation in Uveal Melanoma Progression, Katie A. Matatall
Adolescent Male Perpetrators of Rape in the General Population and Their Young Adult Outcomes, Karen Matta Oshima
Constructions of Childhood on the Funerary Monuments of Roman Athens, Grizelda McClelland
Structural Mechanism of Orthopoxvirus Sabotage of MHCI Antigen Presentation, William Howard McCoy IV
Generating High Purity Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Cell Populations for Transplantation Following Spinal Cord Injury, Dylan A. McCreedy
Modernist Orientalisms: Klee, Matisse, and North Africa, c. 1906-1930, Sarah Ann McGavran
Boy with Thorn, Rickey Laurentiis McGhee
Characterization of Human Gut Microbiota Dynamics Using Model Communities in Gnotobiotic Mice, Nathaniel Patrick McNulty
Well and Other Stories, Gwyneth A. Merner
Gravitational Waves and Inspiraling Compact Binaries in Alternative Theories of Gravity, Saeed Mirshekari
Ideal Optimum Performance of Propellers, Lifting Rotors and Wind Turbines, Ramin Modarres
Midcentury Planning in San Juan, Puerto Rico: Rexford Guy Tugwell, Henry Klumb, and Design for "Modernization", Linda Levin Moreen
Frequent False Hearing by Older Adults: The Effects of Predictive Context in Speech Perception, John Ryan Morton
The Influence of Diet on the Mammalian Gut Microbiome, Brian David Muegge
The Curse of Windfall Income: How Foreign Aid and Natural Resource Dependence Constrains Growth, Adams Bailey Nager
Testing Promote Transfer with Authentic Educational Materials, Khuyen Nguyen
Changes in Marriage, Fertility, and Female Labor Participation in the Twentieth Century, Wung Lik Ng
Novel Mechanisms of G Protein-Coupled Receptors, Andrea Nichols
Polarization Imaging Sensors in Advanced Feature CMOS Technologies, Raphael Njoroge Njuguna
Improving Radiotherapy Targeting for Cancer Treatment Through Space and Time, Camille Noel
Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Progenitors in Murine Autoimmune Arthritis, Kwadwo Asare Oduro Jr.
Allele-Specific Effects of U2AF1 Mutations on Alternative Splicing, Theresa Okeyo-Owuor
Three Papers on Electoral Geography, Santiago Olivella
Winning the Waiting Game: Senatorial Delay in Executive Nominations, Ian Ostrander
Preschoolers' Differentation of Writing and Drawing: Comparisions of US and Chinese Children, Shoko Otake
Aerosol Filtration -- Agglomerate Particle Filtration and Particle Deposition Uniformity, Qisheg Ou
Design-Space Optimization of Streaming Applications, Shobana Padmanabhan
Volatization of Extraterrestrial Materials as Determined by Zinc Isotopic Analysis, Randal Christopher Paniello
Phospho-regulation of the Wnt/β-cat Pathway by VEGFR-1, Mei-Hsiu Pan
Essays on Nonlinearities and Structural Breaks in the Relationships between Macroeconomic Variables, Irina B. Panovska
The Nutrition Transition in Colombia: Underweight, Overweight and the Dual Burden of Malnutrition, Diana Celmira Parra Perez