Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Conceptual Design, Analysis and Optimization of a Hydrogen Combustion and a Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Powered Aircraft, Michael Kiely
Design and Analysis of Passive Correlator Radio-Frequency Identification Tagging, Albert Kilgore
Engineering macrophages for self-regulated, localized delivery of anti-inflammatory biologics, Molly Klimak
Developing Novel High-Performance Protein-Based Materials, Jingyao Li
Development of AI-based image-analysis methods for assessment of carotid atherosclerosis by PET/MRI, Ran Li
Structured Light Radial-View Endoscope Imaging Development for Evaluation of Human Tissue, Xiyan Li
Air Quality Assessment on Local and Hyperlocal Scales, Zhiyao Li
Capturing Higher-order Relationships through Information Decomposition, Aobo Lyu
Light-Matter Interactions in Integrated Photonic Systems: Fundamentals and Applications, Wenbo Mao
Integrating Implantable BCI Devices within BCI2000 Using a Unified Framework and Toolchain for In-Vivo Research, Dhruva Mehta
Application of Finite-State Wake Models to Rotors Re-entering Their Own Wake, Michael Seay Morrow
Experimental Design for Scientific Discovery, Quan Minh Nguyen
Characteristics Based Factor Models - Comparison of Estimation Procedures, Henri Ohl
An Attention LSTM U-Net Model for Drosophila Melanogaster Heart Tube Segmentation, Xiangping Ouyang
Investigations of Ferroic Materials using a Synergistic Combination of Electron Microscopy and Theory, Guodong Ren
Data-Driven Insights into Spatial Patterns and Disease Etiologies of White Matter Hyperintensities, Sugandha Roy
Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves in M. Mulatta for Somatosensory Psychophysics and VNS Applications, Tyler Schlichenmeyer
Localization and Collision Prediction via RF Transceiver and Radar Methods, Aarti Singh
Improved Models of Elastic Scheduling, Marion Baumli Sudvarg