Research from 1999
Multiway Range Trees: Scalable IP Lookup with Fast Updates
Subhash Suri, George Varghese, and Piryank Ramesh Warkhede
Computer Science and Engineering
Terabit Burst Switching Progress Report (12/98-6-99)
Jonathan S. Turner
Computer Science and Engineering
A Proposal for a High-Performance Active Hardware Architecture
Tilman Wolf
Computer Science and Engineering
CommBench - A Telecommunications Benchmark for Network Processors
Tilman Wolf and Mark Franklin
Computer Science and Engineering
Design Issues for High Performance Active Routers
Tilman Wolf and Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering
Research from 1998
A Simplified Reservation and State Setup Protocol
Hari Adiseshu, Guru Parulkar, and Subhash Suri
Computer Science and Engineering
Characterization of sequences associated with position-effect variegation at pericentric sites in Drosophila heterochromatin
D Cryderman, M Cuaycong, Sarah C.R. Elgin, and L Wallrath
Router Plugins: A Modular and Extensible Software Framework for Modern High Performance Integrated Services Routers
Dan Decasper, Zubin Dittia, Guru Parulkar, and Bernhard Plattner
Computer Science and Engineering
TCP Dynamic Acknowledgment Delay: Theory and Practice
Daniel R. Dooly, Sally A. Goldman, and Stephen D. Scott
Computer Science and Engineering
Congestion Control in Multicast Transport Protocols
Rajib Ghosh and George Varghese
Computer Science and Engineering
Fault-Tolerant Mobile IP
Rajib Ghosh and George Varghese
Computer Science and Engineering
Agnostic Learning of Geometric Patterns
Sally A. Goldman, Stephen S. Kwek, and Stephen D. Scott
Computer Science and Engineering
Learning from Examples with Unspecified Attribute Values
Sally A. Goldman, Stephen S. Kwek, and Stephen D. Scott
Computer Science and Engineering
On-line Scheduling with Hard Deadlines
Sally A. Goldman, Jyoti Parwatikar, and Subhash Suri
Computer Science and Engineering
Diagnostic Screening of Digital Mammograms Using Wavelets and Neural Networks to Extract Structure
Barry L. Kalman, Stan C. Kwasny, and William R. Reinus
Computer Science and Engineering
Modeling Mobile IP in Mobile UNITY
Peter J. McCann and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Computer Science and Engineering
The Playground Mediator: Visual Tool for Configuring and Debugging Distributed Applications
T. Paul McCartney
Computer Science and Engineering
Application Development and Management in The Programmers' Playground
T. Paul McCartney, E.F. Berkley Shands, Kenneth J. Goldman, and William M. Shapiro
Computer Science and Engineering
Algorithms for Message Delivery in a Micromobility Environment
Amy L. Murphy, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and George Varghese
Computer Science and Engineering
Search and Tracking Algorithms for Rapidly Moving Mobiles
Amy L. Murphy, Gruia-Catalin Roman, and George Varghese
Computer Science and Engineering
LIME: Linda Meets Mobility
Gian Pietro Picco, Amy L. Murphy, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Computer Science and Engineering
Integrating a Constraint Mechanism With the JavaBeans Model
William M. Shapiro
Computer Science and Engineering
TCP/IP Implementation with Endsystem QoS
Sherlia Y. Shi, Gurudatta M. Parulkar, and R. Gopalakrishnan
Computer Science and Engineering
Routing Table Compression Using Binary Tree Collapse
Jonathan Turner, Qiyong Bian, and Marcel Waldvogel
Computer Science and Engineering
Terabit Burst Switching Progress Report (12/97-2/98)
Jonathan S. Turner
Computer Science and Engineering
Terabit Burst Switching Progress Report (6/98-9/98)
Jonathan S. Turner
Computer Science and Engineering
Submissions from 1997
Multiple isoforms of GAGA factor, a critical component of chromatin structure
C Benyajati, L Mueller, N Xu, M Pappano, J Gao, M Mosammaparast, D Conklin, H Granok, C Craig, and Sarah C.R. Elgin
Dynamic Flow Switching: A New Communication Service for ATM Networks
Qiyong Bian, Kohei Shimoto, and Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering
Learning with Unreliable Boundary Queries
Avrim Blum, Prasad Chalasani, Sally A. Goldman, and Donna K. Slonim
Computer Science and Engineering
Exact Learning of Discretized Geometric Concepts
Nader H. Bshouty, Paul W. Goldberg, Sally A. Goldman, and H. David Mathias
Computer Science and Engineering
Noise-Tolerant Parallel Learning of Geometric Concepts
Nader H. Bshouty, Sally A. Goldman, and H. David Mathias
Computer Science and Engineering
Noise-Tolerant Distribution-Free Learning of General Geometric Concepts
Nader H. Bshouty, Sally A. Goldman, H. David Mathias, Subhash Suri, and Hisao Tamaki
Computer Science and Engineering
Enhancements to 4.4 BSD UNIX for Efficient Networked Multimedia in Project MARS
Milind M. Buddhikot, Xin Jane Chen, Dakang Wu, and Guru M. Parulkar
Computer Science and Engineering
Reducing Web Latencies Using Precomputed Hints
Girish P. Chandranmenon and George Varghese
Computer Science and Engineering
Identity Notes Part II: Redeeming the Body Politic
Adrienne D. Davis
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Chromosomes and expression mechanisms
Sarah C.R. Elgin and S. P. Jackson
Design and Implementation of a New Connection Admission Control Algorithm Using a Multistate Traffic Source Model
Robert Engel
Computer Science and Engineering
An actin-related protein in Drosophila colocalizes with heterochromatin protein 1 in pericentric heterochromatin
S Frankel, E Sigel, C Craig, Sarah C.R. Elgin, M Mooseker, and S Artavanis-Tsakonas
Symmetrical Routes and Reverse Path Congestion Control
Rajib Ghosh and George Varghese
Computer Science and Engineering
Optimizing the Performance of the CORBA Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Over ATM
Aniruddha Gokhale and Douglas C. Schmidt
Computer Science and Engineering
Building Interactive Distributed Applications in C++ with The Programmers' Playground
Kenneth J. Goldman, Joe Hoffert, T. Paul McCartney, Jerome Plun, and Todd Rogers
Computer Science and Engineering
A Theoretical and Empirical Study of a Noise-Tolerant Algorithm to Learn Geometric Patterns
Sally A. Goldman and Stephen D. Scott
Computer Science and Engineering
The Design and Performance of a Real-time CORBA Event Service
Timothy H. Harrison, David L. Levine, and Douglas C. Schmidt
Computer Science and Engineering
Using Snapshot Streams to Support Visual Exploration
Delbert Hart, Eileen Kraemer, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Computer Science and Engineering
Principles for Developing and Measuring High-performance Web Servers over ATM
James C. Hu, Sumedh Mungee, and Douglas C. Schmidt
Computer Science and Engineering
Balancing Consistency and Lag in Transaction-Based Computational Steering
Eileen Kraemer, Delbert Hart, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Computer Science and Engineering
Dialogue and Deliberation
Ronald P. Loui and Diana M. Moore
Computer Science and Engineering
Eliding The Arguments of Cases
Ronald P. Loui and Jeff Norman
Computer Science and Engineering
Costs of Constraint Based Networks on a Sphere
Hongzhou Ma and Jonathan Turner
Computer Science and Engineering
Compositional Programming Abstractions for Mobile Computing
Peter J. McCann and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Computer Science and Engineering