Document Type
Technical Report
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Technical Report Number
The last few years have seen the development of a model for Integrated Services Internet, which extends the traditional Internet by adding multiple service classes in addition to the traditional best effort service class, and a signaling protocol called RSVP for applications to reserve resources. While this framework has been standardized in the IETF WGs and the RSVP protocol has been defined, there has been no movement towards a commercial implementation of this framework, principally due to its perceived complexity and lack of scalability. This paper analyzes RSVP, discusses some of the its bottlenecks and shows how they can be eliminated to create a trimmer signaling protocol with enhanced functionality and scalability. We have created such a trimmed down version called SSP (State Setup Protocol). Some of the key improvements that we focus on are - single pass operation, elimination of receiver heterogeneity, single unified style of reservation, generalized filter specification, integrated label switching and third party signaling setup.
Recommended Citation
Adiseshu, Hari; Parulkar, Guru; and Suri, Subhash, "A Simplified Reservation and State Setup Protocol" Report Number: WUCS-98-07 (1998). All Computer Science and Engineering Research.
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