Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Specificity Determination by paralogous winged helix-turn-helix transcription factors, Adam Joyce
Abiotic- and Biotic-Formation of Manganese Oxides and Their Fate in Environmental Systems, Haesung Jung
Operations Issues in Managing Supply Chain Partnership and Sustainability, Seung Hwan Jung
Mechanisms of G Protein Regulation by RGS Proteins and Small Molecule Inhibitors, Stanley Michinobu Kanai
Essays on Liquidity, Informational Frictions, and Monetary Policy, Kee Youn Kang
Sophrosyne in Aeschylus, Konstantinos Karathanasis
Robust Odorant Recognition in Biological and Artificial Olfaction, Nalin Katta
Factors that Contribute to de novo Protein Misfolding and Prion Formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kathryn Morgan Keefer
A Phenomenological Approach to the Later Films of Terrence Malick, Timothy Keeley
The Effect of Dietary Fat on Obesity, Gene Expression, and DNA Methylation in Two Generations of Mice, Madeline Rose Keleher
Ritual in Blue, Caroline Kessler
Deer Creek, Jae Kim
Essay on Macroeconomics, Kwang Il Kim
Liminal Space: Representation of My Living Experience, Moonkyung Kim
Motion processing in the mouse retina, Tahnbee Kim
Changes in Personality Traits and Personality Pathology in Older Adults: Self and Informant Perspectives, Hannah R. King
Structural, Biophysical, and Functional Studies of TREM2 In Neurodegenerative Disease, Daniel L. Kober
Characterizing Structure, Properties, and Deformation in Metallic Glasses and Olivine Using Instrumented Nanoindentation, Kelly Kranjc
Targeting the Response to Arginine Starvation in ASS1-Deficient Sarcomas, Jeff Kremer
The Solid & the Shifting: Darwinian Time, Evolutionary Form and the Greek Ideal in the Early Works of Virginia Woolf, Joseph Monroe Kreutziger
Expansion of Microbial Virology by Impetus of the Reduction of Viral Dark Matter, Siddharth Ravindran Krishnamurthy
Metacognition and Dynamics of Engagement: Interactive Effects of Challenge Stressors and Mindfulness Training, Ravi S. Kudesia
Understanding Household, Network, and Organizational Drivers of Adoption of Cleaner Cooking Fuels in Rural India, Praveen Kumar
Development of in vitro Drug Screening Platforms Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiovascular Cells, Yosuke Kurokawa
Significant Others, Meghan K. Lamb
Glucose Metabolism in Plasma Cell Populations in the Bone Marrow and Spleen, Wing Yu Lam
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Biomechanical Factors in a Co-adaptive ECoG-based Brain Computer Interface, Jonathan Carl Landes
Functional Brain Organization in Space and Time, Timothy Laumann
Modeling Acoustic Microfluidic Phenomena in Unconventional Geometries, Andrew Ledbetter
CFD Performance of Turbulence Models for Flow from Supersonic Nozzle Exhausts, Han Ju Lee
Epigenome Dynamics in Vertebrate Development and Regeneration, Hyung Joo Lee
A Critique of Pedagogy in Goethe’s "Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre" (1795): Linking the Tower Society and the Ethics of Benedict de Spinoza, Mary Le Gierse
No Father Left Behind: Exploring Positive Father Involvement as a Protective Factor in the Prevention of Neglect and Promotion of Child Well-Being, Ericka M. Lewis
Stellar and Interstellar Origins of Meteoritic Nanodiamonds, Josiah Lewis
Aerodynamics and Vortex Structures of a Flapping Airfoil in Forward Flight in Proximity of Ground, Hang Li
Aerodynamics and Vortex Structures of a Flapping Airfoil in Forward Flight in Proximity of Ground, Hang Li
Parallel Real-Time Scheduling for Latency-Critical Applications, Jing Li
Novel PET Systems and Image Reconstruction with Actively Controlled Geometry, Ke Li
Empire, Community, Nation: The English Merchants of Livorno, Italy and the Sociability of Commerce in Early Modernity, Lisa Marie Lillie
Nuclear export factor 3 regulates the localization of small nucleolar RNAs, Melissa Wanling Li
The Role of Bhlhe40 in Autoimmune Neuroinflammation and Mycobacterial Infection, Chih-Chung Lin
The Effects of Repeated Lineups and Delay on Eyewitness Identification, Wenbo Lin
Designing Metabolite Biosensors and Engineering Genetic Circuits to Regulate Metabolic Pathways, Di Liu
Hollow and Porous Plasmonic Nanostructures for Highly Efficient Chemical and Biological Sensing, Keng-Ku Liu
Indoor Landscape, Xizi Liu
Statistical Models to Predict Popularity of News Articles on Social Networks, Ziyi Liu
Emotion Dysregulation and Functional Connectivity in Children With and Without a History of Major Depressive Disorder, Katherine Lopez
Conscientiousness and Responses to Failure, Alexandra Noelle Lord