Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Aqueous alteration of Endeavour and Gale Craters, Mars, using orbital remote sensing and rover-based measurements, Valerie Fox
Contrite Hearts: Lay Clergie in Late Medieval England, Sara Fredman
Roles of Peroxisomes and Peroxisome-Derived Products in Controlling Plant Growth and Stress Responses, Elizabeth May Frick
Redox Chemistry of Late Transition Metal Complexes, Kei Fuchigami
Aerodynamics and Shock Buffet of a Transonic Airfoil in Ground Effect, Boshun Gao
Bio-Inspired Multi-Spectral and Polarization Imaging Sensors for Image-Guided Surgery, Nimrod Missael Garcia
Locating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Ali Ghubaish
Photodynamic Therapy: Agents and Mechanisms, Rebecca Claire Gilson
Development of High Resolution Tools for Investigating Cardiac Arrhythmia Dynamics, Christopher Reed Gloschat
The Technological and Socio-Economic Organization of the Elmenteitan Early Herders in Southern Kenya (3000-1200 BP), Steven Thomas Goldstein
Risk Communication for Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease, Jonathan Gooblar
Recent Positive Selection of the Epidermal Differentiation Complex in Mammals, Primates, and Humans, Zane Alexander Goodwin
Studies in Pressurized Oxy-Combustion: Process Development and Control of Radiative Heat Transfer, Akshay Gopan
Flaviviruses: Innate Immune Restriction and Host Adaptation, Matthew Joseph Gorman
Exploring the Underlying Mechanisms of Structure Building, Reshma Gouravajhala
Gospel Writ in Steel: Puritan Genealogies in the Abolitionist Imagination, Kenyon Gradert
Exploring the Puzzle of Functional Homophily in New Venture Founding Teams, Steven Michael Gray
System Characterizations and Optimized Reconstruction Methods for Novel X-ray Imaging, Huifeng Guan
The Electrophysiology of Resting State fMRI Networks, Carl David Hacker
On the Ironic Effects of Being Empathic: Consequences for Attitude Polarization and Intergroup Conflict, Emily Hanson
Essays in Financial Economics, Jinji Hao
Disordered Proteins: Connecting Sequences to Emergent Properties, Tyler Scott Harmon
Dreams, Visions, and their Interpretation in Lucan’s Pharsalia, David Harris
The Developmental Interplay of Personality and Relationship Quality in Young Adulthood, Kelci Harris
Studies on Health, Place, and Education, Kelly Mcclelland Harris
Genetic and genomic dissections of myelinating glial cell development, Breanne Leigh Harty
Essays on Market Competition, Mushegh Harutyunyan
Empirical Essays in Finance, Peter Haslag
Preschool Executive Function Predicts Childhood Resting State Functional Connectivity and ADHD and Depression, Elizabeth Hawkey
Developmental Trajectories of Executive and Verbal Processes in Children with Phenylketonuria, Zoe Hawks
History and Context: Late Meiji (1905-1912) Narratives of the Imjin War (1592-8), Brian Heise
The RpL13a snoRNA U33 Forms Novel snoRNPs During Lipotoxicity, Miquia Sherree Henderson
The Regulation of Extracellular Amyloid-β Levels by Ionotropic Glutamatergic Transmission in an Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model, Jane Cecelia Hettinger
Investigation of Neonatal Pulmonary Structure and Function via Proton and Hyperpolarized Gas Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nara Savoye Higano
Essays in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Labor, Andres Gonzalo Hincapie Norena
Sequence Determinants of the Individual and Collective Behaviour of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, Alexander S. Holehouse
Minimum Induced Power for a Helicopter in High-Speed Forward Flight, Junsoo (sean) Hong
Biomechanics of Early Heart and Eye Morphogenesis, Seyedhadi Hosseini
Uncertainty Quantification of Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Simulation (WMLES) Model in OpenFOAM, Zuoxian Hou
Analysis of Argonaute-Small RNA-Transcription Factor Circuits Controlling Leaf Development, John Steen Hoyer
The Approaching Singularity: Toward the Ongoing Extinction of the Individual, Wei Huang
Epigenetic Regulation of Lymphocyte Development and Transformation, Yue Huang
Black Matter, kahlil Irving
Essays on Public Good Provision and Egalitarianism, Inkee Jang
Misiones Jesuitas en la Frontera de Arauco: Resistencia Mapuche, Negociaci_n y Movilidad Cultural en la Periferia Colonial (1593-1641), Javiera Susana Jaque
Ten-der-ness, Brittany Jasin
Statistical Learning Methods for Facial Recognition, Mengyi Jia