BFA Senior Papers from 2022
Microdosing Heartbreak: Quiet Devastation, Radical Deprivation, Nina Huang
In Search of Sanctuary, Kay Ingulli
*clutches pearls*, Avery Johnson
The Unseen Surveilled Subject, Jordan Lee
The Thing Speaks! A Few Interpretations of Queerness, Childhood, and Desire, Bo Schmit
Untethering the “Other”: Creating Spaces for Black Autonomy and Community, Kaylyn Webster
BFA Senior Papers from 2021
Homestead: Places of Ordinary Violence, Charles Bosco
Translating Between Paintings and Sweaters, Eliza Caperton
Toxicity Spectacle, Madeleine DeMichele
Earth Our Body: Expanding Ecofeminism with the Divine, Isolde Finney
Sculpture as Memoir, Tirzah Reed
WHO IS SHE?, Gavriela Weitzman
No Other World than Mine, Ziyi Zhang
BFA Senior Papers from 2020
Modeling Disability: Softly Making the Invisible Visible, Libby Evan
Hysteria, Fear, and/or Delight, Alessandra Ferrari-Wong
Patterning a Home, Zoë Finkelstein
Blurring the Boundary: Reinvigorating Joy in the Mundane through Juxtaposition, Taylor M. Fulton
Speaking Through Surrogates: A Body in Pain, Ruoyi Gan
It's the Funerals I Missed which Haunt Me the Most, Arno Goetz
Twisted Truths in Memories, Jiyoon Kang
Presence Through Process: Cultivating Embodied Understanding, Zoë Morris
Unraveling Memory through Childhood Relics, Franchesca Rousseas
Virtual Yearning, Isa Sabraw
To Participate in the Image: Reification & Reproduction, Justine Xi
BFA Senior Papers from 2019
Homeland Insecurity, Amy Chen