Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Effects of agonistic anti-CD137 antibody on chikungunya virus infection and B cell responses, Jun Hong
Rhythmic Auditory Cueing of Gait in Parkinson Disease, Adam Patrick Horin
American Option Pricing: From PDE Numerical Solutions to Simulation-Based Methods and Reinforcement Learning., Chenshan Hu
Identification and Characterization of a Novel Non-homologous End Joining Factor MRI, Putzer Joseph Hung
The Role of Apolipoprotein E in Alzheimer Disease: From Therapy to Mechanism, Tien-Phat Vuong Huynh
Pathophysiology and proteogenomics of post-infectious and post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus in infants, Albert M. Isaacs
Comparison of Dietary and Physical Activity Changes Across Family-Based Maintenance Treatments for Childhood Overweight and Obesity, Jessica Jakubiak
Epigenetic Dynamics in Normal and Disease Models, Hyo Sik Jang
Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics, and Critical Phenomena to Measure Neural Populations using Inputs to Single Neurons, James Kenneth Johnson
Investigating the Role of Genetic Variants and Environmental Factors in the Trajectory of Substance Use Disorders, Linda Johnson
Executive Ability Difficulties in Everyday Contexts among Children with Sickle Cell Disease, Neco Johnson
Variability Among Later Stone Age Hunter-gatherers, Mica Jones
Conformational Basis and Small Molecule Antagonists of E. coli Adhesion to the Urinary Tract, Vasilios Kalas
Phase Lines, Jordan Keller-Martinez
Passable: Black Feminism, Working-Class Activism, and Reproductive Labor in Mid-Century American Writing, Meredith Leigh Kelling
Structural and Functional Insights into Alphavirus-Host Interactions, Arthur S. Kim
Molecular Insights into Microbial Adhesion, Roger Davies Klein
The Uses of Character: Modernism and the Politics of Characterization, Jared Matthew Klemp
The Poetics of Religious Toleration in Revolutionary England, Jonathan Koch
The Knife Thrower and Other Fascinations, Brandon Lee
Emotions and Trust Repair: An Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Approach, Jonathan Ian Lee
Essays on Money and Banking, Macroeconomics, and Political Economy, David Lindequist
Understanding the Molecular Pathogenesis of Retinal Neurodegeneration, Jonathan B. Lin
Notch-Mediated Regulation of Atrial Arrhythmogenesis, Catherine Lipovsky
A Study on Lexicographic Shellable Posets, Tiansi Li
Pathophysiology and Treatment of Murine Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy, Yedda Li
Production of Medical Radioisotopes using Titanium Accelerator Targets, Christopher Shaun Loveless
Delineating the Role of MiR-124 for the Activation of Neuronal Program, Ya-Lin Lu
Rompiendo Alambres: Immigrant Youth Navigating School and Life in St. Louis, Julia Campus Macias
Metabolic Requirements of NK Cell Responses to Viral Infection, Annelise Yoo Mah-Som
Operator Noncommutative Function Theory and Partial Matrix and Operator Convexity, Mark E. Mancuso
Developmental Principles of Sensorimotor Coding in the Mammalian Cerebellum, Kelly Hill Markwalter
Iberian Babel: Spain's Translational Literatures, 1939-2018, Gabriella Martin
Schisms and Boundaries: Islamic Organizations and Sectarianism between South Asia and Spain, Guillermo Martín-Sáiz
Quality of Sleep, Stress, and Exercise: Effects of Environmental and Lifestyle Factors on Spatial Navigation in Older Adults, Hannah Maybrier
Music and Society in Longus' Daphnis and Chloe and Alciphron's Epistulae, Ian B. McNeely
AMÉRICA, Sarah María Medina Pérez
Phantoms to Placentas: MR Methods for Oxygen Quantification, Kelsey Meinerz
‘Nouns That Cut Slices’: The Ontology and Ethics of Stereotypes and Implicit Bias, Christiane Merritt
Evaluating BOLD Variability as a Potential Biomarker of Age- and AD-Related Differences, Peter R. Millar
All the Presidents' Organized Interests, David Ryan Miller
Dismantling of Obesity-Related Policies, Alexandra Borosova Morshed
Penelope, Madeleine Moss
Plasticity ensures robust cell wall metabolism in Escherichia coli, Elizabeth A. Mueller
Modeling HER2 Mutations in Colorectal Cancer using a HER2 Transgenic Mouse Model and Gastrointestinal Organoids, Elisa Murray
The Pathology of Passion: Lovesickness in Medieval Iberian Literature and Medicine, Janelle Elizabeth Neczypor
Dolphins, Ingrid Nelson