Twice yearly the Office of Undergraduate Research sponsors the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Students in all academic departments, programs and schools are encouraged to present their original research. In addition to poster sessions, the symposium program includes a keynote address, selected student talks, performances and demonstrations of projects.
Undergraduate Research Symposium Posters contains research posters and abstracts from current and past symposiums.
Posters/Abstracts from 2015
Formation of EpCAM oligomers and their potential effect in regulating breast cancer, Ryan Jacobs, Narendra Sankpal Ph.D., Piyush Sharma M.D., Lincoln Muhoro, Timothy Fleming Ph.D., and William Gillanders M.D.
Drug Inhibition in HER2-Mutant Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines as a Basis for Novel Treatments, Naveen Jain
Phenotype and symbiosis in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, Kai Jones, Debra Brock, David Queller, and Joan Strassmann
Selves Portrait: A Senior Thesis Portraying Schizophrenia Through Dance, Samantha Karlow
Using leaf wax biomarkers to constrain land-use changes associated with Mississippian settlements, Allison Karp
Is a Probabilistic Choice Really a Delayed Choice? Discounting of Repeated Gambles, Brian Katz
Investigating RNA Translation in Perisynaptic Astrocyte Processes, Rohan Khazanchi
The Effects of Massive Neutrino Self-Interactions on the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure, Christina D. Kreisch, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, Olivier P. Doré, and Kris Sigurdson
Fertility Clinics in South India: A Study of Three Clinics in Hyderabad, Amrutha P. Kumaran
"Science is Not Maths": Managing Uncertainty and Infertility in India's Silicon Valley, Amrutha P. Kumaran
Predictors of different types of Happiness across the State-Trait Continuum, Seth Margolis and Randall Larsen
Fragments of Theatre’s Past: Reconstructing Euripides’ Phaethon, Alejandro Martinez Jr, McKenna Rogan, Ricardo Solis, Alexander David Booth, Alexander Mason, and Ji Hyun Ahn
Barriers to Access: An Analysis of Obstacles to Obtaining Services for Bosnian Immigrant Victims/Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in St. Louis, Christy N. Marx
Resolution of Telomere Fragility in Mammalian Celss, Mai R. Nguyen
Phylogenetically novel species are more successful due to high competitive ability at local and regional scales, Amy C. Patterson
Obafluorin: A Potential Inhibitor of Serine Hydroxymethyl Trasferase, Neha Prasad
Changes in gene characteristics for twelve Drosophila ananassae F element genes, Thomas J. Quisenberry
St. Louis Delivers: Narratives on Cesarean Section and Vaginal Birth, Apoorva Ram
What the Hell was Ferguson: A People-Centered Approach to the Social Movement that Transformed St. Louis, Reuben L. Riggs-Bookman
Using Umbanda’s Holistic Healing Methods to Increase Access to Healthcare in Brazil, Alex E. Rosenthal
Anthropology of the First Puff: An Inquiry into the Beginnings, Cultures, and Contexts of Tobacco use in Students at Washington University in St. Louis, Kristoffer Thomas Sladky
The Changing Role of Plant-Soil Feedback Loops in Maintaining Coexistence in the Face of Drought, Amelia E. Snyder, Scott Mangan, and Alexandra N. Harmon-Threatt
Isolation and Genomic Analysis of Cluster O Mycobacteriophage Vorrps, Leslie Ann Sterling, Rahul Ramaswamy, Madeleine Mullon, and Peeti Sithiyopasakul
Personality and health: An assessment of healthy neuroticism, Kelsey Stiles
Visitor effect on captive white-faced saki monkeys (Pithecia pithecia) and golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia), Anna Villanyi and Amanda Melin
Social Behavior of Indri indri at Betampona Strict Nature Reserve, Madagascar, Madeline G. Wilson
The Impact of Clothing Choice on Perceptions of Female Intelligence, Maxine K. Wright
Automated searching of craters on Stardust interstellar foils, Zuohan Xiahou
Counter-regulation and Consumer Happiness, Xueer Yu
Much Ado About Commas: Completing a Corpus of Tagged Transcriptions, Lydia D. Zoells and Kate Needham
Posters/Abstracts from 2014
Malagasy Women's Preferences for Reproductive Health Care in Mahabo, Madagascar, Mackenzie Findlay
Tracing the origin of presolar grains: algorithms to parametrize supernovae, Justin M. Finkel
Track Separation in Stereophonic Music, Timothy D. Greer
Isolation & Characterization of the Novel Bacteriophage Gaius, Rohan Khazanchi, John A. Nahon, Anna M. Kolasa, and Elisa S. De Togni
A Proteomics Approach to Elucidate Enhancer-Mediated Gene Activation and Chromatin Topology, Grace Kroner
Contextualizing Malnutrition in Poor Mothers in Hyderabad: Suggestions for Future Research, Amrutha P. Kumaran
Heterochromatin Associated Protein Hcf2 Localization and Gene Expression in Tetrahymena thermophila, Ji Youn Maeng and Sydney Kapp
Universals in Conceptual Metaphors of Emotion, Anna Mai
Ligand-directed Signaling and Trafficking at the Nociceptin Opioid Peptide Receptor, Gina E. Migneco
Becoming common: Lack of competitors and of herbivores is not enough to explain invasiveness in Lamiaceae, the mint family, Amy C. Patterson
Effects of Anhedonia and Mood on Emotional Reactivity to Affective Stimuli, Abhishek Saxena
Efficacy of Films in Guided Mood Induction, Abhishek Saxena
The Effect of Relationship Satisfaction on One’s Reaction to Relevant Pictorial Stimuli, Xueer Yu
Posters/Abstracts from 2013
Is your immunity compromised by being nice to your bacteria? Insights from a social amoeba, William E. Callison
African-American Distrust of Health Care: Myth or Reality?, Grace F. Chao
Second Moment Analysis of Sodium Aluminohexahydride (Na3AlH6) NMR, Tim J. Ellis-Caleo
Localization of STK1 and Sub1 in Tetrahymena thermophila, Rahul Kant Goel, Grace Mahony Kroner, and Douglas Chalker
Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 as a Potential Target for the Treatment of Stroke, Glenn R. Harris
Risking It: An Examination of Risk Perception Amongst Obstetricians and Certified Professional Midwives in Missouri, Allison R. Horan
On Using Network Theory to Identify Significant Elements in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks, Rohan Khazanchi