Twice yearly the Office of Undergraduate Research sponsors the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Students in all academic departments, programs and schools are encouraged to present their original research. In addition to poster sessions, the symposium program includes a keynote address, selected student talks, performances and demonstrations of projects.
Undergraduate Research Symposium Posters contains research posters and abstracts from current and past symposiums.
Posters/Abstracts from 2013
Active, Disorienting, and Transitional: The Aesthetic of Boredom in the Works of Nam June Paik (1932-2006), Eugene Kwon
Radio Frequency Direction of Arrival Determination, Daniel A. Lazar
On-Road Driving Performance in Patients with Moderate and Advanced Glaucoma, Hannah Lin
Variation in GATA1 Moderates the Association Between Childhood Adversity and Amygdala Habituation, Seth Margolis, Caitlin E. Carey, Lindsay J. Michalski, Emily M. Drabrant, Ryan Bogdan, and Ahmad Hariri
Mechanisms of Invasion: How Invasive Species Eclipse the Competition, Amy C. Patterson
Macroeconomic Applications of Network Formation in the Presence of Contagious Risk, Vaibhav Sharma
Role of leukocyte trafficking in cervicovaginal HIV-1 transmission, Tony Sun and Maud Deruaz
Change and Durabilty Within Senegalese Fashion and Identity, Camille L. Wright
Posters/Abstracts from 2012
Interactions Between Emotion and Semantics in Linguistic Processing, Emily C. Cokorinos
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Sodiumaluminohexahydride (Na3AlH6), Tim J. Ellis-Caleo
The Challenges in Chilean Intercultural Health, Abigail Korn
Identifying the Molecular Mechanism of Skin Barrier Formation: A Genomics Approach, Grace Kroner, Danielle Albea, and Cristina Strong
WBS Homologs Are Regulated with Behavioral Changes in Drosophila Females: Evidence of a Conserved Sociogenomic Program, Michael B. Schultz
Investigation of mRNA methytransferase proteins in Tetrahymena, Monirath Siv and Nicholas Nauman
Activation of FGFR1 in Adult Cardiomyocytes Leads to Development of a Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Joy I. Wang
Environmental Art: The Coevolution of Modern Art and Environmentalism, Siyang Yang