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Students typically retain ownership of copyright in papers, theses and dissertations written as a student to earn credit in university courses or otherwise to satisfy university degree requirements (WU IP Policy (§I(3)(b)(iii)). In most cases, any public distribution of MFA theses requires express consent of the author. .
If you are an author and would like to make your thesis publicly available, please email
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
MFA Thesis Statement, Steven Eric Strickland
Thesis: Mixed Process Printmaking, Douglas Taylor
Thesis Statement: Sculpture, Mary E. Traynor
Artist's Statement, Sue Trent
Thesis Statement, Emily Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Untitled, Erin Alloway
Comments on Art, Hal E. Bundy
Thesis Statement, Meredith Dean
Connections, Contradictions and Other Fragments: A Thesis Statement, Julia Hatlen
Thesis Statement, Michelle May
Artist Statement, Laura Moroz
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Untitled, Frank Jones
Untitled, Ann M. Lindell
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Thesis Pieces 1977, Leslie Bowman
MFA Thesis: A Personal View, Carolyn Gayle Brown
Seminar, Thomas Butter
Untitled, John DuFord
Untitled, W O. Dugan
My Work: Thoughts and Content, Marjorie S. Hayes
Thesis Paper, Dana Kane
Female Archetypes: Historical Images and the New Images of Rosemary Mayer, Patrice I. Kehoe
Teaching philosophy, Gary Lang
Thesis, Mark Lazarus
Graduate Thesis Paper, Margaret R. Lazzari
Untitled, Hiram S. Lewis
Graduate Thesis Paper, Margaret Reed Lezzari
M.F.A. Thesis Statement, A Reed Nesbit
The Conceptual Athlete, Michael O'Neal
Graduate Seminar, Magaly Perez
Graduate Thesis 1977, Dorinda Gayle Prendergast
Thesis Paper, George C. Quist
In Defense of New Primitivistic Art, Ann Rath
Thesis Paper, W C. Richardson
M.F.A. Thesis, Marcea Rundquist
Thesis Paper, James B. Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Aesthetic Statement and Thesis Statement, Judith McCreary Felch
Graduate Seminar: Thesis Statement, John Russell Foster
Position Paper, Steven A. Gordon
Untitled, L Ives
Graduate Seminar, Susan Kriegman
Rocks, Allan Mandell
A Kind of Forward, China Marks
Graduate Seminar Paper, Ginit Marten
Thesis Paper, Warren Ser
Untitled, Susan Toplikar
M.F.A. Thesis Show, Mark Weber
Untitled, Richard Wheeler
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Thesis Paper, Dave Armstrong
Untitled, Josh Beckemeyer
Cheryl Goldsleger, Grad 2nd Year, 1973-1975, Cheryl Goldsleger