Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Criticality Hypothesis in Neural Systems, Yahya Karimipanah
Superfluidity and vortices in dense quark matter, Satyanarayana Kumar Mallavarapu
Ground and Flight Based Studies of Nucleation and Thermophysical Properties in Metallic Glass Forming Systems, Christopher Eric Pueblo
Investigation of Lung Structure-Function Relationships Using Hyperpolarized Noble Gases, Robert P. Thomen
Actin-Based Feedback Circuits in Cell Migration and Endocytosis, Xinxin Wang
Spectral Properties of Fractional Quantum Hall Hamiltonians, Amila Weerasinghe
Ongoing and Visually-Evoked Cortical Activity Measured Across Multiple Spatial Scales, Nathaniel Caleb Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Thermophysical Properties and Structural Evolution of Supercooled Metallic Liquids, Matthew Blodgett
Cortical Pyramidal Neuron Subtype Classification and Visual Response Diversity, Thomas Alan Crockett
Correlated NanoSIMS, TEM, and XANES Studies of Presolar Grains, Evan Edward Groopman
Effects of Quark Matter on the Structural and Observational Properties of Compact Stars, Sophia Han
Developing Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT) for Neuroimaging of Speech Perception in People with Cochlear Implants, Mahlega Hassanpour
Structural Evolution, Chemical Order, and Crystallization of Metallic Liquids and Glasses, Mark Johnson
From New Method to Intraflagellar Transport and Photosynthesis, a Single Molecule Investigation, Jonathan Michael Kessler
Topics in Lattice Gauge Theory and Theoretical Physics, Javad Komijani
Motor and Cargo Dynamics During Intraflagellar Transport: A Single Molecule Investigation, Anthony Paul Kovacs
Enhanced Magnetism in Dy and Tb at Extreme Pressure, Jinhyuk Lim
Implications of a Fully Nonlocal Implementation of the Dispersive Optical Model, MohammadHossein Mahzoon
Identifying the Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays with the SuperTIGER Instrument, Ryan Patrick Murphy
Neural Processing in the Three Layer Turtle Visual Cortex, Jeffrey Steven Pobst
Kinematic Modeling of the Determinants of Diastolic Function, Leonid Shmuylovich
A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Structure-Dynamics Relationships of Supercooled Liquids and Glasses, Ryan Joseph Soklaski
Force Generation, Polymerization Dynamics and Nucleation of Actin Filaments, Ruizhe Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Tuning Electronic Correlation with Pressure, Gilberto Fernandes Lopes Fabbris
Comparison of Conventional and Bayesian Analysis for the Ultrasonic Characterization of Cancellous Bone, Amber Groopman
X-Ray Polarimetry with X-Calibur, Qingzhen Guo
Phase-Space Distributions of Galactic Dark Matter Halos and Implications for Detection, Daniel Robert Hunter
Quasiparticle Energy and Excitons in Two-Dimensional Structures, Yufeng Liang
Neutron Star Models in Alternative Theories of Gravity, Dimitrios Manolidis
Primary Structure and Solution Conditions Determine Conformational Ensemble Properties of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, Albert Hsuan-Han Mao
Broad Ligand Specificity in the Small Multidrug Resistance Transporter EmrE, Emma Antonina Morrison
Kinematic Characterization of Left Ventricular Chamber Stiffness and Relaxation, Sina Mossahebi
Ihh Signaling and Muscle Forces are Required for Enthesis Development, Andrea Gitomer Schwartz
Shape and Structure of Neutron-Rich from Cf-252 Fission Fragments, Jason Benjamin Snyder
Investigation and Optimization of Extraordinary Electroconductance (EEC) Sensors & The Role of Magnetic Disorder in the Formation of Spin Glasses, Fletcher M. Werner
Molecular Simulations of Diffusion-Tensor MRI, Xiaoxian Sherry Yin
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Thermophysical and Structural Measurements of Liquid Metallic Alloys Using Electrostatic Levitation, James Christopher Bendert
Galactic Dark Matter, Benjamin Paul Burch
Actomyosin Contractility in Nonmuscle Cells, Nilushi Lakmali Dasanayake
High Pressure Studies of Superconductivity, Narelle Jayne Hillier
Electronic, Optical, and Thermal Properties of Reduced-Dimensional Semiconductors, Shouting Huang
Assessing Functional Deficits at Optic Neuritis Onset in EAE Mice Using Manganese-Enhanced MRI (MEMRI) and Diffusion fMRI, Tsen-Hsuan Lin
On the Orientation Dependence of the Casimir Force, Christopher David Markle
Gravitational Waves and Inspiraling Compact Binaries in Alternative Theories of Gravity, Saeed Mirshekari
Star Clusters and Dark Matter as Probes of the Spacetime Geometry of Massive Black Holes, Laleh Sadeghian
Biological Applications of Extraordinary Electroconductance and Photovoltaic Effects in Inverse Extraordinary Optoconductance, Lauren C. Tran
Physics of Resonating Valence Bond Spin Liquids, Julia Saskia Wildeboer
Various Geometric Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics, Zhenyu Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Microstructure of Systems with Competition, Saurish Chakrabarty
Image Deconvolution Techniques for Single Molecule Studies, Michael C. DeSantis
Effective 1D Language for Fractional Quantum Hall States, John Flavin
Studies of Lung Micromechanics via Hyperpolarized 3He Diffusion NMR, Adam Hajari
Statistical Mechanics of the Community Detection Problem: Theory and Application, Dandan Hu
New MRI Techniques for Nanoparticle Based Functional and Molecular Imaging, Lingzhi Hu
The Ultrasonic Characterization of Shear Thickening Suspensions, Benjamin Johnson
Pattern Formation in Certain Classical and Quantum Systems, Patrick Greenleaf Hart Johnson
Information processing in a midbrain visual pathway, Dihui Lai
The Interstellar Transport of Galactic Cosmic Rays, Kelly Lave
Probing the phases of cold ultra-dense matter using neutron star physics, Simin Mahmoodifar
Optimization Studies for the COBRA Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Experiment and Results from a Prototype, Jerrad Martin
Investigation of Energy-Dependent Morphology in Pulsar Wind Nebulae, Steven McArthur
The Automation of Electrophysiological Experiments and Data Analysis, David Morton
Phase Structure of Gauge Theories on R3 X S1, Hiromichi Nishimura
Time-Dependent Studies of High-Energy Radiation from Blazars, Sarah Elizabeth Thibadeau
Micro-imaging of the Mouse Lung via MRI, Wei Wang
Developing High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography for Neuroimaging, Brian White
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Studies in Magnetism and Superconductivity under Extreme Pressure, Wenli Bi
Isotopic and Elemental Compositions of Stardust and Protosolar Dust Grains in Primitive Meteorites, Maitrayee Bose
Visual Processing in Subcortical and Cortical Circuits, Matthew S. Caudill
Critical Phenomena in Gravitational Collapses of Neutron Star Systems, Kejian Jin
The Structural Basis of Flaviviridae Interaction with Antibodies and Receptors, Vincent Luca
Structural And Thermophysical Property Studies Of Metallic Liquids And Glasses Using The Beamline Electrostatic Levitation Technique, Nicholas Mauro
A Bayesian Approach to the Characterization of Electroencephalographic Recordings in Premature Infants, Timothy Mitchell
Dynamic Pion Studies in Nuclear Matter, Jonathan Morris
NMR Study of Borohydrides for Hydrogen Storage Applications, David Shane
Asymmetry dependence of correlations in exotic nuclei, Rebecca Shane
Improving the Dispersive Optical Model toward a Dispersive Self-energy Method, Seth Waldecker
Single-molecule imaging studies of protein dynamics, Shannon Kian Zareh
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Physics of ultrasonic wave propagation in bone and heart characterized using Bayesian parameter estimation, Christian Anderson
Structural And Functional Studies On Thrombin Allostery, Prafull Gandhi
Determing the Properties of Dense Matter: Superconductivity, Bulk Viscosity, and Light Reflection in Compact Stars, Gerald Good
Ultrasonic Characterization of Human Coronary Arteries and Atherosclerotic Plaques, Joseph Hoffman
Microanalytical Investigations of Presolar SiC Grains as Probes of Condensation Conditions in Astrophysical Environments, Kathryn Hynes
NMR Search for Mobile, Aluminum-bearing Species during Reactions of Sodium Alanate, Timothy Ivancic
FCS Analysis of Pore Formation by the Human Protein Bax in Lipid Membranes, Olena Ivashyna
Pattern formation and magnetism in pulsed laser-induced self-organized nanostructures from single and bilayer metallic films, Hare Krishna
Enhancing Nonlinear Ultrasonic Methods for Laboratory and Clinical Applications, Christopher Lloyd
Unique Features of PTB RRMs: Insight into Protein Motions and RNA Binding, Caroline Maynard
Exploring Tissue Microstructure in Healthy and Diseased Lung Tissue, Michelle Milne
Physical Models in Community Detection with Applications to Identifying Structure in Complex Amorphous Systems, Peter Ronhovde
The Mechanisms and Roles of Neural Feedback Loops for Visual Processing, Debajit Saha
Laboratory Investigations of Short Range Gravity, Kasey Wagoner
A Free-Breathing Lung Motion Model, Tianyu Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Computational and Experimental Investigation of Allosteric Communication in the Transcriptional Regulator NikR, Michael Bradley