Submissions from 2022
Load Cell Adaptive Computer Mouse Tutorial, Mae Hubel
Review of applications and research of 2D TMDCs (WS2 & MoS2), Jordan Hu
Production of NbVZr Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloy for Research Application, Mikayla Jenkins
A Mechanical Model of Glenohumeral Stability, Shicheng Li
Safety Related HVAC Systems in PWR Nuclear Power Plants, Florie Markwell
Fracture Toughness of Electrospun Fibrous Mats, Annabella Mascot
Mechanical Characterization of 3D Printed Hydrogel Lattices, Annabella Mascot
A Simple Model of Thermal Insulation Design for Cryogenic Liquid Hydrogen Tank, Claire McFarland and Ramesh K. Agarwal
Implementation of a Vector Correlation Strain Tracking Algorithm for use with Quantitative Polarized Light Imaging, Ethan Meitz
Effect of Freeze Thaw Cycles on Elbow Mobility in a Long Evans Rat, Sophia Miller
Thermal Energy Storage and Cooling Capability of Composite Field’s Metal and Paraffin Phase Changing Material (May 2022), Rahi Miraftab-Salo
Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on the Effect of Using an Under-Tray Addition to Motorsport, Aaron Ocken and Ramesh K. Agarwal
Development of a Passive and Compact Solid Metal Heat Switch, Steve Park
Development of Passive and Compact Solid Metal Heat Switch, Steve Park
Geometric Characterization of Mouse Intestines Under Applied Loading, Sara-Marie Reed
Development of MATLAB Code for Rat Wheel Revolution Counter, Matthew Riak
Dual Wavelength Pyrometry Imaging of a Melt Pool, Ellis Ritchie
Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling of Hemodialysis in Patients with an Arteriovenous Fistula, Maximilian Roth
Performance Study of N+3 Turbofan Engine Model with Several Types of Fuels Using NPSS, Abel Solomon
Strain engineering in perovskite, Xucheng Tao
IEL Isolation and Image Processing in MATLAB, Helena Teixeira-Dasilva
Foundations of the Pupper Quadruped Robot with Preliminary Work on an End Effector, Liana Tilton, Clement Siu, Jack Nanez, Max Saltrelli, Lila Dickstein, and Joshua Tang
Physical Model of Cilia Motion, Toby Utterback