Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Spray Techniques And Lung Cancer Chemoprevention, Huijing Fu
Homoglutathione Synthetase And The Plant Thiol-Redox Proteome, Ashley Galant
Design, Construction and Testing of a High Temperature High Pressure Spectroscopic Cell for Polymer Physics Studies, Sai Janani Ganesan
Nonuniform Power Changes and Spatial, Temporal and Spectral Diversity in High Gamma Band (>60 Hz) Signals in Human Electrocorticography, Charles Gaona
Regulation of DNA Repair by Atm and DNA-PKcs during V9D)J Recombination, Eric Jonas Gapud
The Manipulated Mechanism: Towards an Account of the Experimental Discovery of Mechanistic Explanations, Donald Goodman-Wilson
The Model Prodigal: Jesuit School Plays and the Production of Devotion in the Spanish Empire, 1565-1611, Brandan Grayson
The Effects of Visuospatial Sequence Training with Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Michelle Gremp
Taxonomic and Ecological Characterization of a Late Oligocene Mammalian Fauna from Kenya, Maria Mercedes Gutierrez Alvarez
Practical and Robust Power Management for Wireless Sensor Networks, Gregory Hackmann
Prehistoric Plant Procurement, Food Production, and Land Use in Southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico, John Hanselka
The Hydrology And Geochemistry Of Urban And Rural Watersheds In East-Central Missouri, Elizabeth Hasenmueller
MSX2 Provides Competence to Matrix Cells to Respond to FGF Signaling During Hair Differentation, Zhenhua He
Sexual Strategies and Personality, Nicholas Holtzman
The Moral Permissibility of Punishment, Zachary Hoskins
Asset effects for children with disabilities: Analysis of educational and health outcomes, Jin Huang
Efficient Automated Planning with New Formulations, Ruoyun Huang
Using Dirichlet Process Priors For Bayesian Mixture Clustering, Xiao Huang
Pottery Production, Mortuary Practice, and Social Complexity in the Majiayao Culture, NW China (ca. 5300-4000 BP), Ling-yu Hung
Re-framing the Doni Tondo: Patronage, Politics and Family in Michelangelo's Florence, Eric Hupe
The Missing Central Bank: A Case History of the United States of America 1791-1913, Samia Husain
Discovering Conserved cis-Regulatory Elements That Regulate Expression in Caenorhabditis elegans, Nnamdi Ihuegbu
Making Moral Worlds: Individual and Social Processes of Meaning-Making in a Somali Diaspora, Anna Jacobsen
Processing Speed and Executive Abilities in Children with Phenylketonuria, Alicia Janos
Enzymology of DHHC-mediated Protein S-Acylation, Benjamin Jennings
Critical Phenomena in Gravitational Collapses of Neutron Star Systems, Kejian Jin
The Populist Dilemma: Frank Capra's Increasingly Unresolved Populist Films of the Depression Era, Nathan Johnston
Systematic Identification of Independent Functional Non-coding RNA Genes in Oxytricha trifallax, Seolkyoung Jung
Information Processing for Biological Signals: Application to Laser Doppler Vibrometry, Alan Kaplan
Mixed-Mode Control Interfaces of Mobile Robot Teams, Erik Karulf
Lemur catta in the Region of Cap Sainte-Marie, Madagascar: Introduced cacti, xerophytic Didiereaceae-Euphorbia bush, and tombs, Elizabeth Kelley
Soft X-ray Enhanced Electrostatic Precipitation of Biological Aerosols: Attenuation of Microbial Repiratory Infections and Allergic Airway Disease in Murine Models, Eric Matthew Kettleson
Friendless Ladies, Alice Sola Kim
Molecular Mechanisms of Itch Sensations, Seungil Kim
Single chain MHC trimer-based DNA vaccines for pathogen protection, Sojung Kim
Text, Medium, Afterlife: Intertextuality and Intermediality in the Works of Yoko Tawada, Suzuko Mousel Knott
Children's and Parents' Depression in Relation to Family-Based Behavioral Weight Loss Treatment Outcome, Rachel Kolko
Erst war es immer, und dann war es nicht. Speed and the Poetics of Movement in Rainer Maria Rilke's Neue Gedichte, Erika Kontulainen
Government Policies and Legal Mechanism Put Forward to Enhance the Efficient Retail Market System in Thai Economy, Sirikanya Kovilaikool
The Evolution And Reproductive Ecology Of Oenothera (Onagraceae), Kyra Krakos
Effects of the aquatic to terrestrial habitat ratio on an amphibian predator and its prey, Amber Kramer
Low-Impact Profiling of Streaming, Heterogeneous Applications, Joseph Lancaster