Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Franco's Children: Representations of Franco-Era Childhood in Contemporary Spanish Literature and Cinema, Miaowei Weng
Strategic insight and age-related goal-neglect influence risky decision-making, John Westbrook
Hans Castorp und 'der große Krieg'. Männlichkeitsbilder in Thomas Manns Roman 'Der Zauberberg', Simon Wester
Developing High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography for Neuroimaging, Brian White
La Poésie du maquis: Le Lieu dans 'Fureur et mystère' de René Char, Violaine White
From Democracy Deficit to Liberal Political Consolidation: Foreign Assistance and Democratization in Africa, Amber Whittington
Calcium-Stimulated Adenylyl Cyclases are Critical Modulators of Fear Learning and Experience-Dependent Plasticity, Lindsay Wieczorek
Portrait in the Wall, Caroline Wilkinson
On Macroeconomics and Dynamic Incentives, Tsz-Nga Wong
Essays on Internet Marketing, Chunhua Wu
Neutrophils Influence the Magnitude and Spread of Immune Responses to Protein Antigens by a Prostaglandin Mediated Process, ChiaoWen Yang
China's Political Game Face, Fendy Yang
Cardiac PI3Kα Signaling and K+ Channel Regulation in Cardiac Hypertrophy and Heart Failure, Kai-Chien Yang
The Function of MHC-Related Protein 1 and Mucosal-Associated Invariant T cells in the Immune System, WeiJen Chua Yankelevich
Multi-contrast Photoacoustic Microscopy, Junjie Yao
The Pathophysiological Importance of Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase as a Key NAD Biosynthesis Enzyme in Metabolic Homeostasis, Myeong Jin Yoon
Corporate Social Responsibility in Korea : a Legal Perspective, Jeehye You
Night Report, Lawrence Ypil
Improving Thermodynamic Models of Transcription by Combining ChIP and Expression Measurements of Synthetic Promoters, Robert D. Zeigler
Intrinsic Brain Activity: Concept, Techniques, Application, Dongyang Zhang
DNA and Peptide Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles for Biological Imaging and Transfection, Ziyan Zhang
Computational Study of Small Noncoding RNAs and Their Functions, Xuefeng Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
'If We Govern Ourselves, Whose Son is to Govern Us?': Youth, Independence and the 1960s in Lesotho, John Aerni-Flessner
Examining the Relationship Between Fact Learning and Higher Order Learning via Retrieval Practice, Pooja Agarwal
Great Power Rivalry In The Caucasus and Greater Caspian Region: 1991-2011., Arif Ahmadov
Motion-Based Video Games for Stroke Rehabilitation with Reduced Compensatory Motions, Gazihan Alankus
The Design, Construction, And Operation Of A Two-Photon Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope, Benjamin Alexander
Inelastic Seismic Response Of Reinforced Concrete Buildings With Floor Diaphragm Openings, Mohamed Al Harash
Atrial Arrhythmogenic Substrates: The Role of Structure and Molecular Remodeling, Christina Ambrosi
Spontaneous Recognition Memory Measured by Performance in a Memory Stroop Paradigm, Benjamin Anderson
Quantitative Perfusion-Sensitive Mri Phantoms, Jeff Anderson
The roles of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in circadian entrainment of suprachiasmatic nucleus, Sungwon An
Mechanisms of Observed Neuroprotection of Dopaminergic Neurons in Wallerian Degeneration Slow (WldS) Mice, Jo Ann Antenor-Dorsey
Emotion-Cognition Interaction in Schizophrenia: Effects of Emotional Interference on Working Memory, Alan Anticevic
Night Deposits, Ekaterina Apekina
Lustmord and Loving the Other: A History of Sexual Murder in Modern Germany and Austria (1873-1932), Amber Aragon-Yoshida
Response Monitoring During Typical Development, Gabriel Araujo
El amor despues del amor. Narrativas del abandono amoroso en la Argentina poscrisis de 2001, Julio Ariza
Personal Cognition and the Affect Regulation Process: Affect Reactivity, Affect Regulation Ability, and Responses to Cognitive Errors., Adam Augustine
Wayward Sons: Civil Litigation and the Family in Nineteenth-Century China, John Bandy
Addressing Each Other: Reciprocal Relationships in American Fan Letters, Courtney Alice Bates
Integrity, Identity, and Why Moral Exemplars Do What Is Right, David Bauman
The Psycho-Economic Model of Ecstasy Consumption and Related Consequences: A multi-site study with community samples, Arbi Ben Abdallah
Mechanisms of Brain Region-Specific Amyloid-beta Deposition, Adam Bero
Speling "Successful" Sucesfuly: Statistical Learning in Spelling, Siti Syuhada Binte Faizal
Studies in Magnetism and Superconductivity under Extreme Pressure, Wenli Bi