Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Development and Application of Fluxomics Tools for Analyzing Metabolisms in Non-Model Microorganisms, Xueyang Feng
Dynamic Deformation and Mechanical Properties of Brain Tissue, Yuan Feng
Role of the Secreted Kinase ROP18 in Toxoplasma gondii Pathogenesis, Sarah Fentress
Mechanisms of Early Brain Morphogenesis, Benjamen Filas
Effective 1D Language for Fractional Quantum Hall States, John Flavin
Minimum Jerk Trajectory Planning for Trajectory Constrained Redundant Robots, Philip Freeman
Reading Your Own Mind: Dynamic Visualization of Real-Time Neural Signals, Zachary V. Freudenburg
Trace Element Cycling during Iron(II)-activated Recrystallization of Iron(III) Oxide Minerals, Andrew Frierdich
Essays on Evolutionary Game Theory and its Applications, Shota Fujishima
The Role of Loneliness and Life Events: Comparing Avoidant and Borderline Personality Features and Their Relation to Depression, Janine Galione
Calcium cycling disturbances and arrhythmogenesis, Namit Gaur
Investigation of Genes Important to the Zymogenic Lineage in Mammalian Gastric Mucosa, Jessica Harrison Geahlen
Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity of General Rational Curves on Hypersurfaces., Sara Gharahbeigi
Activation of SIRT1 by an N-terminal Regulatory Domain, Fiorella Ghisays
The Role of Snail Homolog 1 in Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation, Jennifer Gill
Separating Component Signals of Episodic Simulation Using a Catch Trial Design, Adrian W. Gilmore
Perceived Alcohol Stigma and Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorders, Joseph Edwin Glass
Adaptive MIMO Radar for Target Detection, Estimation, and Tracking, Sandeep Gogineni
Edle Einfalt, stille Größe. Winckelmann und seine Rezeption durch Schiller und Goethe, Christian Gohlke
Functional Synonymous SNVs: Novel Methodology and Framework for Identification, Keryn Gold
The Role of Notch Signaling in the Pathogenesis of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, Nicole Grieselhuber
Characterization of Normal Development and Injury in the Premature Baboon Brain, Jennifer Griffith
The Materiality of Mobile Pastoralism: Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives from Samburu, Kenya, Katherine Mary Grillo
A New Pathway Responsible For 53BP1 Loss in Breast Cancer and Laminopathies, David Alan Grotsky
Molecular Insights into the Uropathogenesis of Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli in the Context of Urinary Catheterization, Pascale Guiton
Copper-64 Radiopharmaceuticals for Oncologic Imaging and Therapy, Yunjun Guo
Quantification and Reconstruction in Photoacoustic Tomography, Zijian Guo
Foot Deformity and Bone Strength in Charcot Neuropathic Osteoarthropathy, David Joseph Gutekunst
Activation of sodium-activated potassium channels by sodium-influx, Travis Allen Hage
Studies of Lung Micromechanics via Hyperpolarized 3He Diffusion NMR, Adam Hajari
Added-Tone Sonorities in the Choral Music of Eric Whitacre, Angela Hall
Hydrodynamics, Mixing, and Mass Transfer in Bubble Columns with Internals, Mohamed Hamed
Comparative and Functional Genomic Analysis of the Methanobrevibacter smithii Pan Genome, Elizabeth Hansen
Inventing the Sculptor: Leonardo da Vinci and the Persistence of Myth, Emily Hanson
Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy: Investigations into Pathogenesis and Therapy, Jacqueline Ane Hawkins
Practical Approaches to Biological Network Discovery, Brian Haynes
Whispering Gallery Mode Microresonators for Lasing and Single Nanoparticle Detection, Lina He
ATM Deficiency -- A Multifaceted Defect in Lymphocyte Development, Beth Helmink
The Impact of Biomass Fuels on Flame Structure and Pollutant Formation during Biomass Cofiring Combustion, Melissa Lauren Holtmeyer
Between the Mob and the Noose: The Lynching Intercessor in American Literature and Film, Abigail Thibault Horne
A Comparative Study of the Constitutional Jurisprudences of Information Privacy in Germany, the United States, and Taiwan, Hsiang Yang Hsieh
MCFlow: Middleware for Mixed-Criticality Distributed Real-Time Systems, Huang-Ming Huang
Mass Spectrometry-Based Strategies for Protein Biophysics: Effects of Modification, Structure, and Interactions, Richard Yu-Cheng Huang
Statistical Mechanics of the Community Detection Problem: Theory and Application, Dandan Hu
Regulation of CHK1 Stability by the Ubiquitin Proteasome System, Jiwon Huh
New MRI Techniques for Nanoparticle Based Functional and Molecular Imaging, Lingzhi Hu
Improved Designs for Application Virtualization, Chung-Ping Hung
Orders of Magnitude Enhancement of Optical Nonlinear Phenomena in Subwavelength Metal-Dielectric Gratings, Daniel Ironside
Don't Be Cruel, Jordan Randal Jacks