Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Long-Playing Ellington: Analyzing Composition and Collaboration in the Duke Ellington Orchestra, Darren LaCour
Farming through the Auca Runa: Agricultural Strategies and Terraces during the Late Intermediate Period, Altiplano, Peru, Brieanna Sylvia Langlie
Contact Radius and Insulator-Metal Transition in Films Comprised of Touching Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Deanna M. Lanigan
Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Grid-Scale Applications, Matthew Thomas Lawder
Optical Probes in Multiphase Reactors, Boung Wook Lee
Karoshi, Heartbreak, Melancholia, Sung Jon Lee
Catullan Obscenity and Modern English Translation, Tori Frances Lee
Great Mirror of Motherly Love: Maternal Fantasy, Mystic Mothers, and Reflected Selves in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Fiction, Jessica E. LeGare
A Daring Voice: Confessional Poetry of the 1970s from Argentina and the United States, Julia Eva Leverone
Hablantes lricos y personajes marginales en la poesa de cancionero del siglo xv: estrategias para reclamar, justificar o mantener estatus en la convulsa sociedad hispnica bajomedieval, Jos Alberto Licón Oppenheimer
Visualization of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Dingwen Li
Distributed Target Tracking and Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Jichuan Li
Shape Optimization of Supersonic Bodies to Reduce Sonic Boom Signature, Junhui Li
Calcium Carbonate Formation in Energy-Related Subsurface Environments and Engineered Systems, Qingyun Li
Essays in Corporate Finance, Karen Liu
Focusing Light Inside Scattering Media with Optical Phase Conjugation, Yan Liu
Survival Analysis in A Clinical Setting, Yunzhao Liu
The Lands of the Virgin: Sacred Economies and Local Identities in the March of Ancona, 1348-1453, Bianca Lopez
Epigenomics of Cell Fate in Development and Disease, Rebecca Faith Lowdon
Structure, Dynamics, and Regulation of Collective Cell Migration, Andrew J. Loza
The Dynamics of Competitive Authoritarian Elections, Adrian Lucardi
Make Love and War: Chinese Popular Romance in Greater East Asia, 1937-1945, Chun-Yu Lu
Fractal Inequality in the World-System: International Student mobility Globally, Regionally, Nationally, and Locally, Ashley Michelle Macrander
Interrogation of the Dissociation Dynamics of Ar∙∙∙I2, Camille Makarem
Superfluidity and vortices in dense quark matter, Satyanarayana Kumar Mallavarapu
Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Bubble Columns, Onkar N. Manjrekar
Interspace Encounters: Parkview Gardens, Madeline Marak
A study of local and regional gene regulatory features in the human genome, Brett Maricque
Agonism, Affiliation, and Social Organization in a Community of Savanna Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Fongoli, Senegal, Joshua Leon Marshack
Investigating auxin biosynthesis and its contribution to virulence by Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000, Sheri Mcclerklin
Functions for Murine Norovirus Protein NS1/2 in Mice and Cells, Broc Taylor Mccune
How Do the Largest and Smallest Baboon Species Compete for Reproductive Success in a Natural Hybrid Zone?, Monica McDonald
Shady Ladies: Femininity Across the Gender Spectrum, Holly McGraw
Breaking Bread with the Dead: Social Radicalism and Christian Traditions in Twentieth-Century American Literature, Jonathan David McGregor
Rostral Middle Frontal Gyrus Thickness is Associated with Perceived Stress and Depressive Symptomatology, Lindsay J. Michalski
What do you and I know? Disentangling self- and other-perspectives of personality traits using bifactor models, Anissa Mike
Poetics of the Sufi Carnival: The ‘Rogue Lyrics’ (Qalandariyât) of Sanâ’i, ‘Attâr, and ‘Erâqi, Matthew Thomas Miller
Surviving Collapse: Collective Memory and Political Reorganization at Actuncan, Belize, David Williams Mixter
Semi-Empirical Modeling of Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Dynamic Stall, Ramin Modarres
Goggle Augmented Imaging and Navigation System for Fluorescence-Guided Surgery, Suman Bikash Mondal
The p38MAPK-MK2-HSP27 axis regulates the mRNA stability of the pro-tumorigenic senescence-associated secretory phenotype, Hayley Reynolds Moore
An Epic Hydrography: Riverine Geography in the Argonautika of Apollonios Rhodios, Joseph R. Morgan
Shining Light on Beta-Lactam Synthesis: The Photochemical Synthesis of 3-OH-Beta-Lactams, Tyler L. Morse
Genetic Mechanisms for the Maintenance of Behavioral Mating Barriers in Drosophila, Kathleen M. Mortland
Age Differences in the Effects of Semantic Context on Speech Perception: The Role of Uncertainty., John Ryan Morton