Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2016

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department

Romance Languages and Literature: Hispanic Studies

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Type



As in the rest of Europe during the Late Middle Ages, society during the different Hispanic reigns suffered various processes of readjustment. This was true especially in the courtly environments where the corpus of poems known as Poesa de Cancionero del siglo XV was being produced. As a result of being written by and for the entertainment of social elites, this poetry is fairly conventional, however, not completely homogeneous. Through the analysis of poems that do not follow typical poetical conventions, in this dissertation, I argue that it is possible to identify and explain the different strategies that poets used in order to cope with the fears and anxieties that accompanied social changes. Working with poems of dialogue among poets that show fissures or distortions in the treatment of their themes, as well as with texts in which lovers do not follow the ideals of the time, I explore how authors of this period attempted to justify and position themselves before a society in which mobility was becoming a real possibility.


Spanish (es)

Chair and Committee

Eloisa Palafox

Committee Members

Nina C. Davis, Nestor Lugones, Michael Sherberg, Joseph Schraibman,


Permanent URL:

Available for download on Friday, May 15, 2116
