Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Learning Culture: Cultural Relationship in Masked Lanterns, Yuxuan Ding
Essays on Empirical Analysis of Economic Policy in Electricity and Labor Markets, Xiaoxiao Dong
Ming China As A Gunpowder Empire: Military Technology, Politics, And Fiscal Administration, 1350-1620, Weicong Duan
Design and Preliminary Testing of an Improved Abdomen Testing Device for use in Hernia Repair Modeling, Alexandra Dunbar
Does Privatization Matter? An Exploration of Foster Care Permanency Outcomes, Allison Early Dunnigan
Hauntology and The Wizard Of Oz, Harley Eaves
Calm, Cool, but Distant: Why Hiding Your Emotions Might be a Double-Edged Sword, Lameese Eldesouky
Deuterium MAS NMR Studies of Mg-Ti Deuteride Formed During High Pressure Ball Milling, Samuel Emery
The Role of Membrane Excitability in Insulin Regulation, Christopher Howard Emfinger
Hemodynamic Effects on Embryonic Arterial Growth and Matrix Remodeling, Maria Gabriela Espinosa
Anodic Cyclization Reaction: Manipulation of Reaction Pathway and Efforts to Radical Cation and Radical Intermediate, Ruozhu Feng
Four Sights of the Patient (Ophelia), Cecily Ann Fergeson
Concurrency Platforms for Real-Time and Cyber-Physical Systems, David Ferry
Samuel Pepys, Honor, and Emergent Bureaucracy in Later Seventeenth Century England, Michael Fitzhugh
The Impact of Small Organic Acids on Iron and Manganese Mineral Transformations and the Fate of Trace Metals, Elaine Denise Flynn
Prospective Memory Impairment in Parkinson Disease without Dementia: Cognitive Mechanisms and Intervention, Erin R. Foster
Radiological Pathological Correlations in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, Mihika Gangolli
Tunable Electronic and Optical Properties of Low-Dimensional Materials, Shiyuan Gao
Lignin Conversion to Value-added Products via Heterogeneous Catalysts, Yu Gao
Nucleation and Growth of Atomic Layer Deposition: Effect of Substrate and Precursor Chemistry, Zhengning Gao
Mechanistic characterization of resistome and microbiome dynamics across diverse microbial habitats, Andrew John Gasparrini
Microbiota-Directed Therapeutic Foods for the Treatment of Childhood Undernutrition, Jeanette Lynn Gehrig
Violence Exposure and Pathways to HIV Risk Behaviors in Black and White Young Men who have Sex with Men, Donald Robert Gerke
New Insights into RAF Dimerization and Its Role in MAPK Signaling, Elizabeth Germino
Optimization of GPU-Accelerated Iterative CT Reconstruction Algorithm for Clinical Use, Tao Ge
The Mechanism of Hyper Daptomycin Resistance in Corynebacterium striatum and Daptomycinճ Mechanism of Action, Nicholas Kevork Goldner
Essays in Bank Regulation, Yadav Krishna Gopalan
Insights into the In Vivo Role of Ifi35 in Promoting H5N1 Influenza and Neurotropic Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Disease, Anshu Priyanthi Gounder
Batf3 Maintains Autoactivation of Irf8 for Commitment of a CD8α+ Conventional Dendritic Cell Progenitor, Gary Grajales-Reyes
Fast Objective Coupled Planar Illumination Microscopy, Cody Jonathan Greer
Pupil dilation during memory encoding: The role of time pressure and depth of processing, Marina P. Gross
Photoacoustic Elastography and Next-generation Photoacoustic Tomography Techniques Towards Clinical Translation, Pengfei Hai
Development of Scalable Simulator for Spiking Neural Network, Jae Sang Ha
Self-Employment in Later Life: Implications for Financial, Physical, and Mental Well-Being, Cal Halvorsen
Development and Application of Hybrid Wray-Agarwal Turbulence Model and Large-Eddy Simulation, Xu Han
Singing as a Therapeutic Technique to Improve Gait for People with Parkinson Disease, Elinor Harrison
Topics in PT-symmetric Quantum Mechanics and Classical systems, Nima Hassanpour
Developing Wavefront Shaping Techniques for Focusing through Highly Dynamic Scattering Media, Ashton Hemphill
Earthen Monuments and Social Movements in Eastern North America: Adena-Hopewell Enclosures on Kentucky’s Bluegrass Landscape, Edward Ross Henry
Aromatic Tolerance and Utilization Mechanisms of Rhodococcus opacus PD630 to Produce Value-added Products from Lignin, Wiliam Henson
The Role of Actr10 in Nervous System Development and Disease, Amy Herbert
Late Victorian, David Alejandro Hernandez
The Gendered Image of Sun Bu’er in Yuan Hagiographies, Tali D. Hershkovitz
Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Blalock-Taussig Shunt, Thomas Hess and Ramesh K. Agarwal
Spin Alignment Generated in Inelastic Nuclear Reactions, Daniel Hoff