Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2018

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department

Rehabilitation and Participation Science

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Type



Cognitive impairment among non-demented individuals with Parkinson disease (PD) produces significant disability, reduced quality of life, and restricted participation. This dissertation will cover PD-related impairment in prospective memory, or the ability to remember to execute delayed intentions at the appropriate moment in the future. Prospective memory impairment in PD is increasingly recognized as a functionally and clinically relevant problem and viable target for cognitive intervention. To lay the groundwork for the development of effective interventions for prospective memory in PD, this dissertation examines the cognitive mechanisms underlying prospective memory impairment in PD and the potential of training in a targeted strategy to improve prospective memory in PD. Specifically, it focuses on the efficacy of an associative encoding strategy called implementation intentions for addressing PD-related deficits in prospective memory in a laboratory setting and as reported in everyday life. Results indicate that implementation intentions training holds promise for improving prospective memory in PD. A synthesis and analysis of the dissertation studies reveals avenues for future research that will bolster the scientific and clinical impact of this line of work.


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Carolyn Baum

Committee Members

Tamara Hershey, Allison King, Joel Perlmutter, Linda Tickle-Degnen,


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