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Date of Award

Spring 5-19-2017

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts

Author's Program

Art (Painting)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)




An appraisal of the artist’s place and responsibility in the diluted, steaming [sic] timeline of show and tell as is now experienced daily by artist and audience alike. The predicaments and possibilities are posited, assessed and adjudicated sequentially. These actions are set against a backdrop of art history and emergent narrative methodologies in the arts. The judgements inform the studio practice.

Mentor/Primary Advisor

Michael Byron

Artist's Statement

An appraisal of the artist’s place and responsibility in the diluted, steaming [sic] timeline of show and tell as is now experienced daily by artist and audience alike. The predicaments and possibilities are posited, assessed and adjudicated sequentially. These actions are set against a backdrop of art history and emergent narrative methodologies in the arts. The judgments inform the studio practice.

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