Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Copper-mediated Regulation of a Traditional Iron Uptake System in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli., George Lwanga Katumba
Quantitative Characterization of Microbial Ecologies in Dysbiosis and Infection, Eric Keen
Essays on Human Capital Investment, Dohun Kim
A History of Flowers, Katrina Knebel
The Role of Excited States in Determining β-lactamase Function and Bacterial Fitness, Catherine Rae Knoverek
Influence of Aging and Cerebrovascular Disease on Neuroimaging Measures of Alzheimer Disease, Lauren Nicole Koenig
Betwixt and Between: A Treatise on Madness in Literature, Film, and Art, Ed Koslin
Modeling Semantic Structure and Spreading Activation in Retrieval Tasks, Abhilasha Ashok Kumar
Clear Adjustment: Status Self-Concept Clarity and Emotion Regulation, Isidro Landa
Gut Reactions: Quantitative Predictions of the Responses of Human Gut Microbiota to Medical Interventions, Amy Elizabeth Langdon
Fire Escape, Cora Lewis
Stem Cell Models to Study the Regulation of Human Cortical Development and Its Disruption in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Emily Megan Alexandra Lewis
Identify Genetic and Epigenetic Abnormalities Associated with Therapeutic Vulnerability in Human Cancers, Wen-Wei Liang
Deceptively Ingratiating Shapes: The Feminist Politics of Popular Genre in Twentieth-Century British Fiction, Grace Lillard
Paleo-Environmental Pollution of the Bronze Production during the Shang Period at Anyang, Henan Province, China, Yi-Ling Lin
Essays on Machine Learning in Finance, Hongyi Liu
Text Adjuncts and Comprehension with University Level Second Language Readers, Huan Liu
Regulation of transcription factor binding specificity: from binding motifs to local DNA context, Jiayue Liu
Vestibulospinal circuit in the larval zebrafish, Zhikai Liu
Type I Interferon Regulation of Chikungunya Virus Pathogenesis, Marissa Christine Locke
Regulation, Architecture, and Function of the Type VI Secretion System of Acinetobacter baumannii, Juvenal Lopez
Impulsivity and brain organization in childhood suicide: An Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study, Katherine Lopez
Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Novel Two-Dimensional Materials, Xiaobo Lu
The Phylogeography of Rare Central Tennessee Glade Endemics Trifolium calcaricum and Viola egglestonii, Rachel Ann Lyman
Genetic Effects Mediated Through Epistatic Networks Onto Metabolic Traits, Juan Francisco Macias-Velasco
Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Cerebellar Development and Function, Shahriyar Majidi
Parental Psychological Distress after Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease: Patterns, Predictors, and Impact on Early Outcomes., Kathryn Mangin-Heimos
Dissecting the neural circuits mediating pain-induced negative affect and drug-seeking behaviors, Tamara Markovic
“Triumph of the Imagination”: The Decorative Aesthetic in the Symbolist Art of Gauguin, Redon, and Denis, 1886-1910, Kirsten Marples
Deep Learning Deleterious Small Molecule Biochemistry from the Lab to the Clinic, Matthew Matlock
Impaired Suppression of Attentional Capture near the Hands, Xiaojin Ma
Investigation of IFNγ-induced Control of Intracellular Pathogens, Michael Mcallaster
Ascension and Adhesion of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli during Pyelonephritis, Lisa Kristine McLellan
Modularity of Feedback for State-Dependent Guidance of Navigation in Mouse Visual Cortex, Andrew M. Meier
Developments in Proteomics, Trans-Splicing Technology And Endogenous Transcript Manipulation, Justin Alexander Melendez
The Role of Subclonal Gene Mutations During Progression from Myelodysplastic Syndrome to Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Andrew John Menssen
Social and Non-Social Pleasure in Schizophrenia: Associations with Negative Symptoms and Depression, Jaisal Merchant
Examining Anti-LGBT Consequences of Perceiving Anti-Christian Bias, Chad Miller
A Novel Function of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Regulating Type 2 Immune Responses, Hannah Leigh Miller
Prodrug Activation in Staphylococci and the Implications for Antimicrobial Development, Justin J. Miller
Fist, Shannelle Mills
Exploring β-cell Function and Heterogeneity in Obese SM/J Mice, Mario Alejandro Miranda
Iron and Manganese Oxidation by Oxyhalogen Species: Implications for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction on Mars, Kaushik Mitra
Computational Methods for Analysis of Data for Conformational and Phase Equilibria of Disordered Proteins, Jared Michael M Lalmansingh
La Esfera Lúdica: Entretenimiento Popular en el Espacio Público Urbano del Río de la Plata, 1870-1933, Maria Soledad Mocchi Radichi
Partial Measurements of Quantum Systems, Jonathan Tyler Monroe
The Counter-Discourses of Fictional and Autofictional Contemporary German Refugee Narratives: The Slow Violence of Postponement, Bethany Morgan