
Date of Award

Winter 1-10-2021

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department


Degree Name

Master of Arts (AM/MA)

Degree Type



Individuals with schizophrenia can experience both negative and depressive symptoms, which may differentially relate to hedonic experience. Additionally, it is unclear whether these symptoms relate to social pleasure in the same way as overall pleasure. This study used Ecological Momentary Assessment in schizophrenia to investigate the unique relationships of negative and depressive symptoms to anticipatory and consummatory pleasure overall, and when split into social and non-social instances. Depressive symptoms negatively related to both anticipatory and consummatory pleasure, while negative symptoms negatively related to anticipatory but not consummatory pleasure. Although negative symptoms negatively related to both anticipatory and consummatory non-social pleasure, they did not relate to either anticipatory or consummatory social pleasure. Instead, anxiety negatively related to anticipatory social pleasure. This study indicates the need to account for severity of both negative and depressive symptoms when examining pleasure in schizophrenia and suggests that social and non-social pleasure have distinct symptom correlates.


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Deanna Barch

Committee Members

Thomas Oltmanns, Renee Thompson
