Beginning in 2009 (for degrees awarded in August, 2009) all theses and dissertations completed at Washington University were required to be submitted in electronic form. Print submissions are no longer accepted. Dissertations are submitted directly in electronic form to UMI / Proquest Dissertation Services. Master’s theses are locally submitted in electronic form directly into the Washington University Open Scholarship Repository. Please contact your academic department document for information on the preparation and formatting requirements of the thesis itself.
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Identification and Characterization of a Xylosylphosphotransferase of Cryptococcus neoformans, Morgann Reilly
Expression Analysis and Stem Cell Engineering, Cara Rieger
Age Differences in Prospective Memory: An Examination of the Role of Fluctuations in Executive Control, Shannon Robertson
An Analysis Of Sustainable Economic Development Initiatives: Why Aid Organizations Should Focus On Helping Women, Andrea Rooks
Inclining the Beam: Marcel Proust in the Light of William James, Marilyn M. Sachs
The Birth of Liberalism: The Making of Liberal Political Thought in Spain, France, and England, 1808-1823, Alberto Sahagun
Flap Endonuclease 1 ensures telomere replication and stability, Abhishek Saharia
Ensemble Support Vector Machine Models of Radiation-Induced Lung Injury Risk, Todd Schiller
The Effect of Limb Movement on the Lumbopelvic Region in People with Low Back Pain, Sara Scholtes
Batf regulates previously unknown AP-1 target genes to control TH17 differentiation, Barbara Schraml
Sleeping to Remember: Spontaneous Retrieval of Prospective Memories Across Sleep and Wake Delays, Michael Scullin
The Mechanisms And Roles Of Feedback Loops For Visual Processing, Jing Shao
Role And Regulation Of ESCRT-III In Multivesiculr Body Biogenesis, Soomin Shim
Evaluation of PBR in Breast Cancer, Stephany Shockley
Oxygen-Enhanced Combustion: Theory and Applications, Scott Skeen
Role Of ICT In Revolutionary Movements Of The Former Soviet Union, And Why There Are No Roses, Oranges, Or Tulips, In Russia, Andrei Skurtu
Controlling Miasma: The Evidence for Cults of Greek Craftspeople from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Period (6th - 2nd c. BCE), Christine Smith
Design and Evaluation of Distributed Algorithms for Placement of Network Services, Todd Sproull
Functional Significance of Glycoprotein Clearance by the Asialoglycoprotein Receptor and the Mannose/GalNAc-4-SO4 Receptor, Lindsay Steirer Taylor
Oxy-Coal Combustion: Submicrometer Particle Formation, Mercury Speciation, And Their Capture, Achariya Suriyawong
The Role of Knowledge Accessibility in Episodic Future Thought, Karl Szpunar
A Comparison of Natural and Synthetic Speech: With and Without Simultaneous Reading, Krista Taake
Superpixel Segmentation of Outdoor Webcams to Infer Scene Structure, Rachel Tannenbaum
Metal Oxide Semiconductors for Solar Energy Harvesting, Elijah Thimsen
Enzymatic Enhancement of Water Removal In the Dry Grind Corn to Ethanol Process, Ana Beatriz Thomas
Atomic Transfer for Distributed Systems, Haraldur Darri Thorvaldsson
Probing the Early Stages of Polyglutamine Aggregation with Computational Methods, Andreas Vitalis
Service Capacity Management with Time Sensitive Customers, Haiyan Wang
Calling Cards For DNA-Binding Proteins, Haoyi Wang
Interval estimation of excess risk related effective doses in tobit models, Jia Wang
Electrocardiographic Consequences Of Electrical And Anatomical Remodeling In Diabetic And Obese Humans, Shuli Wang
Properties of Neutron Star Critical Collapses, Mew-Bing Wan
Feature Topography and Sound Intensity Level Encoding in Primary Auditory Cortex, Paul Watkins
Phase Formation, Liquid Structure, and Physical Properties of Amorphous- and Quasicrystal-forming Alloys, Victor Wessels
Prion Protein Domains Necessary for Mutant Toxicity and Scrapie Formation, Laura Westergard
Adaptive Output Regulation: Model Reference and Internal Model Techniques, Brian Whitehead
An Oversampled Analog To Digital Converter For Acquiring Neural Signals, Grant Williams
Generation and circuit development of zebrafish retinal horizontal cells, Philip Williams
Growth Factor Delivery From Fibrin Matrics Containing Affinity-Based Delivery Systems To Treat Peripheral Nerve Injury, Matthew Wood
150 Years of History and Preservation at Cahokia Mounds, Christa Wroblewski
Advances in Computational Solvation Thermodynamics, Matthew Wyczalkowski