Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Author's School

McKelvey School of Engineering

Author's Department

Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Type



Straight flying-wing configurations, that is flying wings with zero quarter-chord sweep, are key to understanding bird flight, have potential performance improvements, and are suitable for "survivable" applications. Straight flying-wings are also well suited for morphing geometry, e.g. with variable twist, since changes in lift distribution do not impact longitudinal equilibrium. The straight-flying wing can adjust its lift distribution to optimize aerodynamic efficiency across a wide range of flight conditions. In this thesis, we conduct the design study of a flying-wing with bell-shaped spanload; the study vehicle is called "Biom T1". Biom T1 has a more efficient directional control scheme acheived by employing the same bell-shaped lift-distribution as used by birds which creates a downwash distribution favorable to proverse yaw in the outer portion of the wing. The flying qualities and control system robustness are demonstrated through linear analysis and it is shown that straight flying-wings are viable in terms of stability and control and are suitable for high-efficiency, low-payload-volume applications.


English (en)


Dr. Ramesh Agarwal

Committee Members

Kevin A. Wise David A. Peters


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