Date of Award
Summer 5-18-2018
Degree Name
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
Cultural hybridity is an unwillingness to succumb to the notion of choosing sides when it comes to mixed heritage and culture. The approach taken to identity has a place in the artistic sphere as well. Through an investigation of my art practice in painting alongside a contemporary and historical context, the hybrid space between Chinese and Western landscape painting is explored and determined. The goals of nature depicted through distorted perspective, abstraction and simplification of objects, and emphasis on texture are techniques employed by both artistic spheres. By utilizing these goals and mixing materials of both Chinese and Western painting, I uncover the realm of cultural hybridity in art.
Mentor/Primary Advisor
Lisa Bulawksy
Recommended Citation
Wen, Jessica, "Chinese-American Landscape" (2018). Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Papers. 56.